Our own little world

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(Kelli's POV)

Is this really happening! I thought to myself. Nobody likes me so what does he find so interesting about me? I kept thinking to myself. As we were walking to class he said to me "you know your not like all the other girls I've met." I panicked is that a bad thing! omg does he not like me?! He continued " that's a good thing" he said with a huge grin while he was blushing! Apparently I said that out loud! Oh no! I've made a complete fool of myself!! Oh I'm sooo embarrassed! What do I do! I was still frozen with my mouth wide open then next thing you know I run into the stinking door! You've gotta be kidding me right now!

(Billy's POV)

My hands were getting sweatier and I couldn't stop smiling! We were both silent for a little bit until I broke the silence and said "you know your not like all the other girls I've met." When all of I sudden I get interrupted by her saying"is that a bad thing! Omg does he not like me !" I couldn't help but to grin so big and I could feel my cheeks burning from blushing so much! I quickly said "that's a good thing!" I look in front of me reaching for the door when she ran into it staring at me with her mouth dropped. She seemed so surprised that she said it out loud. "Thump!" I heard as she fell and bumped her head... Again. I quickly knelt and lifted her head off the ground asking if she's ok! I was panicking! She still hasn't replied! As I quickly turn around hearing laughter. Who was this blond girl? She's getting me upset! Why is she laughing a her?! I turn back around to Kelli trying to ignore it, and reach out my hand which she takes. There's that tingle again!

(Kelli's POV)

"Thump" As I'm lying on the floor in shock I'm speechless! Why!? He's asking if I'm ok but I can't even reply! But of course Katie shows up! Oohh noo no no no this can't be happening! She's laughing hysterically as me and Billy look up at her. We quickly look back at each other and grin both ignoring the fact that the cackling hyena is in the background. He reaches his hand for mine as I reach for his. His hands are so soft and warm just perfect. He lifts me up and turns me around and wraps me in his arms! This moment is just perfect as we gaze into each others eyes. This feeling is beautiful like we're in our own little world and all we could do was smile. I could see Katie's face just burning with anger and I have to admit it made this whole moment even better.

(Katie's POV)

As I walk by my math class I see Kelli on the ground my first instinct was to laugh but I couldn't help but to be curious of who that cute boy is standing over her! So I decided to laugh couldn't help it! But they both stare at me Kelli's face in shock and that boys is a little red from anger. Hmmm well obviously Kelli likes him this is just perfect to get her! I thought to my Self with a devious smile .😈

(Billy's POV)

I got it!! I know what would make her responsive! I thought as she takes my hand . We jump up and I twirl her around and rapped her in my arms hopefully to give her the feeling that she's safe. As I'm holding her in my arms gazing into her eyes we can't help but smile. We were in our own little world. I look down at her forehead noticing a bump on it! I move her bangs and ask if she's hurting. She said "no I'm used to it" why would she say that for? I thought ? So I asked her she quickly said "uh never mind" as we enter math class. Hmmm I'm still curious why she says she's used to it?

(Kelli's POV)

As I'm looking up into his eyes I notice Katie disappeared? I look back at him "he asked me if I was hurting" I guess I had a bruise? I said "no I'm used to it." Oops I shouldn't have said that he can't know I'm being bullied he'll think I'm a loser! He asked me "what do you mean your used to it?" I quickly answered never mind as we walk into the class room. That was close!

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