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« Vic »

I still hadn’t seen Kellin since early Saturday morning. That’s okay, though; I have a feeling that I know why he hasn’t made any appearances. I think that when Kellin’s close to me, within a few miles, maybe, I can’t see him, but when he’s far away, or a distant memory or something, I can see him.


It’s a stupid theory according to the voice in my head, but it’s not like I listened to him.


Today was Monday, and I prayed “soon” meant now. I was prepared to wear this exact same outfit all week, all month, for the rest of my life, until Kellin came. It was sort of symbolic in my head for some odd reason. I felt compelled to wear it.


So far, I got a few shoves, a punch in the gut, and a few names thrown at me, but other than that, today was going smoothly. Mike texted me a few times during class to check on me as always, and I responded with cheery “yeah, I’m good :)” replies every time. He even came up to me in the hallways and gave me these weird bro-hugs like he was scared that I wasn’t real.


Wasn’t this supposed to be the other way around? The big brother is supposed to be worrying about the little brother, not vice versa. I guess it’s hard for him to live with the fact that he has a… mentally deranged, clinically depressed, somewhat-bipolar, bullied brother. I know it’d be hard for me if the roles were switched.


Anyway, by the time fourth period rolled around, I was losing hope in Kellin showing up today. I sat at my desk, drumming my fingers against my cheek, thinking about how I needed to lose weight (156 pounds is a bit much, don’t you think?) when suddenly, out in the hall, there’s an ear-splitting scream of pain.


Everyone in my class ran outside. I took my time, not really giving a damn; nobody cared when I screamed like that. I peered out into hall, tip-toeing to see over the people who made a fucking barricade so I couldn’t look at who it was yelling. I heard a familiar voice shout, “Where is Vic?”


It couldn’t be.


I squeezed my way between the wall of people and stumbled into the open space in the middle of the corridor. We caught eyes and my breathing stopped. I blinked a few times. This wasn’t the Kellin I remembered…


He had highlights in his hair. His skin was a lot paler than it was before, and his build was way more muscular, too. Kellin must’ve grown at least four inches, too. His eyes… they were different. They looked orange. He looked like he was wearing contacts. His outfit consisted of a pair of Zack’s combat boots, black skinny jeans, a tight-fit black tee-shirt similar to the one I was wearing, and a black beanie that barely sat on his head safely.


Kellin smiled at me. He held out his hand and bowed down a little, peeking up at me from his position. I hesitantly stepped forward. Was my mind fucking with me again? I rubbed my eyes with my fists. Before I could step closer, though, Kellin’s gaze flickered over to Josh, one of the boys who bullied me.

Run Away With Me [Kellic] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now