(16) Warm Body

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Our lunch went well even if we talked about the problem of the team. Obviously, it lit up when we talked about Cloud's not so new relationship with Ciara. He even told us that his last name would be Nine since he became Ciara's boyfriend.

Just a typical and cheesy Cloud NINE.

The game would be on Friday next week and there's only a week left to prepare. I don't know if they can do it. It would be difficult since we all knew that Andrew would oppose to everyone's idea. But it's one versus the majority.

Okay Hannah, so much for 'I won't think about Andrew anymore' shit.

It's 3:30 in the afternoon when we all agreed to go home. The lovebirds were brought by Toby so I expect him to drop them off somewhere opposite of my place. I so wanted to call shotgun on Toby's car but it would be a hassle since Toby has to go somewhere after he drops the lovebirds home. So I have no choice, I have to ride in this jerk's motorcycle again.

A f*cking motorcycle that I think shaved five years off of my life.

"Here." He handed me the helmet while he got none.

Again with his 'I'm fine don't worry. I know my way here in the city' bullshit. The first time he let me ride, I panicked but my stupid car won't start. The joint was three miles away and walking is an option but a bad one. What can I do? I don't want to ride with him but I don't want him to think that I'm a pussy.

Motorcycle is as scary as Valak. You know, that nun from The Conjuring movie.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"It's not that bad. Cheer up, will you?" He smiled and shuffled my hair. It made my face look irritated.

The first mile on the ride was less frightening now. I guess I was getting used to the speed and the whirring sound of the motorcycle. I admit, it was nice. I opened my helmet and felt the gush of the wind in my face.

When we're about to go on the second mile, he changed our direction.

"Hey! Where are we going?!" I shouted since my voice is muffled by the wind. "This is not the way to my house!"

He laughed and shook his head. "I know! You'll see! Do you trust me?!" He asked but I couldn't hear him enough.

"What?!" I asked. If someone saw us, they might think we are a couple having a lover's quarrel on a motorcycle.

Oooh, sounds dangerous. Blah.

"I said, do you trust me?!" He asked again.

"Obviously! I would've walked myself to my house if I don't!" I shouted back.

He didn't reply but added speed to the motorcycle. I looked at the speedometer of the motorcycle and saw it almost ran to 170 km/h. Adrenaline coursed through me that made me close my eyes. I don't know but something irked it in my head making me feel frightened.

My breath hitched every second passes.




Broken glasses...


"Ahhhh! Stop! Please! Stop!" I shouted and cried at the same time. I don't know what's gotten in me. I pounded Sage's back as hard as I can without thinking that my actions could cause a real crash.

"What's wrong?!" Sage asked, his voice was laced with worry and confusion. Immediately, the motorcycle slowed down and we halted on the side of the road. I came down first and removed my helmet, still my head was bowed down. Sage then came next.

I sobbed and immediately hugged him. I want to feel comfort and warmth for now cause if I don't, I will have panic attacks and I don't have my meds with me.

Speed triggers me. I don't know why.

"Shh... it's okay. You're safe, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." He hugged me tightly back incasing me in a protective manner. "Shh... I'm sorry."

My sobs became shallow. Sage was still caressing my hair and it was really comforting. It was like my fears were washed away for now. I heard his heart pounding loudly in his chest. Somehow, the familiarity of his hug was there. I don't know but it almost feel home.

It almost felt like I'm home.

My sobs eventually stopped. I felt Sage kiss the top of my head and immediately let me go. He then came back and handed me a bottle of water.

"A-Are you okay now? God, sh*t! I'm such an asshole. I'm sorry Hannah, I-I didn't know. I should've brought my car with me. Sh*t!" He looked frustrated that made me smile a little. He was acting crazy now. Crazily worried would be right.

"Sage, I'm fine. Look I'm sorry. I should've told you. I have panic attacks. But don't worry, I can still ride the motorcycle but I... I would be triggered if the speed hitches up." I assured him. His eyes were still worried.

"I'm sorry, really. If you want I can take you home now. I-I can take you there someday and bring a car with me. Hell, I would even understand if you're mad at me. This... is all my fault." Frustration was now evident on his face. He looked pained and afraid that he might hurt me again.

I shook my head and caught his hand with mine which made him turn his face our hands then to my smiling face. Slowly, he looked relieved. He didn't smiled but he looked relieved.

"I don't know why and where you're taking me. But I think this would all be worth of my break down." I smiled and squeezed his hand with mine making him smile and blush a little. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." And I let go of his hand and wore the helmet.

The ride on the way was silent. All I see were trees— lots and lots of trees, they were pine trees to be exact. The wind was chilly but it was fine since I wore my jacket with me. Fifteen minutes later, we stopped at a mini mart to buy some junk food including candy bars and some chips with soda. Then we proceeded to ride again. Another fifteen minutes later, we stopped in a little cabin.

I don't know there was place here in the state.

"Where are we?" I asked but he just smiled and held my hand.

The cabin looks nice. It looks furnished already from the outside. Around the cabin was a little garden with a mini fountain with an elf. The whole place was adorned with flowers. The porch has rocking chair and a coffee table.

Sage led the way then rang a doorbell.

The door opened and then came out an elderly woman followed by an elderly man too.

"Oh, what a surprise honey!" The elderly woman immediately hugged him tightly while the elderly man just laughed.

I smiled at what I saw. Whoever this is, they were pretty close. Seeing them together made me miss my mother who was thousand miles away from me too.

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