(5) Mr. King

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I mentally cursed myself for being an ass. My second week in school should be fine since I'm a senior and I already made a promise to Mom and myself to never divulge in activities that would land me on detention slips or worse suspension or expulsion.

What would Mom say if she'd find out how I slapped the living sh*t out of Victoria? Even if she was the one who was wrong in the first place, I could've tolerated it and kept silent. Toby could've handled himself. But there I was, being a knight and saving his ass.

Ugh! But it's too late for regrets. What's done is done.

Tapping my fingers on my thighs, I looked around Mr. Montgomery's office. It doesn't look like much, I mean it looks like how a principal's office should be. A stack of paperworks, plus a cabinet that is probably full of files. On his table is a ballerina figurine and a bubble head of Jack Sparrow then a picture of probably his wife and kids.

I stood up and continued examining. On the left side is a cabinet full of school's awards. Second place in 2015 lacrosse, third place in basketball, second, second, third, first. First? Ahh... the literary one, where that redhead competed against Country West High. Hmm, not bad.

"Always the second, but it's always fine." I jumped at the voice coming from my behind.

Mr. Montgomery already sat down on his reclining chair and tapped his pen on the table. My hairs rose from my skin, afraid he might drop that expulsion thing. He's known for being a cunning old man.

"Sit down Hannah so we can discuss my proposition properly." He demanded and so I followed.

"What do you want Mr. Montgomery?" I asked him in a business like tone showing him that I'm not scared when the truth is I am.

"We both know that you've heard the rumors already. And I confirm it that it's right. The captain of Country West Tigers has came to transfer school on his last year and luckily, we were the chosen one." He looked at me and waited for my response.

"So what does it have to do with me?" I asked him sarcastically. I really don't care as long as he won't touch Andrew.

"I won't beat around the bush. As I said, instead of serving detention, you will be Mr. King's tour guide in our school. You will show him around and get him acquainted with the team. Apparently, the lacrosse team is busy today and since you are close to them, you'll be the one to introduce him to them. Mr. King is an immediate member of the team and as the rumors said, he's competing for the team captain this year, if he wants."

I can't form any words. I was lost for it. Of all the people, why did fate is such cruel to me today. All I did was slap Victoria and now luck is not siding me. May be she has a bad luck and it somehow moved when I made a contact with her her skin.

I cannot do this. I don't want Andrew to look at me like I betrayed him. My team mates would be disappointed in my lack of courage. But I have no choice, I have to let them understand.

Suddenly, the door opened but I didn't bother to look around. I was still shocked and absorbing 'my punishment' in my brain. I can't believe this.

"Ah, Mr. King! Your timing is impeccable! Welcome." He then looked at me. "It's your job now to help him around."

I didn't look at 'Mr. King'. I'm not interested. I was about to say that I would be gladly to serve detention when Mr. King stood in my front, towering my height and blocking my way.

What an arrogant piece of sh*t!

"So Mr. King—" He was stopped midsentence when Mr. King spoke.

"Call me Sage, I'm not old like my father." His voice was icy but... sexy? Oh God what's wrong with me?!

"I'm sorry. So Sage, she's Hannah Beaufort. She will show you around the room and help you." Mr. Montgomery announced it chirpily. But I wasn't chirpy at all.

"She's a girl. I thought I made myself clear that if I want a tour around, I want a male. I don't want her gawking and falling for me. Girls are easy prey and are likely to fall for my feet."

What the f*ck?

I gritted my teeth at his response. Who the f*ck does he think he is? He's not that handsome perhaps. He's such a jerk and thinks himself as high as that drug user. Clenching my fist, I inhaled and exhaled to calm my raging nerves. The hell for this guy to say that. He's so thicked face that I want to use steel brush to remove the smug on his face right now. Well maybe, he has a smug on his face.

I mustered all my courage and faced him.

Big mistake. I wish I didn't.

He's tall, taller than Andrew. He has this set of cerulean eyes and brownish-black hair. A fair skin and he has built body, a product from gym exercises and oh God that jaw— I almost missed that. It's my weakness.

In short, he's drop dead gorgeous that would make my panties twist and he's better looking than Toby himself who is the best looking guy in my circle of friends.

But then a reminder alarmed in my head that this guy is an ass and a jerk and a piece of sh*t.

"You done checking me out?" He asked.

Huh. I did not check him out. Okay may be I just did but I don't care anymore. Such a waste of a pretty face.

"Yeah, you're not bad looking. So let's go? I'm sorry if your tour guide is a girl, that's because this is her detention." I turned my back first to him.

The moment we left the office was the start of our silent war. His ego was probably bruised when I kind of lied to him about his appearance. He's far from passable but I have to put him low so that he knows that he's new here and he just can't go almighty on everyone.

"Science lab... art room... music room... Physics lab..." I toured him around starting on the first floor. I even toured him around the bathroom just to make him bored and drop me so that I can go sashay my way to my friends.

Girls glared at me again. But this now become worse since I'm with someone whose probably the best looking guy in the campus now. The jealousy and and envy dripped around them like venom.

Yeah take that b*tches. F*ck you all. As I held my head high and let the pretty boy follow my lead.

The time the tour was done was the time I dreaded the most. It's time to introduce him to the boys as what Mr. Montgomery said. I contemplated on doing it or leaving him alone here.

"Well Anna—" He reached for my shoulder and faced me.

I gritted my teeth for the nth time. This person is getting into my nerves.

"It's Hannah with an H you stupid f*ck." I cursed him. I hate it when someone has mistaken my name for another.

"Feisty. I like it. I'm not stupid and I'm a great f*ck, Hannah with an H."

Then that asshole winked at me.

Well f*ck me.

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