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The ride on the way was silent, eerily silent. The way was surrounded by nothing but trees and chirps of cicadas. There were headlights, but it didn't nag my feeling of creep emitted from the nature around me.

It excusably made me hug the guy who was probably enjoying the warmth I shared with him which drove me silently. I wish I didn't had the phobia of speed, so this agonizing slow ride (the speed was about 35 km/hr) would be put to end. But there's nothing I could do, except accept the fact that I'll gonna be stuck with him for at least 20 minutes.

When we arrived, the outside was dark. I forgot to ask my neighbor to turn on the porch light. Only the light from the moon was making us see the pavements. Not only that the porch lacked of light but also the entire house which it made it look like really creepy because we do really have a huge Syncamore tree outside.

"Spooky." Sage suddenly said, making me rise my hair on my back.

"Shut up." I hissed.

I don't want to be scared. But too much watching horror movies made me terrified a little bit tonight. The view on my porch was almost alike to the one I saw last night. Maybe I should minimize my horror movie fiasco. I couldn't bear if I actually see a floating ghost tonight.

Ghosts float you dumbass bitch.

I sighed and mustered my courage, trying to erase the constant teasing of this asshole beside me which was by the way, is now happily whistling the sax of Careless Whisper while at the same following my lead. I might be wrong about him teasing me but his whistles are irritating. He's just so annoying! I walked through the pavements slowly and calmly as possible, trying to avoid the grass that my mom took care of. Bermuda grasses aren't my thing but it made the house looks pretty and homey.

I'm hoping that this asshole too got the idea of no stepping of Mom's precious lawn.

When we arrived, I rummaged through my bag and got the key not minding that my cologne might have spilled inside. We all know that when we want to find the damn key (whatever kind of key), it would go on forever. Keys are bastards. But the one who kept it who forgot it also is much more bigger than the bastard.

Between fumbling and mumbling wicked curses, I finally got the bastard key.

"Gotcha you little f*ck!" I hissed at the keys while I dangled it in my finger.

Just as I was about to open the door, a rustling sound made me stop halfway. The sound just came beside me. Unfortunately, Sage stopped whistling and he was on my left side while the sound came from my right side.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"Can I ask you something?" Sage interrupted my ugly scary thoughts.

"What?" I half hissed at him. "If you didn't notice, there's that rustling sound coming from my right side."

"I noticed. The moment you stepped on the first rock of the pavement, I felt like something was following us." He said but he was just calm. In fact he seemed fine like nothing's creepy going on.

"Are you shitting me King? Stop scaring me! It isn't funny!" I reprimanded, trying to unlock the door but hand faltered.

Because I was shaking.

"I wish I did. So let's get back to what was I suppose to ask..." He looked at me directly and tensely, heaved a sigh first before puffing off the air, his hands were crossed against his chest and his eyes flowed with seriousness that made me tremble a little"...did your Mom rent this house or did ya'll build it?"

It was rather comforting but confusing at the same time. I thought he was going to ask me that if I saw a ghost that he saw a while ago. But I'm glad I was wrong or else, I had already peed on my f*cking pants because of fear.

"Uhh... we rented it." I answered confusingly. "But what does it have to do with the rustling and your feeling of being followed?"

At first, he looked skeptical. But then I realized that he was doubting if he would tell what was his theory. Slowly, it got me. And I have never been so terrified until now.

"Y-y-you mean..." I stuttered.

"Yes, your right." He said straightforwardly.

And that made me scream at the top of my lungs not minding that anytime we would get caught by neighbors. My voice was shrilling and my instinct was to run straight to the person whom I disliked an hour ago. I hugged him tightly but still the ugly sound of screaming was still there, making Sage cover his ears.

"What is wrong?" He asked.

"There's a ghost dwelling in my house! Apparently my mother didn't check the house history since she got it cheaper than we expected!" I half shouted at him making him laugh a little.

"What the f*ck are you talking about?" He looked confused while I was still clutching him like a freaking baby. "You went banshee for that? How unbelievable!"

And he was laughing into a full blown laugh.

I never wanted to kick someone so hard that he will bleed to death not until this jerk who was laughing at my face because I'm scared of ghost. I harshly let him go and went on to continue opening my door leaving him on the rails of the porch still laughing like a f*cking hyena.

When the door opened, I immediately went inside and slammed the stupid door, locked it and walked away from it. My fear was replaced by annoyance and anger. I opened the lights and placed my bag in the couch.

Not long enough, someone was pounding on my door hard followed by a moaning voice.

Sh*t. No more horror movies for me! I swear!

I placed my ear on the door and waited for someone to talk, hoping that it was Sage playing with me again.

"Sage if that's you, you're not funny at all! Stop that!" I shouted on the other side of the door.

"Open the damn door, please!" He pleaded, his voice seemed half-scared, half frantic.

That's what you get you little piece of sh*t for scaring me.

"Whatever King! Go home!" I told him.

"Hannah please... I just want to say sorry." His voice became tiny, almost inaudible.

I huffed air. My mind seemed to be working irrationally and immaturely. Surely he teased but he never said that there was really a ghost following us. It was just me assuming things and I, a dumb girl, believed my imaginations. This is what I get too when I watch too much horror.

"Okay." I held the doorknob and slowly opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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