Jack: I have to atleast try to get you to forgive me or put it past, I hate this, I can't be fallen out with you, you mean too much to me, I don't want to loose you Lola.
Me: If I "mean" so much to you why did you go behind my back, you had so many oppurtunities to explain to me your's and Leigh's situation.
Jack: It seemed inappropriate to tell you when we became friends and I knew after Washington if I told you this would happen.
Me: You're supposed to be my friend, a close one at that so why coulnd't you have just told me, we spent weeks together, had a lot of alone time and you never thought to mention it, and I end up seeing it for myself and then hearing it all from Jack J. At Carter's party or the whole of that day you could have told me, we could have moved past it but now it's all got too serious.
Jack: *voice uneasy* I genuinely don't know what to say, Lola you are so important to me and I know I should have told you but before I knew it I was in too deep with you, I darent risk this happeneing. Please just tell me what to do to make this better.
He reached to hold my hand but I moved it away, I had always given in so easily with him, always being a puchover but I'm not letting this one slip.
Me: Do what I told you before...leave.
Jack: Lola please I need to make this better *sniff*
I stood up and walked away from him, I picked up the ball and began bouncing it, it already made me feel better, concentrating on nothing but the ball. I saw Jack stand up and stare at me, he looked so upset but I was still distraut.
I took a shot, it bounced off the hoop in Jack's direction, he caught it. I wanted the ball back, he wasn't passing it, just holding it and looking at me, I rolled my eyes and walked towards him.
Me: Jack this doesn't have to be difficult, please just leave, give me space I-
I was cut off with a huge embrace from Jack, he had dropped the ball and flung his arms around me as soon as I as close enough. He held me close and tightly, I didn't need this right now, I needed space.
Me: Jack please you need to-
Jack: Let me just have this (voice cracking, he was close to tears) if you are going force me away atleast let me have one last moment where your hatred for me isn't so obvious, please Lola let me have this.
I relaxed in his grip and placed my hands on his side, one last hug wasn't a huge ask, to be honest it felt nice, being in Jack's arms was always something that felt right and this hug was no exception, I let my walls down a little and hugged him back, sliding my hands around his back and turning my head into him, he had already buried his face into my shoulder. A few moment passed, Jack's hold still tight on me, the hug had run it's course.
Me: Jack...
He lifted his head, loosening his grip slightly but only so he could look at me properly, he still had both arms around me, keeping me close.
Me: I think we should go, but you need to leave first and go back to everyone, we keep our distance now, promise me you'll give me space.
His eyebrows were low and his eyes watery, the sight of him looking to sad put a lump in my throat and my mouth ached with wanting to forgive him, but this wasn't so easy. He brought his face close, he slowly leaned in to kiss me but I moved my face away, I lightly shook my head and closed my eyes as tears ran down my cheeks.
Me: I can't Jack (whisper)
He let me go and qucikly picked up his board and ball, he fast pace walked to the court door, he slammed it as he left and as I watched him walk back, he gripped his board and smashed it on a wall, he was far away but I heard him shout in anger.
After a while, untill I couldn't see him anymore, I began walking up as I passed the place where Jack got angry, I saw a little plastic wheel on the ground, I picked it up
Jack had slammed his board hard enough against the wall to break off the wheel, I hope he had cooled down by the time he got to the hotel and saw everyone.
I got to the hotel and once I had walked in the door I heard a crash, I looked ahead and saw plates and food smashed on the floor, I looked ahead a little further to see a waiter arguing with Jack.
Jack: Look I didn't mean it, dude chill
Waiter: Have you seen this mess!?
Jack's vision rose from the crashed mess to me, I was standing in the door looking at him in confusion and disappointment.
Jack: I'm sorry
Jack Walked away to the stairwell, when he said he was sorry he was looking at me, almost speaking to me but also to the waiter.
I held back tears of sadness from seeing Jack act like this, because I wasn't being stern with him but I can't move past him I need time to myself without him being there to remind me.
I woke and was pleasantly surprised to remember that today was another rehersal day, I only needed to take pictures and see the guys abit today, I could escape for the last half of the day if I wanted, thats something I needed after yesterday.
I took a deep breathe and looked at the clock, it was way early, I could sneak out and get breakfast without risking seeing Jack or Jack with the others and forced to see him.

Different- Jack Ginisky fanfic
Roman pour AdolescentsLola Hill, 17, a care free spirit, lives in California with her bestfriends Jenn and Andrea. She is actually from England but loves the states so much. She makes youtube videos, vines and loves nothing more than to spend time with her bestfriends...