Morning Arrival -- Short Story 23

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Morning Arrival -- Short Story 23


Turning up what I call 'our song' (the very first song I heard while on a date with him), I continued to dance around our apartment to distract myself.

Even with it getting late into the night, I knew sleep wouldn't be happening anytime soon. The nerves and excitement built up about seeing Logan tomorrow are killing me.

It's been two months since we've last really seen each other. Of course phone calls and FaceTime have been a must, but it's still hard without him here.

Making sure our song played on loop, I sang and danced until I couldn't anymore.

The only thing on my mind was Logan.

He's flying back from London, England tonight (well tomorrow morning there) after going to visit his parents- who have been touring the UK for half of the year- for the summer. I've been saving money for school and I refused to have Logan or his parents pay for my tickets.

Given that I'd rather visit England with just Logan, he promised we'd go next year after his family aren't touring the area.

Cleaning up the living room, I rearranged the pillows on the couch until I realized it was pointless.

The excitement was going to kill me.

I calculated the time difference in my head before FaceTiming Logan. I knew his flight left England at 10a.m, meaning it would be 2 o'clock in the morning here.

It being 11p.m. here, I figured it would be a good time to call.

The butterflies grew in my stomach as I waited for him to connect.

"Gwen?" His voice played out of my phone, "What are you still doing up?"

"Do you really think I can sleep?" I smiled at his picture finally connecting.

"You're going to be exhausted." He warned, as if he were here.

"But you're not here, so there's nothing you can do about it." I teased him.

His laughter filled our empty apartment. I couldn't help but smile again. In a few hours, he'll be back here with me instead of being in some crowded airport.

"You should really try sleeping, love. It's past 11 there." Logan fretted.

Because Logan's not the slightest bit English, his nickname for me might seem slightly strange. But a few months ago when we found out Logan was going to London, we tried using British accents and he kept calling me love. It eventually stuck.

"I've been dancing around the apartment to She's Got Me Dancing for the past hour. I'm not sleeping anytime soon."

"Promise you will soon though? I don't want you tired when I come back." He winked, making me grin.

"It's always about you, hey?" I teased him some more, "It sounds busy there." I could hear muffled noises coming from the airport; even with Logan wearing headphones.

"It is." He looked up from his phone to look at the people around him, "But I've got my headphones so I don't hear much."

"I bet people are looking at you weird for talking to your phone."

"A few have, yeah." He chuckled, "I can really make them give me a weird look if you want?"

"I don't think that's nessacar-"

"I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Logan yelled at the top of his lungs.

In the middle of a busy airport.

With people sitting all around him.

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