I woke up, it was 3am, my room was pitch black but hot, I guess it was because Jack was lying there, only in boxers and we had just... Yeah. I was only in my underwear but I had to open the window it was so hot, I got up and unlatched one if my windows. When I got back to the bed Jack was awake
Jack: mmmm (sleepy mumble)
Me: Sorry if I woke you, I had to open a window
Jack: It's cool, I couldn't really sleep anyway
Me: Yeah me niether, I think it's cos I'm hungry maybe
Jack: Wanna get something to eat?
Me: We ate everything in our fridge today, having 3 extra people in the house does damage yano
Jack: Yeah I know (sitting up) I was gonna go get some takeout or drive thru (putting on some sweatpants and a t shirt) you gonna come baby?
Me: What? Right now? It's 3am
Jack: I'm hungry right now
Me: I guess I'm pretty awake now, and fast food does sound good
Jack: As much as I love the sight of you in your bra, and believe me.. It's one of my favourites, you can put this on..
... Jack threw his old red highschool hoodie at me, so I put that on and some little black pj shorts, I slipped on my white high top converse and we walked out the house.
We got into my car my Jack took my keys off me, he wanted to drive. I propped my feet up on my seat on the passenger side and smiled as I watched Jack try to figure out where the ignition was. He started the car and began driving.
I pulled out my phone and loaded up snapchat, I took a video of me and Jack in the car saying "it's like 3:15 in the morning.. And we're going to get food cos we're hungry.. And he won't let me drive.." I pointed to camera at Jack as it ended.
Jack: Will your followers on snapchat mind?
Me: What that we're getting food? Probably... Learning from past experience there will be an uproar on twitter about it but tough shit
Jack: Haha... Yeah thats true, whenever we do something together people always care, I wonder what will happen when we tell people we're together
Me: I didn't know we were going to tell people...
Jack: Well I don't know I would like to think that my girlfriend would want people to know about us
Me: I do, it's not that it's just.. Your fans.. They're lovely and they were so nice to me at all the conventions but, I'll... I'll get so much hate Jack
Jack: They love you, I want them to know were together, not only my followers but yours too, I want everyone to know Lola
Me: Okay, well, later on we can tell them just not right now
Jack: Okay pumpkin
Me: Don't call me pumpkin you dick
We both laughed and carried on speaking for the ride to get food
We arrived at in-and-out and Jack ordered us both a meal and before we drove home Jack took a snapchat of me with the bag of food, I covered my face from the flash and he captioned it "late night meal with pumpkin"
Me: You're a dick

Different- Jack Ginisky fanfic
Teen FictionLola Hill, 17, a care free spirit, lives in California with her bestfriends Jenn and Andrea. She is actually from England but loves the states so much. She makes youtube videos, vines and loves nothing more than to spend time with her bestfriends...