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The dinner went eventful. I asked Sage to let us wash the dishes together and leave his grandparents alone. It's only just since they cooked dinner for us. At first, Lissa argued but when he saw Sage which is kind of weird, she just nodded and winked like something is going on.

There is something going on... it is to wash the dishes and kitchen utensils.

"So how did the balls go?" Sage asked as he wiped the washed dishes to dry. And so his mind was on the dishes to. He did not just realize what he asked.

Me on the other hand is actually washing the wares. "It was great. I missed having to eat with people." I laughed at him but he looked at me like he didn't get it. "Lissa's balls were great."

Oh dear God, please cleanse my mind.

"It was John's." Sage snickered a laugh which made me hang my jaw. It was really a bad pun when you use your grandfather as an example. "So, I take that John's balls were great?"

Ugh! This sly boy is witty. He must have intended to ask me about the meatballs because he knew I would bite his joke. Gah! I guess he can't change his pigginess after all.

"Oh shut up! It's embarrassing! Your grandpa might hear us!" I protested and groaned.

He laughed hardly, clutching his stomach. I kept my silence because I think any minute now, I would get irritated as hell. His eyes got watery that he has to wipe but still he continued to laugh.

"Oh my God! Shut up, you're really annoying me!" I grabbed a handful of bubbles and slapped it to his face softly. The minute that I did that, he stopped barking and looked at me like I just murdered his puppy.

He blinked his eyes.

"I never pegged you to be playful. But I guess, I'm wrong." Without a warning, he then grabbed a handful of bubbles too and then slathered it on my face.

I stood there, shocked and unable to say something while I'm still holding the sponge and the plate. Slowly, my lips turned into an evil smirk. I slowly put down the plate and immediately grabbed a handful of bubbles then threw it directly to Sage.

Enemy down, re arm.

The bubble fight went on and on. We were laughing our stomachs out and well, we're literally wet... as in soaked. I mean, God. Did I sound like greenish to you? But whatever, here I am. Laughing with the boy whom I hate from the start. It's amazing how I hate a person but then starting to like.


But then I didn't realized that both of us stopped laughing. Just like in typical movies (where the boy was holding the girl while staring at her eyes and lips back and forth), I never thought that it would happen to me. My heart started to pound erratically as he looked at me. His cerulean eyes boring deep holes in me. It's hard to look away because I was drawn to them.

It was like I've been staring at them since long time ago. The familiarity of it, but at the same time it felt like I could stare at them forever, made the butterflies in my stomach go on berserk.

I actually like this boy who I hated so much before.

His face is a couple centimeters away from me that I could smell his minty breath. Usually, if people starts to look at me this way I would freak out. But this? What is happening to me? I oddly found it nice and comforting.

I held his face that has still little bubbles on it. He blinked slowly and reached for my face too.

No spoken words. But our eyes were enough to say.

The truth was I was anticipating him to kiss me. I was ready for it. But then a sound that looks like someone cleared a threat interrupted us.

Oh God.

We immediately composed ourselves, unable to look at each other. I, on the other hand immediately went back to my unfinished business without looking at the culprit. I am really embarrassed and my cheeks probably turned pink now.

"And the cat fell in love with the mouse. How adorable." A very familiar voice spoke behind me. I gasped in surprise. How?

"Veronica. What are you doing here?" Sage asked in an uninterested voice.

"Oh, I was looking for you. I wanted to talk to you." She dismissed Sage's cold demeanor like swatting a fly.

"About what?" He asked back.

"Privately lover boy." She chuckled.

And I think my work is done and this is my cue to leave them alone. I don't know what to say anymore. I kept on recalling back Lissa's words. She told me that I was the first girl he brought here but I guess her memory must have faltered. I don't know but it hurt me a little.

"Excuse me." I hurriedly excused myself and docked my head low.

But then a strong hand caught my arm which made me gasp in surprise. Sage was still looking at Veronica hardly but then his hand was still on my arm.

"Stay. Don't leave." He asked in an almost pleading voice.

I sighed and let his hand go. I don't want to be the hindrance of what Veronica wanted to talk about. I don't want to be her hindrance.

I looked at him and smiled, giving him assurance that I will still be in his house. Well, I can't drive myself since I didn't bring my car.

"I will just go the porch or something." I looked at Veronica who happens to smile at me smugly. This b*tch is really annoying. "Go and have a talk with whatever she wanted to tell you." But she never knew that two could play this game. "I know you would come back to me." I smirked and left Veronica with her smug faltered.

The feeling

He then let me go.

When I came to the porch, the elderly couple was there giggling. The adoration that John gave to her wife is overwhelming. The two of them looked really in love and so into each other even if they showed streaked of gray hair and wrinkles. I wonder if I get married someday, would me and my husband will still be in love when we're old?

John noticed me first because he called my name.

"Hannah, come dear. Have a sit." John motion for an empty seat beside Lissa.

I immediately propped myself and went on looking at the dark side where the lake was supposed to be but since it's dark, it can't be seen. Only the fireflies were around making the place look magical and wonderful, straight from Disney fairytales.

I wished I could just live here and stare at the wonder of nature longingly.

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