Shes so Nice

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I pull up at X's place and it looks like no one else is here but him. I didn't see no car, no ones out side smoking, no hoes well we'll see when we walk in.
I knock on the door.
No one.
I call X and he then opens the door.
X: Hey.
Me: Hey, it's nice- well it's weird to see you but I miss you.
X: I know you hate me, don't act like you don't.
Me: I don't. I could never hate you, I still love you X.
He came close to and tried to kiss me but I pulled back.
Me: As a friend.
X: Ok, friends -
Me: Not friends with benefits but only friends.  I'm kinda with someone.
X: Scar, I know.
Me: So then why did you try to kiss me.
X: When you left me, well when I thought I lost you, I just kept thinking of you. I miss you and I think I'm in love with you.
Me: Oh.
X: I guess that's karma.
Me: They do say she's a bitch.
X: *laughs* She's not the only one.
I hit him in his stomach in a playful way.
Me: Hey, I'm not a bitch. I'm just crazy.
X: That's why I love you...
Me: Love ya too. But are ya gonna let me in.
X: Oh. Yea...
I walk in and I see Wifi and Ski.
Me: Is that my internet dick?
Wifi: Is that my rainbow kitty?
Ski: What the fuck?
Me: It's our nicknames. And Wifi what are you doing here?
Ski: We all cool now.
Me: Good, cause I was starting to miss Internet dick and I've been seeing you and your boo, y'all cute.
Wifi: Yasss bitch.
He said in a feminine voice.
I laughed.
Me: Ski Ski what up bitch?
Ski: Hey whore.
Me: Imma let that slide.
Ski: You wouldn't do shit anyway. OH NO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO FUCK ME?
Me: Fuck you.
I flipped him off smiling.
I went upstairs to go into my room well old room and I see a girl wearing my clothes.
I went back downstairs.
Me: Umm, Why is there a girl in the bed wearing my clothes.
X: She did it again.
He went upstairs and I followed.
X: Why do you keep putting on the clothes.
?: If you tell me who she is and what she means to you I might stop wearing them.
Me: Umm, my name is Rain. I used to live here and me and X are friends.
?: Did y'all have sex?
Me: Yes.
?: Do you love him?
Me: As a friend.
?: But you fucked him.
Me: I know but we were friends with... it doesn't matter anymore.
?:  Did you ever love him more than as a friend?
Me: Yes, but I don't now.
?: Why?
Me: Because.
?: WHY?
?: Bitch.
Me: Ya know what. Lemme get out this room before I beat a bitches ass.
?: You weren't gonna do shit anyways.
Me: Bet.
I grabbed this random ass bitch by her hair and beat this hoe ass. This bitch had it coming, I was tryna be nice but this hoe got me fucked up.
X eventually pulled me off her. He didn't do it sooner because he knew if he did that he would get hit too.
The girl had a black eye and there was bleed form her eye and she just looked fucked up. I felt bad afterwards.
Me: I might be mad at you right now but I didn't mean to beat you like that. I'm sorry for taking all my anger out on you like that.
?: You both done fucked up.
X: Geneva Wait.
Me: Please don't tell me that's your girl.
X: Yes, now I might not have one.
Me: If you have one, then why did you try to-
X: Remember, I still love you and her so I needed to try.
Me: Ohhh Kay.
We went down stairs and Geneva was no where to be found.
We look at our feed and Geneva posted something.
~ Geneva - Wanna Halloween costume? Just piss X off.~
Me: Oh fuck. X I'm so sorry I didn't think it would get this far.
X: It's not your fault, so don't be sorry. It's mine, I let it get this far.
Ski just looked at me and saw that my knuckles look bruised.
Ski: Please don't tell me you did that Rain.
Me: I did.
Wifi: Why?
Me: She was talking a whole lotta shit for someone who can't fight.
Wifi: So you felt the need to fight her.
Me: I sure fucking did! But now I kinda feel bad for doing it, well at least for doing like that.
Ski: I hope she's not running with this lie of X beating her.
X: Well she's trying.

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