Chapter 2

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The sound of dumping rain, and the wetness which landed on my dark washed jeans and PINK hoodie, brought me out of my trance. My door stood open with the driver outside holding it open.

“Are ya gonna get ou’ or not lady? I don’t ain’t got all day,” The gruff voice of the driver filled my ears over the constant sound of the down pouring rain. I was snapped out of my daze. I collected my purse and stepped out into the rain which was shielded by a black umbrella held by the cab man.

A massive brick building stood before me. The driver had parked right in front of the main entrance thankfully or else I would be getting another shower even with the umbrella. But my navy blue Toms sadly took a bath of their own in all the puddles.

After we walked two steps into the building the driver dumped my two huge suitcases on the floor and walked off into the rain taking his umbrella from my hands. Friendly guy. Sure I’ll just take my stuff myself no problemo. I hauled/dragged my belongings trying to find the main office. Before I got too far a bellboy came up to me and took my stuff to my room for me after I told him which one I am staying in. Thankful to be relieved of carrying my closet I set off to find the main office to check in.

I pulled out my phone to check any messages I might have. In doing so, I ran into a brick wall. The brick wall reached out to steady me holding my hips. Yeah brick walls don’t do that. But could he have grabbed my shoulders or something? Like seriously. I looked up and was met with his face. Ok maybe a brick wall was a little off. But not far, his chest looked like it was made of iron his tight v neck was tight fitting giving me a great view of his muscles which were protruding out of his v neck. He smiled/smirked at me. He had the total douche bag appearance. I coughed a little and he removed his hands from my waist which was honestly making me a little uncomfortable. I smiled a little and stepped away from him, and quickly walked away. This guy was the typical person I used to date, and got cheated on, dumped, betted on etc. with and honestly I’m not going to waste my time seeing if this guy was different.

“Wait,” Christ he has a sexy voice. I turned around looking at him expectantly with my eyebrows raised in questioning.

“Do you need help getting to the office or something? Because I’ve never seen you before and you seem lost.” He rasped as he ‘swag walked’ which more looks like a waddling duck with his pants that low. No wonder he has to waddle or else they would be meeting the floor. I really wanted to say yes, but then again I’m pretty sure there’s a sign or something somewhere. And this kid is really making me uncomfortable.

“I got it, thanks though,” I said quietly starting to turn around again.

“Are you sure?” He asked raising his eyebrows with a smirk/grin on his handsome face. This guy definitely had the looks going for him. Would I show or let him know I think that? H to the E to the double hockey sticks no. But seriously…do I need to spell NO out in cheerios for him?? Christs sake take a hint.

“I’m good,” I said coming out a little stronger tucking a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ears.

“Go down the hall to the left, then make another left, then go straight for a while, then take a right.”He said. Well that’s one way to learn how to get there! And it’s better than him walking me there.

“Thanks,” I smiled appreciatively towards him. He began to turn around, but before he did, he said one last thing.

“Oh, my names Justin, nice to meet you,” he said offering his hand to shake it. I looked down at his huge hand. I placed my palm in his. He gave our hands two shakes grinning.

“I’m Ashton,” He grinned before sauntering away from wherever the heck he came from. Ok he said go down the hallway, then make a left, then make another left. I’ve got this. But it turns out his oh so amazing directions were so confusing. I got the ‘go down the hall then make two lefts’ but he then said go straight for a while. How long is a while?! He may have the looks going for him, but definitely not the brains.

This reminds me of this YouTube video I saw once and it was called like ‘shit slow people say’ and the guy says. ‘So here’s the directions, all you need to do is go down the street to my house, make a left at that corner, then make a right, then a left, but make sure you make that left before you make that right.’ Yeah I’m seeing some déjà vu.

Finally I found the office. I knocked on the window thingy to get the ladies attention. I cleared my throat.

“Hi, I’m Ashton, I’m new here.” She looked up and smiled nodding.

“Hi Ashton, welcome to West Brook,” she smiled, “so you already know your room number. But you’re going to have three roommates.” I nodded and she continued. “Their names are Chandlor, Justin, and Mason,”

Say what now?

So I'm gonna post a picture of Justin hopefully next time I update, and maybe one of Ashton. So the story is hopefully getting better :) until next time people!

Te amo

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