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"Who was that girl again?" Lissa asked his husband, who was now busy reading Shakespeare's book.

Her hands were dangling off the chair and her eyes were closed like she was soaking in the sun which was kinda weird since it's nighttime and there's no sun but moon and the cold wind.

"Veronica?" John put his book down on the table and looked at her wife curiously. Well, both of us looked curiously.

"Yes. Who is she anyway? Is she Wil's old flame?" Lissa asked, her browns hunched together.

I laughed a little. Grandparents can be that old with their words sometimes.

"Oh no dear, don't get that girl on your nerves. She's far better than you." She smiled then patted my hand against hers. She was reassuring me of something that was nothing.

"Don't worry Lissa. I'll be fine. Me and your sly grandson are just friends." I answered.

Both of the elders looked at me like they won't believe me. Their smirks implied something. John shook his head and picked up the book to continue reading while Lissa was still on his position few minutes ago.

"Kids nowadays." She chuckled.

Five minutes passed and still there were no signs of Victoria and Sage. Their talk must be that awfully long for them to stay in the kitchen for the last 20 minutes. Maybe Lissa was right. Victoria was Sage's ex-girlfriend who happens to be Andrew's girlfriend now and my ultimate crush. Still, it won't justify this. Are they rekindling their relationship? If they are, I hope Veronica dumped Andrew. But that would make her a total bitch.

I already knew that.

Realizing that made me furious. How dare she do that? So she left her old school and now Sage is here. Wait...

Did she use Andrew to move here? Did she already know that Sage would move here too?

Oh my God!

I get it. Victoria used Andrew for her papers to be immediately processed upon transferring so she could follow Sage. The bitch must have liked him so much that he used the most powerful student in Eastwing who is also the dumbest for believing the cunning bitch he's dating.

Must be the karma for choosing a worse girl than me.

But still, my anger towards her didn't douse off. Instead, it added more. How can she manage to snag off behind Andrew's back and not feel a single remorse? Is she begging on her knees now? Is she crying desperately?

Are they f*cking make out?!

Oh no! I won't let her do that.

Without any say, I stood up from my seat. I can't wait to know what happened between them too for staying too much longer. Along the way, I was thinking of an excuse. I don't want to sound jealous and desperate when in fact, hard to admit, I felt a little jealousy.

Goodness!  I don't have to like Sage this way. He smells trouble.

I ran towards them and just what I was the least hoping for is the scene that broke my heart just a little.

Veronica was hugging him.

I found myself mute. I can't speak of what I saw. This makes sense. What me and his grandparents were thinking about them was true. They were old flames.

God I am pathetic. Back to Andrew 101 again.

Sage saw me, his eyes wide. He then pushed Veronica away but I just smiled and masked my irritation and pain. I get it. Caught in the act is always that surprising. Just a while ago, he almost kissed me and now, he and Veronica stuck like a glued paper.

"I-I think I should go Sage." I smiled again and turned my back to them calmly.

I dialed Toby's cell and luckily, in one ring, he answered. I asked him to fetch me where I was and he was surprised at first and wanted an explanation but I told him I'll tell him when we'll see later on. He told me that he'll be 10 because he was just around near where I was. I didn't asked him why because I immediately hit the end call button without saying goodbye and continued walking to the porch where his grandparents were still lovingly talking now.

"Hi dear. We were just talking about you. It's night time and we won't allow you to go home. It's dangerous to drive." Her eyes were beautiful and pleading but I can't. I've had enough for tonight.

"Oh, I uh... I can't." I became sullen. "There's someone coming to fetch me.

"Oh... I just... I thought you could stay for the night." She looked a little disappointed but I just shrugged it by smiling at her. Wasn't it too rude?

"Maybe next time. I promise." I reassured her.

As if on a cue, Sage came with Veronica nowhere to be found.

"Hannah, can we talk?" He asked directly but I just shook my head.

"Not now Sage. I'm really tired. Tomorrow maybe." I replied.

He heaved a sigh and dropped down his head then walked towards his grandmother. After a few seconds, we all heard a honk outside.

"I have to go. I'm so sorry. It was a lovely dinner Lissa. And thank you for your meatballs... uhm John." I laughed a little which caused him to laugh too.

Then I looked at Sage who was looking at me with his cold glare.

"I brought you here, I should be the one to take you home." His tone was cold and he just passed me thinking that he will leave and sulk.

What the hell is he thinking?

"I uh... Goodnight. Thank you again." I kissed Lissa on the cheeks and hugged John.

They bid me goodbye.

When I came outside, to my surprise, I though Sage was with Veronica since she was nowhere to be seen. But instead, he was leaning against his motorcycle while Veronica has her arms crossed a meter away from him. Toby was smiling devilishly at me like there was something juicy I must say to him.

"Veronica will ride with Toby and you..." he pointed at me and handed me the helmet, "...with me."

I wanted to protest but then Toby grabbed Veronica's wrist and led her inside his car. When she was inside, he locked it so Veronica won't escape and try to go back to Sage which I found too ridiculous.

And so I thought before that I won't be near him tonight but the tables had turned. Talk about swallowing my thoughts. Damn. This night will be long enough for me.

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