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« Zack »

“Listen up!” I barked as I entered the basement. Believe it or not, but it was extremely roomy down here. Our whole army and then some could fit perfectly with enough personal space for all of them. I never realized how big it was until I had to control these little brats.

They all shot around the room at the sound of my voice to their respective lines. It was all alphabetical so we could keep track of them (somewhat – I assumed they were always there, since I was too lazy to bother counting heads). They were all silent, standing like porcelain statues around the room. It was creepy.

“We,” I started, hands locked behind my back as I paced, “are about to move in. Everything is almost ready to go. Now, before we go, I need to set down some ground rules set by K.” I was told by Kellin himself to refer to him as ‘K’ to the army. Strange, but nonetheless, I followed the request. I, of course, go no response from the statues of vampires in the room.

“Rule number one – do not go straight for Gerard. That is one of the most distinct rules set by K. If you take out Mikey, that’s fine. Ray, that’s even better. Frank, perfectly good. But if you go after Gerard, one of two things will happen; one, you will die, or two, he will control you, and turn you against all of us, and then you will die.

Rule number two – do not attack or advance unless K or I allow it. Do no follow the commands of others, especially Michael, Arianna, and Taylor. They have already been told what they are supposed to do. If you are told otherwise by K or me, you stick to the plan and what the others do.

Rule number three – do no go for Vic. I know it may be tempting, and I understand that, but nobody touches him besides the five of us. The only loophole on that is this; if you are near him, and the Killjoys are distracted, you may take him and go immediately to K, where he will take him back here.

Rule number four – if Gerard comes at you, move out of the way. The only people would can touch Gerard are the five of us. We have something against him, while you all do not, so I repeat, if Gerard comes at you, move out of the way.

Other than that, the only rule I’d like to add is an obvious one; listen for instruction. Do as we say, and there could be rewards for your service and bravery in this. Until we get to their camp, we don’t know what tactics they have to hit us with, so you have to be listening and be prepared.”

The men and women in the room responded with nodding their heads. I gazed around the room at them – some of them were surely going to die today. With one sharp nod of my head, I spun on my heel and slowly walked out of the room, leaving them to relax as I left.

Kellin appeared before me and gave me a look. I narrowed my eyes in question.

“Don’t think I don’t know.”

« Vic »

Run Away With Me [Kellic] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now