(14) Burgers

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"What color are your eyes?" Sage asked while he's staring at my pupils making me uncomfortable.

It's been two weeks since that news of me and him bombed in the entire school. The rumored died down but there are still people talking about it. Me and Sage just laughed about it, never caring what they say. If someone bothers to ask if it's true, then I would answer the truth, except for Sage since he would just shut his mouth in a thin line. He doesn't cooperate in this kind of matter.

"It's what you said to me. As plain as brown as can be." I told him.

He sighed. I wanted him to remember how jerk he was so that he'll feel guilty.

"Why do you wear contacts?" He asked again.

Oh my gosh! Does he even listen to me? He keeps pushing it!

"I will tell you the same thing yesterday, and the same thing as the last day." I breathed heavily. "I. HAVE. AN. EYE. DEFECT."

He raised his brow cockily like he doesn't believe me. It's true I have an eye defect but it's not something that big for him to nag about it. He's been asking me this since three days ago and he won't stop!

"Why do you want to know about my eye color?" I asked him, challenging his stare.

"I don't know. I just kind of want to." He shrugged and sipped the rest of his coke.

I don't know but in the span of two weeks, we became friends. Close friends even. Even though he would tease me constantly and became clingy like Toby, I can't help but laugh at his adorable manner. As for Toby, I know he wouldn't get jealous. He even told me to date this jerk but still, I'd rather date my bestfriend than him. He's still an ass sometimes.

"You won't always get what you want pretty boy." I smirked and happily ate my remaining fries.

Today's Saturday and out of the blue, this jerk called. He said he's alone and wanted to hang out in the new burger joint. Our group had talked about it but none of them had taken it seriously except for Cloud and I. But then Cloud was busy earning back the love his life. Yuck!

I asked him if I could bring Toby too. He was hesitant at first but then in the end, he said yes. Of course, this won't be a date and I don't want to look like we're dating.

"Fine, anyway, where's Toby?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I'll call him." I fished out my phone in my pocket and dialed Toby's number.

It was on the second ring when he picked up his phone. Apparently he was coming but he's not alone. He brought someone so he apologized which was okay to me but Sage maybe wouldn't. But the hell I care.

We waited for another 15 minutes. Sage was still constantly nagging about my eyes. And now he wanted my contacts removed.

"For what? Ugh Sage. Just drop it or we'll F.O." I threatened him.

"F.O.? What's that?" He eyed me innocently, eating the second batch of his fries.

"Oh my God! Sage, have you been living under the rock?" He's impossible! Is he some guy from old century who used time traveling machine?

He just shrugged at me.

We were still talking when we didn't notice that they came in. At first, I was rolling my eyes and suddenly caught the attention of the group who was coming in.

I cannot form words. Shock was understatement.

"Cloud?!" I sat there unable to form the words. "Ciara?!"

Sage just coughed and Toby smiled. Cloud was itching his nape like he's shy and well Ciara, she waved a hand at me. Their fingers intertwined together.

But how?

The three of them came near to us and sat together in our front.

"So she is the love of your life." Sage said in a matter of fact tone, amused by what he discovered.

Cloud scowled at Sage which earned him a laugh.

"Cloud? What happened?" It seems there are rumors that I didn't know. Apparently, they have been keeping secrets.

"Can we eat first? We're starving." Toby interjected. I nodded and he waved his hand on the waiter. The waiter came and handed us the menu. "What do you want?" He asked me.

"I'll have the double cheese burger with bacon then some onion rings with cheese dippings and sprite." I said.

Sage was smiling while he looked at the menu. What's funny about the menu?

Toby cleared his throat. "Sage? What do you want?"

"Oh, sorry. I'll have the regular burger combo." I looked down at the regular burger combo and saw that it only consists of a regular burger and a regular coke. Really? "We— uh... I mean, I just ate." He chuckled.

Toby looked at me suspiciously. His lips formed a grin.

"What? Yeah fine, we just ate but it wasn't enough." I defended myself.

"You are really something Hannah." Sage said. But then he continued with a sad voice. "Someone that I want to have again."

My eyes became wide. All of us fell silent. My heart started to beat erratically because of what this cave man said. What does he mean by 'again'? Oh my gosh, does he mean about our fake relationship? Oh no. I won't date this guy. He's a great friend but I don't want to cross the line for him. It will be complicated! Plus, I don't like him that way.

Okay that was a joke, I like him but I said, it will be complicated.

"Uhm." Someone cleared a throat and I was glad for that someone. "Toby we'll have what Hannah wants." Cloud said.

And just in time, the waiter came. Toby filled the waiter's queries.

"So four orders of double cheese burger with bacon, then some onion rings with cheese dippings and sprite. And an order of regular combo." Toby nodded. "Is there anything else?" He asked again. Toby said no and the waiter told us to wait for 20 minutes and he left.

Our wait for the first minute was silently awkward. I didn't looked at Sage's way because I don't know what to say to him. It was sudden. But I should've known, this guy is cocky so why am I surprised? But still, it was awkward!

"So... our game is coming." Cloud suddenly interrupted. "Have you talked with Andrew?" He asked Sage who was playing the paper napkin we had.

Speaking of Andrew, he now comes in our lunches. But still, he ignores me even if he already knows that me and Sage dating was just a joke. But then why should he be angry? After all he broke my heart.

No need for bad blood. He clearly said to me that I wasn't his type and he just see me as a friend. And Sage is part of the team now.

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