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As she walked back into the house, Skylar was relieved when everyone carried on instead of focusing on her. Even so, she had to take a moment to calm her nerves. She noticed after a quick glance that Jacob and Bella were gone but the rest of the group was crowded in the kitchen area stretching back to the living room.

Emily was already settled close to Sam, sparing her a smile. Embry seemed to be in a heated debate with Jared, throwing his hands around and his eyes widening so much is was comical. Turning, she jumped when she saw Quil smirking beside her. "Well, hello there."

"We weren't gone that long," Skylar began, eyebrows drawn as she looked around the room. "How did you all eat everything so fast." The kitchen was filled with food when she had left with Emily – a few scraps remained scattered on the plates."

Quil didn't even seemed fazed. "We're growing boys Skylar."

The said girl scrunched her face at his words, choosing to ignore them. Quil let out a hearty laugh, nudging her before he made his way to join the others in the living room. As soon as he left her side, Embry was quick to join her. He pointed towards the door. "I know you just came from outside but I was hoping I could talk to you a little bit."

She was quiet as she nodded, following the taller boy out the door once more. He sat down on the porch, hands settled on the ground supporting him up, and legs hanging over the edge. Smiling, he patted the wood next to him.

Sitting down, she immediately leaned into him. He was still so warm... It was comforting. Familiar. With everything that had went down in the past couple of hours, that was exactly what she needed.

Twisting his head, Embry lowered his head onto the girl's shoulder. He nuzzled into her, smiling as she laughed at the feeling. He could feel his smile fading, however, as he thought more and more. Skylar sensed it and made him meet her eye contact. "You seem down."

"I just wanted things to go differently," he mumbled. "I thought they would."

"What are you talking about?"

"Us. Everything," Embry whispered. "I wasn't expecting any of this to happen. I almost wish things were like they used to be."

Skylar frowned at him, concerned. "Things can go back, Em. Just give it a little time, that's all. I can adjust."

"It's not you," he smiled ruefully, not meeting her eyes. "It was me."

She scoffed. "You can't think that this is all of your fault, Embry! You couldn't control any of this."

He was silent, mulling over her words. "I liked you, you know?" He whispered, afraid that those inside would hear him. "I really liked you. I was going to ask you... I wanted so much more."

Her breath caught in her throat. She liked him, it was obvious and she was surprised to hear him voice his own feelings. "What changed," she managed to murmur.

"It's not my place to explain," he sorrowfully confessed. He wanted to. God, he wanted to tell her more than anything. Looking at her... Embry wanted her. But it wasn't his secret to tell, and she wasn't his to tell it to. "But just know you can tell me anything, okay? Anything, and I'll be there for you."


A rumbling sound hummed from the front door and both were quick to look up. Embry's jaw clenched as he spotted Paul looming in the doorway, but still regretfully stood as he glared on. He softened his gaze as he peeked down at Skylar and smiled. "I'll catch you later, okay?"

Skylar tried not to let the panic show. She only really knew Embry and Quil, and they both were going out of sight. The boy at the door – Paul, wasn't moving, but switched from glowering at Embry to staring at his shoes.

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