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« Kellin »

I didn’t bother trying to see Vic again. It made me too sad.

Let me explain everything to you. I have multiple gifts. One; I can numb people. Two; I can “change my appearance,” so to speak. Remember when I scared the shit out of my parents and my eyes changed colors? I can make myself look like a normal human for only a certain amount of time before I snap back to the real me. I don’t use this ability much.

Three; I can send an exact copy of myself (when I was a human or the way I am now) to someone if I concentrate. I’ve only done this with Vic, so I don’t know if I can do it with other people. I doubt it, though. So, this is how it works; when Vic was human at MissionBay, I would sit in my cell in that crummy prison and concentrate, sending an exact replica of myself to him, but it was basically an illusion; I wasn’t really there, so I was practically a ghost.

Now that he’s been changed, it’s a lot stronger, I see. It’s like I can teleport, but I can’t. When I send an image of myself to Vic, he can physically feel me now, but he knows it’s not really me. When he touches the illusion, I feel it. He could do dirty things to the ghost-me and the real-me would probably enjoy it.

Anyway, my plan worked for Vic’s gifts. He can see things whether he likes it or not; painful memories, happy memories, things in progress, future events and outcomes, and – fingers crossed on this one – into people’s minds at their thoughts and memories. He can multitask; he can see the things I mentioned while watching the real, present world in front of him.

If we all get out of here alive, we’ll have the biggest coven in history with people that have abilities. We’d basically be the “royalty” of the Vampire World. I don’t particularly want that, though; I’ve had enough attention on me as it is.

I don’t like attention; never have, and probably never will. At school, I sat in the back, stayed in the shadows, never went to the cafeteria for lunch, and never joined clubs. When I kidnapped Vic and killed multiple people, my face was splashed on newspapers and TV channels nation-wide. I hated it.

Being the so-called “king” of the Vampire World wouldn’t be “fun” for me.

“Kellin,” Zack whispered to me. Only he knew what all three of my abilities were. I looked up at him. “What did he say?” He was referring to Vic. The simple thought of Vic broke my heart – if I had one that still worked – and I felt like breaking down, but again, vampires couldn’t cry.

“Um…” I started quietly, making sure to look away so it didn’t seem like we were talking. He did the same, going back to pacing like he always does. “He said he would find us, and he would kill Ronnie, and, uh… Well, he said he loved me, and this wouldn’t be the last time we saw each other, and… he asked Mike a question, like you already heard me ask.”

“But he’s coming, right?”

“If he does, he does. If he doesn’t, we’ll meet him in Hell, because he told me he doesn’t want to spend eternity by himself,” I mumbled, trailing my fingers on the concrete floor. I couldn’t tell if it was cold or not. I, myself, was numb; I was using my power on myself, since I didn’t want to feel anything.

Run Away With Me [Kellic] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now