Life and Death

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{Ethan's POV}

   I found Jack and the other Why Don't We boys. "Jack," I said walking to him when he decked me. "THAT'S FOR ELLY!!!" he said grabbing his skateboard and walking away. "HEY!!! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!" I yelled after him as he turned around. He tried hitting me again but I caught him. "WHAT?!!" he yelled. I could tell he was getting ready to cry. "Do you even know what happened to her?" I asked as his face lost it's color. "What?" he asked barely a whisper. "Her real parents tried to take her away. I attacked them and well In sight of the moment we kissed, but it meant nothing. Jonah caught us and well I took the kiss as more and she said she didn't know and ran off. That's when your dumbass comes out of nowhere and we got in a fight. Now I have no clue where she is," I said. "Oh my god!!! I'm so stupid, and I fucked up!!!" he said as I saw a tear fall. "Come on, we need to go find her," I said as he nodded. We arrived at Logan and her penthouse. We went upstairs and knocked on the door. "You 2 together? The fuck?" Logan asked. "Were here to make up and talk to Elly," Jack said as I nodded. "She won't open the door," Logan said. "No prob," Jack said pulling a key out of his pocket. "How the fuck did you get a key to my daughter's bedroom when I didn't even have one?!!" Logan asked. "I'll tell you later," He said.

 {Jack's POV}  

   I opened the door and seen the laptop setting open on her bed but no Elly. I decided to see what she wrote. I read it and immediately ran for the bathroom door. "ELLY!!! ELLY!!!!! PLZ OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!" I yelled as me and Ethan broke through the door. It was awful. There sat my beautiful Elly in the bathtub completely drowsed in blood and cuts. "LOGAN!!!! LOGAN!!" I yelled as he ran in and fell to the ground. "CALL 911!!!" I yelled as Ethan quickly called. I slid over to the side of the tub. I grabbed her hand. "You'll be fine, you have to be fine. I can't live without you, I'm so sorry I should have listened. Plz wake up, plz be fine. ELLY!!!" I whispered and then yelled. The ambulance finally showed up and I watched as they slipped her lifeless looking body into the back and shut the doors. We called everybody and told them what happened. I grabbed her laptop just incase she didn't make it, they would at least get to know her last thoughts. But before I left I looked on the bed to see the pick I got her with her initials engraved on the top. This is what she cut herself with, it's all my fault. Logan, Ethan, Amanda, and myself got into the Yeti and drove to the hospital. 

{Logan's POV}

   It's all my fault, I caused this. I was supposed to change her life, not let her lose it. We drove behind the ambulance my heart was racing. I couldn't think about anything but my little girl surviving. Or I wouldn't. 


      "Wow cool," she said looking at the cool bus. "Sick right?" I asked back. "For sure," she said hopping in the bus. "Dream bus," she said looking around it in amazement. "I didn't know I said that out loud," she said blushing. "It's ok, it is a pretty cool bus," I said as I hit one of her bags on the side of the bus. "REALLY?!!!" she yelled as I felt awful. "I'm really sorry, what is it? A Guitar? Do you play?" I asked as she took it out and looked it over. "Electric," she replied as I looked to her purple streaks thinking rocker. "I don't just do rock, I used to do electric too, but well Ms. Pendric destroyed it," she said as I felt sorry for her, and angry at that old bitch. End of flashback.

    I snapped out of it as we arrived at the hospital. I seen them pull her lifeless body out of the back. We all got out and ran to her side. "I love you baby girl, I love you," I said as I stayed by her side with everybody else. We all except for Jack still had our suits and dresses on, quite the scene in the hospital. They stopped me at the double doors. I broke down. I cried setting up against the wall with my head in my lap. "Logan?" came from an all to familiar voice. "Jake?" I asked back. "Yea bro," he said setting next to me. "I've never been so happy in all my life to see your stupid ass," I said as he laughed. "It'll be fine. She's strong like her father. Just because she's not biological doesn't mean she's not just like you," Jake said making me feel 10 times better. "Thx bro," I replied. "Your welcome," He replied. Then Amanda came over and Jake went and sat down. "She loves you, you know," she said. "She will survive this. Don't blame yourself, and go talk to those boys. They think it's their fault. It's nobody's fault," Amanda said making be fell even better. "I love you," I said to her. "I love you too," she said giving me a kiss before I stood up and walked over to Ethan and Jack. "Guys," I said as they looked at me and stood up. "It's not your faults, it's nobody's fault except those razors that she cut herself with," I said as Jack looked down as I seen a tear hit the floor. "Jack, it's not your fault," I repeated as he pulled something out of hos pocket. It was a pick covered in blood. "LOOK!!" he yelled. It had her initials on the top and his on the bottom. "Is that-" I got cut off. "YES!!! IT'S THE STUPID PICK I BOUGHT HER!!! SHE CUT HERSELF WITH THIS!!!! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!! DON'T YOU GET THAT?!!" he yelled storming out of the hospital. "JACK!!! JACK!!!" I yelled after him but he kept on running. Ethan then handed me something. Ella's laptop. I opened it to see a suicide letter to all of us. "oh god," I whispered as I kept reading it but I stopped on my part. 

   "Logan, you gave me the life I thought I would never have the chance of living, I thank you. I thank you for being there for me through all my bullshit and being one hell of a Dad and I hope you and Amanda live happily ever after with each other, I love you."

      I started crying again. Everybody surrounded me. "What is that?" Tessa asked. "Here," I said as I handed it to Jake and they passed it around reading it and crying. "Why?" Erika asked as she read her part. "Mr. and Mrs. Paul?" a doctor asked coming in as me and Amanda stood before him. "We still don't know if she'll make it so we always let the family in to see her one last time," he said as everybody started crying again. Everybody went before me. I bent down next o the bed. I grabbed her freezing hands and held them in mine. "Ella, Elly I just wanted you to know that all the hell we've been through only makes us stronger. And I'm sorry that you thought suicide would make it better. this might be the last words ever said to you, I wanted my voice to be the last one you hear, if you can hear this. I love you and so dose everyone else in this room. I was supposed to protect you. I was supposed to care for you, I was supposed to love you unconditionally, I was supposed to be a dad and I failed you. I'm sorry, I mean it. I would never take anything back except what happened tonight. You mean the world to me, wait no you don't... You mean the universe, the galaxy to me and I hope deep down inside your heart you know that. No matter what you went through before I found you, no matter what's happened tonight, you've been stronger than all of us. I'll miss you forever Ella Cameron Paul, I love you," I said stepping away from her as I looked to everybody as they al continued to cry. Everybody left and I stood against the wall. I walked over kissed her on the forehead and turned around to leave that was until I heard a slight whisper. "Dad."

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