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« Kellin »


I had Zack pinned up against the brick wall, which was now partly smashed; bricks littered the floor, carving out an opening for Zack to be pushed into. He was glaring at me in the same way that I was glaring at him, but he made no move to shove me off, even though he easily could do so.

Mike, Tay, and Ari were watching us with wide eyes. Their changing processes were relatively short, taking a mere five hours or so to Zack and my thirteen hours and ten minutes. They were either scared of they way I was reacting or their extreme hunger for human blood; I’m not sure, but at the moment, I didn’t care.

“He’s gone! The lock is broken, Kell – Kellin, if I saw this coming, I wouldn’t have let it happen! It was those two pricks that you let in earlier! Kellin, if this is anyone’s fault, it isn’t mine – it’s yours! If you had just changed him, we wouldn’t be in this situation!” Zack spat at me, his anger level equal to mine.

As I processed what he said, I started to believe it. I should’ve changed him before. I should’ve done it, and he would be here with us, not off with those lunatics – what were their names? Gerard and Mikey. That’s it. I slowly let go of Zack and fixed my black leather jacket as I turned to the other three.

“You three need to feed,” I said emotionlessly. “Go on the hiking trail. Don’t go into the city. Am I clear? If I turn on the TV and see a report of one killing where the victim has teeth holes in their fucking body, I will personally snap your heads off of your necks. You won’t be so immortal anymore. Come back in a half hour.”

The three of them nodded quickly and took off out the back door, causing my hair to whip around from the wind they caused. I ran a hand through my highlighted locks and squeezed my eyes shut. Vic was really gone, and those two – those two bastards took him from me.

“I’m going out,” I announced to Zack, who merely eyed me. I walked a normal human’s speed-walking pace to the front door. As my hand found the handle, Zack finally spoke, causing me to hesitate.

“Want me to come with?”

“No. I don’t want to accidently kill you.”

I could smell them. How come I didn’t before? I should’ve been able to hear if they had a beating heart or not – vampires do not, humans do, obviously. I was too pre-occupied with the conversation Zack and I had been having about the slowly-but-surely-growing army.

Their camp was up the hill a little away from the main exit of our arena. I could hear the familiar voices of Gerard and Mikey, but there were also two unfamiliar voices with theirs. I only heard one beating heart. My Vic. I squatted down out of their line of sight and listened.

“We’ve got him. Now what?” One of the unfamiliar voices asked.

Run Away With Me [Kellic] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now