Once the guys had finished the show they check things out for the meet and greet part they each had their own booth but before they seperated they wanted a group picture. I turned on my camera and stepped back.
Me: Okay the best lighting is over here so get in a cute little group
Everyone gathered together and I was about to take the picture when Carter stopped me.
Carter: Wait! Lola you gotta get in the picture, you're a part of our little family now, come get in here!
Me: Oh no don't worry I am much more comfortable behind the camera
Jack J: No seriously Lola get in here we want you in this photo!
Everyone nodded and I looked at Jc, he reached out his arm to offer a space for me.
Jc: Come on Lo!
I gave in and set up my little portable tripod I have in my bag, I put a timer on my camera and ran over to Jc. The camera flashed and I ran back over to it, the picture was adorable, everyone smiling and I was there too, I felt accepted.
They all gathered round and agreed it should be put up on their website, everyone was happy and Jc came and hugged me, he knew I was nervous, but I wasn't anymore.
I sat down and began packing away my camera and tripod a few people left and there was only me, Jc, Jack G, Jack J and Hayes. Jc was sat with me helping, he was the only one I trusted to touch my camera, it was my baby.
Jc: Hey Lo you brang your pastel board didn't you?
Me: Yeah I was on it with Hayes this morning, why?
Jc: Well I brang rasta so why don't we go for a skate, the suns going down in abit and I know you'll love the lighting or the exposure or something photgrapher like
Me: Nice try Jc, but you do have a point, plus i'd love to see more of the city, i'll go grab me board
Jc: Hey guys fancy going for a skate?
Jack G: For sure man
Jack J: Yeah sounds great
Hayes: Yeah just need to go get my board from my room.
Me: I'll go with you
Me and Hayes went up to get our boards we ended up racing eachtoher because we are both kinda competitive. On the way down Hayes said something that suprised me:
Hayes: So Jack told me you are single
Me: Oh right, well yeah I am, why?
Hayes: Nothing, just he seemed pretty happy telling me about it, I think he's into you
Me: Oh Hayes I doubt it sweetie, he's just being nice to me
Hayes: Hmm whatever but I know that look he had, he likes you whether you'll believe it or not
Me: Oh shush Hayes
I started running down the hallway out to the front of the hotel where the guys were, Hayes was just behind me.
Me: Ha loser (I pushed Hayes he pushed me back)
Jack laughed at us and I blushed, he didn't like me, he couldn't like me, I was no where near his league. I pushed off on my board and got my smaller DSLR out to take pictures as we skated.
I managed to get a few shots of Hayes and Jack J skating together and single ones of Jc. I think Jack G waa behind me so I couldn't get any of him, I was pushing my foot along the ground to keep up when Jack G skated past me with his IPhone out videoing me, probably a vine.
Me: Jack don't!
I put my camera infront of my face and managed to get an action shot of Jack skating. We reached a field where you could see the sunset perfectly, it was beautiful.
Jack's pov
I looked up to see Lola standing there motionless, looking into the distance, her camera was hanging around her neck and her shoes were hidden by long grass. I walked up to join her watching the sun, she really appreciated the little things.
Lola: It's beautiful isn't it
I looked at her, her face was perfectly light with the sunset's orange light her hair lightly blowing behind her in the breeze.
Me: Yeah... Beautiful
She picked up her camera and took a few shots, she looked up to my face which was already locked on hers
Lola: Wanna get in one?
Me: For sure man
I ran down the field to get in the shot and she took my photo, I wanted one of her and me, I couldn't miss this oppurtunity.
Jc took the camera off from Lola's neck and gestured for her to join me, I held out my arms for her and she took my invite, she ran into my arms and I collapsed them around her, I gave her a squeeze and then stood with my arm around her for the photo.
Jc: Do another pose I'm getting the hang of this!
I bent down and put my arms behind me.
Me: Hop on bae, don't worry I wouldn't drop you, you're safe with me
She climbed onto my back and I stood in a piggyback position for a few seconds.
Jc: One more!
She jumped down and smiled at me, she didn't know what to do but I did, I sweeped her off of her feet into a baby hold, she started laughing and so did I.
This moment was perfect.
Lola's pov
After we skated back to the hotel we were expecting everyone to be asleep preparing for the show tomorrow but ofcourse we found everyone in Nash and Cameron's room messing about.
Nash: Hey welcome to this shit haha
Carter: We're a little hyped up, but you can't be suprised
Just then Matt slapped Carter in the face... smackcam, Hayes, Jack and Jack piled into the madness but I went to my room to put away my board and camera, Jc followed.
Jc: I gotta tell you something Lola..

Different- Jack Ginisky fanfic
Roman pour AdolescentsLola Hill, 17, a care free spirit, lives in California with her bestfriends Jenn and Andrea. She is actually from England but loves the states so much. She makes youtube videos, vines and loves nothing more than to spend time with her bestfriends...