(11) Come with Me

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School was still school. Kids around my age were laughing and chatting but few of them littered since we came here a little earlier than we were supposed to. Because the guy, wearing his Ray Ban beside me was insisting on going to school right away.

What's with him and school this semester?

"So, what to do?" My brows were hunched together at him but he didn't even bat a look at me.

"Sleep." He just said nonchalantly and led the walk with his head high up like he owned the ground he walked.

Oh almighty Queen of the Grass Tobylyna.

"Gah. Whatever." I dismissed but still followed his lead.

The boys aren't around yet. Training starts at 7:30, an hour before class but we arrived roughly by 7 so we'll have to find something we can do before the boys show up. Sleep would be possible for Toby but for me, it won't be.

As we headed to the gym, I caught the attention of some girls giggling and peeking inside. I wondered who might it be since it's too early for practice. It would be impossible if the girls were giggling because of the coach because that would be gross. Coach might be the eye candy in his younger years but nowadays, he was just a balding and fat showing signs of aging.

"Excuse us." Toby said aloud to the girls. "Move!"

The girls fell silent and moved to give way to us. My friend just didn't care if he made an enemy early this morning and I shouldn't supposed too also but the looks and glares at this girl giving me were making my skin crawl.

They all looked murderous and scary.

So I looked away and held Toby's hand. Toby was holding a fan and he dramatically fanned himself like a queen should be. Still being the almighty Queen of the Grass, I smirked.

As we walked inside, we noticed some groans coming. It was getting louder and louder everytime we took a step. Toby looked at me confused but then it was turned into a suspicion.

Oh God, don't tell me someone is having sex inside? F*ck no!

But there was a clink of a barbell accompanied by a male groan. There was no female. Only his voice was present. We tiptoed our way so we can keep silent and surprise the person behind. When we came face to face with the suspect, my jaw fell.

The barbell clinked on the floor and the suspect rose from his seat. I stood there, with wide eyes and mouth still opened. He was half naked wearing only his running shoes and jersey short. My eye involuntarily trailed over his body which glistened with sweat. There was a tattoo on his lower collar bone. Sh*t. It was turning me on. F*ck. Because I can feel my cheeks getting hot.

Only then I was back from myself when Toby closed my mouth and chuckled. God, that was embarrassing!

The guy noticed us and came near to our place. He was smiling, showing his set of dimples and his twinkling but mischievous cerulean eyes.

"Uhh... what... what are you... what are you doing here this early?" I managed to speak even if I was still in a daze.

Sh*t Hannah, get a hold of yourself.

"And good morning too Hannah. Like what you saw?" He raised his cocky eye brow at me and I gulped.

God, could this could get any worse?

"I uh... shut up." I was more embarrassed now that he caught me checking him out. Hate to admit, but he really is a fine piece of ass.

Sage smirked at me and crossed his arms, giving me the 'I-know-I'm-hot' look. I hate it! I hate how cocky he is and he knows it too well. I want to wipe that smirk and see him be insecure at once! But it would be impossible because I never saw a single ugly thing about him, until now.

Toby cleared his voice making us break our electrical gaze to each other. Sage chuckled a little while I was left blinking my eyes.

"I think I should sleep. You guys go ahead and do what you want to do." Toby waved of his fingers and immediately left us.

"But To—" I interjected.

"Go on baby girl." He winked at me. The jerk just left me a wink with this bigger jerk!


"I'll go with Toby." I dismissed him rudely but before I took a step, my arm was caught with his hand.

I looked at him and saw a glint of emotion in his eyes. Sure I wasn't just imagining it because here we are staring at each other again. It was like his eyes were pleading and sad. I don't know but it pains me to see him like this.

Slowly, he let me go and move his eyes on the floor. Was he shy about it?

"Hannah, can you... can you come and eat breakfast with me?" He asked but he still avoided eye contact.

Huh. Strange. It's 7 f*cking 27 in the morning and he's still haven't had breakfast? This guy sure has a good stamina. I was about to decline but he then raised his head, and I was able to see his pleading eyes again.


"Fine. But I've eaten already. I'll just come with you." I told him like I'm just forced but deep inside I'm ecstatic like the smug on his face.

"Great. Wait, let me change." Before I can answer, he ran hurriedly away from me. Five minutes later, he was in his black shirt, faded pants and rider's boots. Typical bad boy looks.

The girls were still there when we came out. Finding out that the guy next to you was the reason why girls like Victoria were swarming outside was a total headache. If entering the gym gave me dagger like glare, I'm pretty sure that when we came out, the girls gave me the glare that would melt my bones too.

Envy gets you to nowhere girls.

So I walked letting Sage follow me while hearing him chuckle lightly. I know, I act like a girlfriend who was showing his good looking man to the girls and let them be jealous. But no, I couldn't care less.

Suddenly, a girl wearing short shorts was on my way. Her arms were crossed and she was looking like a bitch to me. Her brows raised and she was popping a pink gum. Typical. Another Victoria to put down.

"Sluts do really work 24/7 to quench thirst." She smirked at me but I wasn't even fazed. I smirked at her too, sarcastically. Too bad this one was not challenging enough. Yeah, I remembered her burned by none other than Toby himself.

"Oh, stop it Sheila. Stop talking about yourself." I said in a flattered but embarrassed tone. "Why don't you run along now and go spread your legs somewhere like you always do?"

Early in the morning and this is what I get. Not boring at all.

Sheila was seething red and was ready to claw me out when Sage came beside me. His arms were encircled on my shoulder and he kissed the top of  my head.

What the f*ck?!

Sheila's eyes went wide and so was mine.

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