(8) Onions

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"Holy sh*t. I thought I'm scarier than you."

I gasped and jumped suddenly at the voice in my behind. I was so engrossed at my game that I didn't noticed that there was someone on my back watching me play.

"Toby! You scared the sh*t out of me!" I said.

He shrugged and laughed at me while my face was trying to pretend that I'm pissed at him. But the moment he smiled, I just couldn't do it.

He's as adorable as my neighbor's grumpy cat. Awww.

"What's for dinner?" He asked as if this is his house. He then propped at the seat next to mine and proceeded to use my controller instead of getting the other one.

"Did your stepmother forget to feed you?" I asked him sarcastically.

Toby wasn't fond of his stepmother. As what he always tells me, he hates her guts because she reminds him of our librarian— strict and always haughty.

"Don't talk about her right now. She's being ridiculous today." He pressed a firm thin line on his lips but his eyes never moved away from the TV.

"Oh so that's why you're here... again." I groaned. Not because I don't want him here. It's just I'm tired of him nagging about how he disliked his stepmother that much.

"Yeah, love you too sweetie. Please whip something for me. Because if you don't, I'm gonna have my rant as our dinner for tonight." He blew an air like he's mocking me.

Yeah yeah, so much for having a best friend.

By the time I came to the kitchen, the meat was perfectly thawed out. Since I'm already famished, I decided to cook some pork steak. I took out the ingredients and prepared them on the table.

But this work won't cut it to a single level. I needed another hand.

"Toby! Pause that sh*t and help me! I'm starving too!" I shouted at him.

"Coming!" He shouted back. And I was glad he did because if he won't, I will cut his dick and will gladly serve it in a silver platter.

I let Toby cut the onions and some spices while I was on duty of cutting the meat and marinating it first. Toby wasn't a fan in a kitchen. He hates it the way I love cooking. And looking at him struggling to cut onions was one of the sights I won't ever replace.

Want to know why? Because onions make you cry. Like bawl your eyes out cry.

"F*ck you little purple monsters. What did I do wrong huh? Who discovered you?" *sniff* "Why did they thought that you could be used in cooking?" *sniff and cough* "I'm going to f*ck that bitch's life if I ever know who." *more sniffing*

I laughed so hardly at what seems to be an entertainment. This is why I love him being here, it makes my life a lot better.

He proceeded to cut it in different angles, uglier angles to be exact. The cuts were big, some were small too. On the way to the last cutting, his eyes must have clouded because the knife went straight through his thumb and made a cut.

Blood was oozing after then. Oh my God!

"Bloody hell..." He muttered under his breath.

"Bloody thumb..." I spoke in a panicked tone. "Quick! Give me your finger!"

But Toby just shrugged and went to the faucet. He then proceeded to open the tap and pour running water on his open wound. I winced at the way he did it. It probably hurt since we're not talking about some small and shallow cut. But Toby didn't even flinched, he just continued to rinse his wound like nothing.

"Girl, get your kit. It stings already!" He demanded.

Without retorting back, I ran to the bathroom and hurriedly opened the bandages and antiseptics. These might not be the proper medication but first aids are handy. Because I think his finger might need some stitches.

When I came back, the wound was not bleeding. In fact, I was being over reacting. Though, the wound was bleeding profusely a while ago still it wasn't that bad. It was just some normal cut.

I sighed in ease.

"Here, let me do it. It's my fault anyway." I told him.

Because if only I didn't let him help me, this wouldn't happen.

I started to dress his wound carefully, applying the Betadine first and carefully put the dressing bandage unto his cut.

"Pfft! Don't make a big deal about this Hannah. It's only a cut and... some blood. But seriously, this was nothing." Toby reassured me but I can't help myself.

I sat on the stool counter and sighed.

"I don't know Toby. It's just there's something that irks me when I see something like that. Blood, wounds, that stuff. Sure I play some zombie games but I don't know, seeing it in reality makes me frantic." I told him honestly.

Toby being the brother I never had, gave me a lecture... again."Oh babygirl. It's your weird dream again, isn't it? I told you to stop watching those gore movies. I've read it on psychology book that some of your dreams were produced from watching movies. You never listen to me."

"Yeah Dad, I got it alright." I laughed and he rolled his eyes. "Let me make it up to you by finishing dinner. Does that sound good?" I gave him a smile.

And he smiled back. "The best, actually."

"...so apparently she told me that why am I being cold to her and her bitch of a daughter. And then I was like 'Duh Maribeth stop using Dad as your ATM card'. I mean can you believe it? Last week she bought a whole new wardrobe and I thought it was enough already but as I said she was being ridiculous. The moment I stepped on the house, all I hear was her and her daughter's voice clashing. And you know what they were arguing about?"

So I thought serving him dinner would save me from his family rants. But oh boy I was so wrong. And here I am, stabbing the lettuce and half-listening to this person in front of me.

"What?" I pretended to be eagerly listening to him.

"Christian Loboutin's new winter collection. Like what the f*ck? There were tons of boots and heels on their wardrobe at the moment. So when I came inside, Daddy was pinching his head while both of those gold-digging bitches were still fighting. They only paid attention when I shouted at them angrily. Trust me, I wanted to rip off their heads for being inconsiderate. Daddy didn't earn those money just by doing nothing. All the cents were from his blood and sweat and now, Daddy's hard earned-money are like draining down the toilet like a piece of sh*t."

It's funny how he would rant about this because they're rich already. Actually so rich that he could stop school and can buy and island and live his whole life there.

But knowing Toby, he's thrifty as f*ck.

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