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Paul had vanished by the time Skylar woke up. It didn't bother her. She almost felt bad that a part of her was relieved she'd woken up alone. Weakness was not one her traits, she refused to be a pushover and it bothered her that it'd gotten the best of her. In front of Paul, yeah, so she wasn't too upset. 

Plus, if she remembered correctly she had let it slip that she loved him. Jesus, Skylar didn't even have to be drunk to not remember the previous night's actions. 

So Skylar took the morning to build herself back up. An extra long shower with too hot water, listening to upbeat music and even putting on a damn face mask. 

Later on, her computer was placed at the end of her bed with an episode of The Office running, her attention half on the show, half on her phone. Someone knocked, making Skylar tense up. She couldn't deal with Bella, not yet.

Thankfully it was only Charlie. He had bags under his eyes, darker than yesteredays, and his hair was a little all over the place. "You okay? I haven't heard from you all day? I guess m'just not used to you being silent."

"Ha," Skylar retorted, squinting at him. "But yeah, I'm good."

Nodding, he stepped another couple inches or so. "I'm going to go run a few errands, just to get out for a minute. Need anything?" Skylar shook her head and watched him leave, shutting the door with a soft thunk. She had her away time, it was his turn to take a mental break. 

She was in the kitchen an half hour later, eyebrows furrowed as she read the directions on the back of the box. "It's a fucking pot pie, how complicated does it have to be?" The opening and closing of the front door was just loud enough that Skylar barely caught it. "You said you'd be gone a minute, I'm about to burn the kitchen down."

Charlie didn't reply, so she took a quick peek behind her shoulder. Freezing when she saw who it was. 

Alice was standing with her arms crossed, looking smaller than she already was and dawning a sorrow look on her face. "Skylar."

"You're back." She was grateful that her voice didn't crack, most likely because she wasn't expecting Alice. It was unintentional to put that much stress on the first word. 

The girl tried to give her a small smile. "Bella and Edward are at our house."

She barely held back the scoff. "Well, I'm glad Romeo and Juliet are safe. Would have been nice to get a call." The image of Alice was getting to be too much, so Skylar turned her glare on the directions again. 

"I didn't know Bella was going to say those things. I completely focused all my vision on Edward."

Skylar had to take a few breaths in and out. "I know. And you're not to fault, but she went with you and you're related to Edward and your family is the reason mine is pretty fucked up at the moment. So it's just a bit difficult to be happy with you right now."

"I understand," Alice whispered, not being able to get her voice any higher. "But please, Skylar, if you need anything..."

"Is that all?" Skylar knew it was a bitchy move, and down the line she was really going to feel bad but right now it just fucking hurt. 

The vampire didn't respond, but the movement of the door gave it away. 

It would feel really good to cry, and a tear almost fell but Skylar didn't take half the day to build a wall back up for nothing. So, she cleared her throat and went back to reading the directions. 

Charlie didn't really say anything when he got home. Wanting to lie, but not being able to right now, Skylar told him that Alice stopped by. Told him Bella was okay but she hadn't come to the house yet. He didn't say anything, and his face didn't slip. All Charlie did was nod, walk over to reach in the fridge to grab two beers, give his daughter a long kiss on top of her head and went to the living room to his trusty recliner. 

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