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    Hi, my name is Ella Brooks, I am 16 years old and I am a orphan. I have no hopes of being adopted, the only way I'll get out of here is when I'm 18 and am an adult, or at least that's what I thought until one day.  

 {Ella's POV}

   "GET DOWN HERE!!!" came from an angry old shroo, called Ms. Pendric. I got off my bed and walked to the end of the hall and yelled "WHAT?!!"
"JUST GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!" she screamed as I heard a male voice say "You don't have to say it that way," as I got worried who it could be. I walked down the stairs, and turned the corner to see a tall guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Logan," he said, as he reached his hand out. I took it. "I'm Ella Brooks," I said, as he smiled. "I understand your 16 as of three days ago, right?" he asked, as I just nodded. "Well, she's perfect," he said to Ms. Pendric. "Are you sure you want this one?" she asked as I just glared at her. "Didn't you say that she was the only 16 year old girl?" he asked as she nodded with a shit eating look. "Go pack your shit up," she said as I hugged this guy, which surprised him at first but then he hugged back. I'm not like most orphans, I have never been adopted, well except for once, and I don't speak of that. I ran to my room and said goodbye to my best friend of all time. 

   "Bye bestie, I'll miss you, I love you!!!" I said hugging Michael, and continuing to pack my things, but before I did, he turned me around. "Bye, Ella," he said as he kissed me. We had always been close, but I never realized he felt that way. "I love you," he said pulling away. "Oh, I'll miss you!!" I said hugging him one last time, and finished packing. I only had 3 bags, one for clothes, one for personal items, and then one for my guitar. I packed everything up and Michael walked down the stairs with me. "I'm ready," I said as Logan  looked up from his phone. "Ok, great!!" I nodded as he took my guitar, and other bags. We walked outside, and I didn't see a car, but what I saw I really wasn't expecting. 

    A giant school bus with the title "COOL BUS" on the top. "Wow, cool," I said, as he laughed. "Sick right?" he asked as I replied "For sure."  I climbed in the back, It was filled with love sacks, and speakers were everywhere. "Dream bus," I said as Logan looked at me. "I didn't know I said that out loud." "It's okay, it is a pretty cool bus," he said literally ruining everything by hitting my guitar on the side of the bus. "REALLY!!!" I screamed as he got a disappointed look on his face. "I'm really sorry what is it? A guitar? Do you play?" he asked as I took it out of my case.

   "Electric," I said as he looked at the purple streaks through my blonde hair and immediately assumed that I was into rock. "I don't just do rock, I use to have a acoustic too, but well Ms. Pendric destroyed it," I said as he looked at me with pleading eyes. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean too, it just means so much to me, and I understand if you want to take me back. Ms. Pendric always said my short temper, and loudness would get me brought back, if I even got adopted that is," I said letting a tear escape. "I wont take you back, ever," he said wiping the tear of my cheek. "Okay, I guess I believe you," I replied smiling to myself. "Well, you can. Now on a happier note I got some people I want you to meet!!!" he said as I sat on a love sac when the speakers started blaring. 

   "Oh, sorry I like loud beats," he said turning it down. "NO, what are you doing? Turn that back up!!" I said as he got a smile across his face. "I knew you were the right choice. He started singing along to the song called "Help Me Help You". "This wouldn't happen to be your song would it?" I asked as he looked weirded out. "Yea, how did you know?" " I am a singer, I can tell a persons voice, but who were the first few?" I asked. "Their the Why Don't We Boys, a boy band that we'll meet later, ok?" he asked as I started siging alone to the song, but I got carried away and I didn't notice that he had turned it down. "Oh," I said blushing. "It's okay, your an amazing singer, I know some people pretty high up, maybe I could get a few songs produced," he said as I screamed. This was my dreams playing out in front of me. Being adopted, and the possibility of becoming a musician. "That would be great, that's always been my dream, well besides being adopted, and you've already taken care of that," I said as I sat back down. I could already tell this was going to be a hell of a ride.  

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