The Tables Have Turned

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{Ella's POV}

    Me and Ethan found the old hospital where they have Jack. "You get Jack, I'll fight them off ok?" Ethan asked as I nodded. I kicked the door in getting everyone's attention. I beat the shit out of the first 2 and then got to Jack. He was passed out and had the shit beat out of him. I unfastened him from the chair and carried him over to where Ethan was. "Damn, he looks like a piece of shit, as usual," he said as I glared at him. I handed him over to Ethan and we started to leave when bars slid in front of the door. "HEY! HEY!" I yelled banging on it as we heard laughing. "You didn't think you were getting out that easy did you?" came from the intercom. "Who are you?!! YOU SCARED MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled as they started laughing again. Then the door opened and the person we least expected walked in.... Grayson. "What the hell? Gray?" Ethan asked as I stood there in shock. "You don't get it?" he asked as I still couldn't believe it. "Why?" I asked as he smiled. "See, from the beginning the whole point was to sale you back to your parents, but even my own brother got in the way of that," he said as I glanced over to Ethan who looked just as surprised as I am. "But why, I thought we were family?" I asked as he laughed. "Never, see Ethan's not the bad guy you thank he is, I set him up," he said as Ethan got red in the face. "But my plan backfired, I planned to kill you but that didn't happen so I just thought I would attack you while you were recovering from your first mishap but then little Jacky boy here got in the way," he said as I just stood In disbelief. "But why in the first place?" I asked as he gave a devilish smirk. "Why? Because you see a while ago I made a deal with your once parents to get something I wanted and when they refused I thought what deal could I make them? Maybe give you back to them, see I also staged the Vid Con attack by your parents but once again here comes dumb little brother to interrupt again," he said. "Now I know what your going to ask next, what is it you want?" he said laughing, "I want one simple thing, your uncle and father dead," he said as I felt my stomach drop and the whole world coming to an end.  

    "Why have them dead? Because unknown to everyone's knowledge I was signed to leave Ethan here by his self and become a part of their group, I signed a contract and everything but they never signed me and I never got paid then I wanted revenge so I called up your old parents, bounty hunters," he said as it all made sense. It all lined up except one thing. "And what do you expect to do now?" I asked as he laughed. "Your parents are currently at the hospital getting ready to kill your entire family, this was all just to lure you here. Now don't you get it, what joy!" he said as I looked to Ethan. "Oh my god... NO!" I yelled as my adrenalin started pumping and I knew what was going to happen, I haven't felt this rage since, since that night with Ms. Penric. I turned trying to calm down but I couldn't. I punched through the wall causing a giant hole to be in it's place when it hit me, I'm immortal I can just kill him right here. I turned around and walked to Grayson. "Your forgetting one thing Gray," I said as he laughed again. "And what's that?" he asked. "I'm a Paul and Paul's don't give up," I said rearing back and knocking the shit out of him. "NOW YOU STAY HERE BITCH!" I said taking the remote from him and raising the bars from in front of the door. "Now we got a family to save," I said as Ethan nodded. 

{Logan's POV}

   We were getting ready to leave the hospital when the doctors ran to us hysterical. "SHE'S GONE! YOUR DAUGHTER'S GONE!" he said as I got confused. "We already know she passed.." I said. "NO! HER BODY IS ACTUALLY GONE!" he said as my eyes went big and we all went running for her room. I came in to see nothing but her jacket. "Guys, something's not right, look at her jacket," I said picking it up when something fell out. I picked it up, it's a note. I read it and realized something. "She's alive, SHE'S ALIVE!" I screamed hugging little bro Jakey. "What?" everybody asked gathering around and reading it. "Oh my god, she is alive but what does she mean by she isn't?" Jake asked as I wondered the same thing. 

   Just as I was about to speak out there was screaming coming from the front of the hospital. "What in the hell?" Jake asked as gun shots rang out. "Move," I said as I opened the door and stuck my head out to see 2 people with guns heading down our hall. "We have to get out of here," I said as I looked around for someway to get out. "The vent!" I yelled. "Ok Tessa, Erika, and Amanda you go first," Jake said as he lifted Tessa up into the vent then Erika and finally Amanda. "Ok Justin, Zach, Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel next," I said as they went up. "Chance, Anthony, Thomas, Ray next," Jake said as they went up one by one. "Nick, Nathan and Kade," Jake repeated as they went up. "Tristan, Chad, Emilio and Ivan you go up," I said as they made their way up the vent. "Little bro you go first," I said as he climbed up and I followed. I was getting ready to shut the vent door when I seen Ella's jacket. I knew I couldn't leave it. "Fuck," I said dropping out and grabbing it. I quickly climbed back up the vent shutting the door as the  room door opened. 

   We made our way to the roof. "Now what do we do?" Amanda asked as I wondered the same thing. "I know, were going to have to tie our clothes together, it's the only way," I said as everyone looked to each other. "That or stay and die?" I said as everybody started taking off their jackets and mostly anything they could find. Once we were down to our pants we lowered them over the edge. "Jake you go down first so you can catch everybody," I said as he shimmied his way down. "Ok, Erika and Tessa next," I said as they made their way down and Jake got them. "Amanda-" I was cut off. "No, I'm staying with you," she said as smiled. "Ok, but if something happens I don't know what I'd do, I mean I've almost lost my daughter several times, I can't lose you," I said as she kissed me and we continued to get everybody down. Once everybody was down but me, Amanda and Kade we thought for sure we were getting out of here but then the door opened...

   "You really thought you'd get away?" they asked pointing the gun at us. Kade is already on the rope so I whispered to him. "Go, get the cops their here," I said as he nodded and slipped down the rope. "Oh, what do we have here? A little girlfriend?" he asked coming closer to Amanda. "You stay away from her," I said as he laughed. "I'm serious you don't touch her," I said as he hit me with the gun. "LOGAN!" Amanda screamed as I heard the sirens in the distance. "Your not getting away," I said as they started talking. "We may not, but we will get the job done," he said as the gun was pointed at me as he released the trigger. "I love you Amanda, and tell Ella and Jake the same," I said before I was struck and was falling off the roof when the door opened again. "DAD!" came from a voice I knew and loved. "Ella," I said. Amanda grabbed my hands refusing to let me go. "I can't hold you!" she said as I smiled. "Let me go," I said as she cried. "No, I'll never let you go," she said as I let go. "NO!" she yelled as I blacked out mid-air.

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