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(Billy's POV)

Right before the movie I reserved a spot at sweethearts mountain. After I left the store I went to set up. When I got there I brought a round wooden table with a white table cloth with rose petals scattered. I hung lights around the trees and placed roses in a vase on the table. I then went home and packed a basket with sandwiches (turkey) and fruit in a cooler and along with a blanket. This night is going to he special! As we arrived at the mountain I told her to wait in the car as I ran and set up the blanket and plates on the table and scattered rose petals on the grass all the way to the car. Right before I left her I said wait five minutes then open this note! follow the petals ;) is what it read. When I finished setting up I sat and waited their until I heard footsteps. I quickly arose. The look on Kelli's face! She was beautiful ! You could see tears running down her cheeks. When then I see her running towards me and into a hug " thank you billy" she whispered into my ears. We then gaze at each other with so much passion only an inch apart . I lean in as she does the same. Our lips link together. Her lips were so soft and her lips tasted like Cherries from the icee. I wanted this moment to last forever. But she pulled her head back unwillingly but in need for air. "Kelli" I call. "Yes billy?" Will you be my girlfriend? " "yes!" She replied! She said yes! My hands are around her waste and hers around my neck. We both interlock our lips. She then brushes her fingers through my hair. " will you dance with me?" I ask. " of course!" I press play on the boom box and we dance to" this guys in love with you". And soon forever by the beach boys. We couldn't help but to hold each other so close .

(Kelli's POV)

We arrive at sweethearts mountain and billy says wait five min then read this note.5 minutes pass and I read the note. Follow the petals ;). I can't help but smile! I follow them and arrive at Billy's sight with tears flowing down my eyes. Oh billy! Is all I think! No one has ever done anything like this for me! I run to him and hold him saying thank you!and then we kiss! This day is just too good to be true! I love him!

It's happening so fast but at the same time so slow. I feel nervous then sick. Will you be my girlfriend? He asked! Omg! OMG! Yes! I answer. And we danced and held each other. Nothing can tear us part! I won't let it! I thought.


I didn't want to go into too much detail with kelli cause then It would just be repetitive but any ways I have a great idea for a chapter lots of drama! So vote and comment! I will upload ASAP!

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