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« Kellin »

I was frozen in shock at what I was seeing. My eyes were wide. If my heart still worked, it would have stopped beating. How did it wear off so quickly? Why did that just happen? Why didn’t that happen to Tay, Mike, and Ari?

Zack had to physically pick me up and drag me out of the room. We were the only two in here, but I could hear Mike yelling from the basement, probably being restrained by the army via Zack’s orders not to let him up here to his brother. Frank, Mikey, and Ray were all watching me, standing back like they were prepared to protect themselves. When Zack let me go, I just stood there, staring at the now closed door, blocking out most of Vic’s screams.

My mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. Zack waved his hand in front of my face. I still didn’t move. How could I put him through so much pain – again? I kidnapped him. I tortured him, beat him, and kept him away from his family. I got inside his head while we were separated and he didn’t know it was actually me; I drove him insane.

Now, I’m taking his soul.

“Selfish bastard,” I whispered, blinking once. Zack narrowed his eyes at me questioningly. I took a few steps back. “Selfish bastard… Selfish bastard…” I turned and kicked a chair, making it fly across the building, hitting a far away wall with a loud bang. Every noise downstairs ceased. I breathed hard even though I didn’t need to; it was out of habit.

Pulling at my hair, I sprinted out of the building and ran towards the town, straight for that shitty part of town I used to call home. I ran past MissionBay, past Vic’s house, past Claremont, and straight to my front door. I stopped running and eyed the door. Then, without another moment of hesitation, I kicked it in.

My father was sitting on the couch, talking lightly with my mother, smiling, laughing, all that fucked up shit. Neither of them was drunk. Neither of them was high. When they turned to me, their eyes widened in shock – and, hopefully, fear and regret.

I smiled. I make myself laugh sometimes. Regret is not an emotion either of them possesses towards anything, especially towards me, their own son, who they probably forgot about. My smile stayed sweet as I walked over to them, making them stand up from the couch and move away.

“Kellin?” My father asked hesitantly, his arm outstretched to “protect” my mother. She was shaking. I smiled a little more as I ran a hand through my hair. I didn’t answer just yet. My father eyed me up and down, eventually catching my eye color. “Did you… did you get contacts?”

That made me laugh. I laughed; it sounded maniacal, making my mother jump. I stopped laughing and wiped a fake tear from my eyes. I took a step closer and they took a step back. “Mommy, Daddy, why are you so scared of your little baby boy? I thought you loved me…” I murmured softly, pouting my bottom lip out.

“We do love you–” My mother said shakily.

I smell bullshit.

“No, you don’t!” I hissed. “You don’t. While you were on that big fancy cruise, probably sobering up since you didn’t have a son to abuse for three months, I kidnapped a boy, tortured him, killed countless people, met a new killing friend, transported the boy to two locations before taking his friend with us to the third – Arianna’s house, got caught, went to prison, broke out of prison with my friend, killed a few more people, and kidnapped the boy, his brother, his friend, and Ari again – oh, did I forget to mention I’m a vampire?”

Run Away With Me [Kellic] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now