My true love

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(Kelli's POV)So I woke up to my alarm at 6:00 am! Gosh! Another day of school! Then again what can you do! So I get out of bed and into the shower ,slipped some clothes on and a bit of make up. All ready to go... Sadly. Two weeks left until school ends and Katie wants to torture me for every last second. Gosh I can't stand her! Last week she poured milk all over my hair.. In front of everybody and the day after that she pushed my face into my chocolate cake. High schools tough! I kinda wish there was a way to escape you know,my own little world and meet... my true love. The day just started and it's already turning bad! It rained a lot last night so their was mud everywhere. I was walking to the bus when it drives off and drenches me in mud! Seriously! I'm late as it is! I yelled! As Katie's dying of laughter .. boy if only she really was dying! I thought to myself. I race into my house and change thank god it didn't get in my hair! I ask my mom to drive to school. My mom and I are really close we do everything together she's just the sweetest ever! I arrive to school and approach my locker when of course Katie's their just waiting to torture me! So I tuck my head down and head straight to the bathroom as she sticks her ankle out and trips me! Great now I got a knot the size of a golf ball on my head! Can this day get any worse! And .. Surprisingly It didn't . As I walked towards my class I ran into someone although I've never seen him before. As I dropped all my books on the floor , I get butterfly's in my stomach! My stomach was doing flips and I felt queasy it was weird! I've never felt his way before? He asked me if I was ok but when my mouth opened.. Nothing came out!

(Billy's POV) I'm soo nervous! It's my first day at a public school I've been home schooled since I was 5. As I'm walking through the hallway trying to find my locker I bump into somebody! Her books are scattered all over the floor and we immediately start picking them up as we looked up at the same time our eyes met. All I knew was shes the most beautiful person I've ever seen! When all of a sudden it was starting to get hot in the building and my palms were sweating just a little and I shivered which was weird considering how hot it was. But I don't know what these feelings are I've never felt them before! After our trance , In a loss for words I realize she was blushing so I smile and ask her "are you okay?!" It took her a little longer then expected to answer but all I could really think about was her beauty. I then say "Hi I'm Billy, Billy Unger and you are ? "

(Kelli's POV) All I could think about was his beautiful smile, his hazel eyes , his perfectly combed brown hair. When I see his mouth moving it took a couple seconds to comprehend what he was saying. " are you okay?! ... Hi I'm Billy, Billy Unger and you are?" As I tried to speak again all that was coming out was "uhh ummm uh yeah I'm fine thanks for asking ummm I'm Kelli, Kelli Berglund " as he reaches out to shake my hand my heart sank I was kind of excited though! As I reach my hand out I felt a tingle that crept up from my hand down to my spine and finishing in my toes. But all I could do was smile.

(Billy's POV) Boy.. was she gorgeous! I can help but focus on her perfect brown eyes!

Then I heard " uhh ummm uh yeah I'm fine thanks for asking ummm I'm Kelli,Kelli Berglund " I reach out to shake her hand and praying that mine weren't still moist . She then reaches her hand out when I felt a tingle sensation creeping up my hand and in to my arm and down to my toes and back up to my nose. I was wondering if she felt it too? We stayed gazing into each others eyes for a good perfect 2 minutes until we looked down and got up and bumped heads. All I could think was "owwwwww!" But laughter left my mouth instead.

(Kelli's POV) I couldn't help it! It's like he had me under a spell but his eyes they were just ugh! Soooo perfect! I couldn't stop staring but neither could he! We both smiled and looked down checking to make sure no books were left behind and nope there was none so we both stand up but bump heads. Trust me it was not a pleasant feeling! "Ouch I said as I was giggling!" We look at each other still giggling and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful his laugh was! When mine probably sounded like a cow choking and gasping for air! We stayed their for another minute with our eyes still locked on each others. This day was finally starting to get better!

(Billy's POV) I look up at her and heard her say "ouch" and then she started to giggle! Just her laugh was so sweet like an angel singing! The most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Another minute passed with our eyes interlocked. This time we got up slowly and carefully still laughing I felt bad for bumping into her head so I quickly apologized " oh are you ok!" I said still giggling she smiled and she said " I'm perfect" also giggling. But she really is perfect.

(Kelli's POV)

We finally got up very carefully. He handed me my books and said " here you go!" I thanked him and asked if he was new here? He said yes and told me how he was homeschooled . Oh man! 5 min until class! But I don't want to leave! I quickly asked him "what's your class ?" He said math and I was sooo ecstatic! I had math too! "Me too!" I yelled "I mean.. me too maybe we can walk together?" I said calmer. great! Now he's gonna think I'm a weirdo for screaming like a maniac in the hall so eager to spend time with him! I thought

(Billy's POV)

I handed her her books and said "here you go!" She asked me if I was new here and I told her "yes and how I was homeschooled " she quickly asked what my next class was and I said "math" and she said ,well shouted I should say, "me too!" I couldn't help but to blush because she wanted to hang out with me! She asked if we could walk together! Oh my goodness ! Is she serious? Oh I hope so! I finally answered "sure!" And we both smiled ear to ear! This is by far the best day of my life!

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