(3) You're Just a Newbie

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The classes came in a blur and just like what we always do, lunch was something I like about. The food in our cafeteria was great and it's even greater since I have my friends to eat with. As usual, we would always gather at around 11:30 or when classes end.

The first subject bore me. English wasn't my forte because I speak English. And why do we have to have an English subject when we speak English? All we just do in this subject since I was in grade school was reading novels and poetry and how the author feels about this and that.

Like how I got detention for dropping an f-word because I was so full of Mr. Carthoway's lectures. I remembered at that time when he asked what did the author suggest when he said that that the skies were blue. And because of my ugly personality when I'm pissed, I did the thing that was hard to forget. Because this was becoming redundant like when he would tell us that colors meant something else, not literally. But I dropped it, I became sassy as hell and forgot that I am not in the lunch table.

Know what I did? I said that skies were f*cking blue, nothing more, nothing less.

Since then, I kept my mouth shut everytime we will be talking about authors and their 'hidden feelings' on every phrases. Every English subject in every year I detest it so much.

The second one was my favorite, believe it or not. Numbers are where I love to play the most. Solving angle and axis is my field of specialty because Mom had taught me Math at an early stage of my life. Some mothers may be scared of her teaching methods but I wasn't. This was the only one of the bondings we get and I definitely enjoyed it, a lot. Mom taught me angles and sh*t by the way she would shoot a target. When I was ten, she started bringing me into shooting practices and would let me shoot a gun.

I kind of miss my Mom when I talk about it. We still do it, but it was unlike before. She's so busy nowadays. But it's okay. I completely understand and I don't resent her for that.

When me and Toby (still not talking) came on the table, the boys were happily chatting. I rolled my eyes. Their egos are over inflated and they're downright disgusting. They would always boast about their sex lives and whom they do the deed with. It's disgusting to talk about it while eating but I'm used to it. I just kept my mouth shut but occasionally, I would scold them for being pigs.

My good mood soon vanished the moment my eyes landed on the left spot of Andrew. Veronica giggling like a hyperventilated and asthmatic old woman was trying to be the girl of attraction. As soon as I reached the table, the boy's faces lit up while Veronica crossed her arm because I can see that the boys didn't paid attention to her but when I came all the boys' eyes were on me. Well except for Andrew since he's busy texting.

Such an attention whore she is.

"Hey guys! What's up for lunch?" I asked.

"Carbonara, some burgers and oh... I think I saw pizza." Cloud, the eater of all of us, happily announced like he won a lotto.

Great. I did told you that cafeteria food in our school was great, didn't I?

"Isn't there any salad or something?" Veronica suddenly whined.

Suddenly Toby, whom I didn't noticed was now seated beside me sneered at her. He crossed his arms too and looked at Veronica smugly.

Oh no, Veronica. You're in a deep sh*t.

"Go eat some grasses in the lawn. They might have some specialties for you there."

I did expect Toby to be mean but I didn't expect him to be this mean. All the pairs of eyes on our table was directly shot at Toby who was still intently looking at Victoria. There were oohs and aahs and someone even say burn. Maybe Carlos said that.

"Oh look whose talking? Some gay who acts like a man but is waiting for someone in this group to eat his d*ck." Victoria snorted and grinned evilly.

That didn't sit with me well. Me and Toby fought but I didn't said something like that to him. He's gay but his morals are high and I'm sure as hell he wouldn't think of tapping one of our friends.

I thought Toby would get all firey red from being angry but he just smirked. The last time I saw him like this, someone's life was ruined for the whole year.

"Yeah? Isn't it the other way around Veronica? I know what you want. You want to have some kinky gang bang with us but I guess we wouldn't tap that pussy since we've been alerted that that pussy has chlamydia and gonorrhea. I wonder how many layers of condom did Andrew covered his d*ck so he wouldn't catch those. Ohh, and my sources told me that you slept with fifteen boys already from your old school. 10 of them admitted that they caught a bad case of crabs from you. Isn't it why you transferred a thousand miles to here?"

We were lost for words. I was ready to defend Toby but I forgot that Toby was as scary as hell. He doesn't need someone to defend himself because he can do it. I was like a gold fish for opening and closing my mouth. Even Andrew was lost for words and was just looking at Veronica with shock. Poor Andrew, I hope those things that Toby said wasn't true.

Veronica was furious. She stood up and looked at Toby murderously and was about to slap him when I caught her wrists. Toby stood up and smirked at her, claiming his victory over some bitchy feud. I smirked at her too, making her more furious than ever.

I admit I didn't see that coming when she slapped me using her other hand.

She didn't just slapped me.

Bad idea, little bitch.

As soon as I held her wrist strongly, she winced and writhed away from my hold. But I'm not yet done entertaining the whole cafeteria. If she slapped me, she'll get what she deserves too. She'll get a motherf*cking slap.

"Stop this—" Andrew intervened but was stopped by no other than Cloud himself.

"Don't. Let them be." Cloud smirked.

Staring at her, I gave her my coldest and scariest glare. I can see it in her eyes that she's terrified.

"This face you just slapped is not just a face. You might be the queen bee of your old school but I'm an empress here. Remember this face so that you will never forget to cross the line again."

And in an instant, my palm connected to her perfectly make-up face. But still I didn't let go my other hand that was holding her wrist.

"You're just a newbie here, welcome to Eastwing High." I let her go forcefully

And in that she ran away to God knows where. Andrew looked at me with a hint of anger and disdain that it broke my heart again and followed Victoria on the way. The show was over and so the people continued to eat like nothing happened. I grabbed a bottle of water from Toby who was grinning at me.

"I thought you buried that part of you?" He asked me.

And so I thought I did.

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