(2) Surprise? Surprise!

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"I thought Mom would put a bullet in my head. You're such an asshole, you know that?" I rolled my eyes, opening the door of his Range Rover and closing it with force that made Toby run like his life depended on it.

Screw his car. I'm more pissed about what he did.

"Oh my God! Hannah! This is my baby!" He ran his hands through the car's windshield and started to caress it. If one of our old neighbor saw us, she might think I'm friends with a crazy person.

Toby's 'baby' wasn't my concern now.

"Yeah yeah, for f*ck's sake get inside. You were rambling about us getting late and now you're being a psycho for being so mushy with your car!"

Without any protest, he went inside and just rolled his eyes on me. Ugh, I would like to poke his eyeballs with anything I find sharp right now. He's so infuriating.

The ride on the way to school was silent. I didn't even bothered to open the radio nor Toby who was 'focusing' on the road. Yeah, focus my ass. He didn't just want to speak to me. It wasn't my fault that he was crude at first. He may be my bestfriend but we all have our boundaries.

Who could forget the look on Mom's face when that b word was mentioned on the counter while we were eating? EATING!

Mother was having her brows hunched together like I was some kind of convict sentenced because of murder. She asked what's with 'boobs' and why was it brought up. Apparently, my friend was so tactless that he forgot that my mother was our chatmate at that time, not the boys. It came as a huge problem because Mom might be a CIA agent but she's a little conservative. She would always tell me how my body is a sacred thing made by God and I should take care of it and so on.

Good thing my phone rang. It wasn't actually a call from Mrs. Hughes but an alarm that I forgot to snooze. I immediately avoided Mom's barricade of question by having a white lie that Mrs. Hughes needed me to fend for her cats (I was pretending to talk to Mrs. Hughes on the phone) and grabbed Toby's wrist because we were late.

I wanted to properly say bye to Mom but I don't want her to ask me too personal questions. It's not that I'm not ready, today's not the proper time yet.

That's why I was pissed because I wanted to bid Mom a proper goodbye.

Toby tried to initiate a small talk like asking if there was an assignment in physics blah blah blah. I still ignored him and put on my earphones listening to loud music so I could avoid his pep talks. Really, I'm not in the mood.

When we arrived at the school, we were immediately swarmed by the boys who were wearing their jersey uniform. Must've they were about to practice and just noticed Toby's car on the parking.

"Hey guys." I tackled them into a warm man-hug.

Just when I was about to hug Andrew too, a blonde bombshell suddenly clung her hands to Andrew's arms. She sneered at me with disgust.

Since when did the boys let another girl join us?

"Andrew, honey. Let's go?" She purred seductively making me cringe.

For f*ck's sake we are still in the parking area! I get it, this b*tch is Andrew's f*ck buddy. No need to be all territorial since Andrew made it clear that he doesn't see me as more than friends. Yeah, that sh*t still hurts but I'm coping.

"Wait, I have to introduce you to them." Andrew meant us, Toby and me. I guess the rest of the pack knew her already. We were late.

"Guys, this Veronica. She's a late enrollee here. Veronica, this is Hannah..." he looked at me then back to Veronica and looked at Toby who was equally annoyed as me, "... and Toby."

The b*tch held her manicured hands on me first. I looked at her face and all was plastered was heavy make-up and fakeness. Her smile was fake, the way she held her hand on air was fake, ugh! Everything about her is fake.

Why am I so being riled up? Am I effin jealous? No way. I'm over! I don't want to deal with Andrew anymore.

Playing nice, I grabbed her hand for a handshake and gave her a smile that would blind a b*tch like her. As well for Toby, he was still the same. The first time's I became friends of them, Toby was the person who was hard to please. He doesn't like girls being with his group but then I proved him wrong that I wasn't just begging for attention. I want to be friends with them. He accepted me in the end because he can see that I am not like most of the girls here in Eastwing, wanting to be in the popular circle and date the lacrosse boys.

Toby just nodded at her and went back to the car to grab our bags. Gosh, I guess I owe him some thank yous for noticing that I wasn't bringing my bag.

"We have to go, coach might spank our asses if we slack off. By the way, nice to see you Hannah. It was a long vacation indeed. We missed our baby girl." Ian, one of the members of the circle kissed me on the cheek making me blush.

On the other hand, I caught Veronica looking at me disgustingly. Andrew didn't notice because he was busy talking to Joross, while the rest were starting to jog slowly. I raised my eyebrows at her but she just rolled her eyes.

Damn, I want to claw that eyes out. She's such a b*tch.

Luckily and surprisingly, Toby slung his left arm on me while he clung our bags on his right arm. He didn't looked at me but looked at Veronica with his gaze that was intense that could cut Veronica to pieces.

But we were more surprised when Veronica spoke to Toby casually.

"Hey Toby. I heard a lot from you. You're they call the Tobylyna right? Anyway, I'm so glad that I'm here to meet you. Knowing that you don't like girls to join the group, I guess all have been changed seeing her here..."

I admit, she has a lot of nerves to talk to Toby like that. She's acting like they were friends already.

"... and it will be okay if I join too right? Because I'm dating Andrew."

What the actual f*ck?!

So she's not just a f*ck buddy. I should've seen it. Andrew brought this girl but forgot to drop the g-word in front of us. Or maybe he was just adamant to tell us about this because he was scared of what would Toby's reaction be.

Instead of lashing out and burning the hell out of the b*tch, we were all surprised when Toby smiled. That drop dead gorgeous smile showing his pearly whites and set of dimples making the girls swoon and panties wet.

I forgot to tell you how manly Toby looks like.

Veronica had her eyes wide then blinked several times. She then fidgeted and averted her eyes away from Toby's glance. Being uncomfortable, she grabbed Andrew's arm and asked him to go to class.

Hella of a drama and sh*t. Were five minutes late!

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