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{Ella's POV}

   Right before everything went black I seen Jack and Ethan come through the door, together? At least their together I thought. I then remeber there being a bright ligth through a door and it was calling me to come towards it. But the one thing that stopped me was Logan's voice. He started telling me how much they would miss me and how he loves me. I began to realize I had to get out of here, I had to live. I banged on the solid blackwalls around me, and as I did pictures or memories bad ones, fell from the seemingly endless celing above me. When they hit the ground they started to play out. The time I ran away and got kidnapped, both times actually. All the times me and Jack fought. I then looked to the door to see all the happy memories going around and around in a circle. It started talking to me saying "Come here Ella, come here to where those nightmares can't haunt you," but I refused. "No, NO!!!!! I WANT TO SEE MY DAD LOGAN, AND MY BOYFRIEND JACK, AND MY FAMILY!!!! I LOVE THEM!!! AND NO BAD NIGHTMARES CAN CHANGE THAT, EVER!!!!!" I said closing my eyes and remebering all the great times. "I wish I was out of here, I wish I could see Logan just one more time. I wish I could see Jack... one last time," I wished while crying. Just then a burst of purple and white light bursted in front of me and I was in a hospital bed with Logan standing in front of me. 

   Not knowing if this was real or not I asked. "Dad?" as Logan turned and ran to me covering me with hugs and kisses. "I love you!!!!" he yelled as everyone came in. I then felt myself getting weaker and weaker. "I love you all," I said as I took my last breath whispering "Goodbye," as I heard the beeping noise meaning I was flatlining. I just realized I said I wanted to see Logan one more time, and since I did my time was up.That's the way it works in here, they give you something and then jerk it away. Torchure. then I also realized something else, I also said I wanted to see Jack and he wasn't there. 

{Jack's POV}

   I was walking down the street thinking about Ella and how I would give anything for her to be alright. Then I got a text.

Logan: Jack, Jack my baby is gone

me: WHAT?!!!!!!!

Logan: she just woke up and then she died


     I quickly ran back in the direction of the hospital when I ran right into something. I looked up to see the guys from before. "NO!!! YOUR NOT TAKING ME AWAT FROM MY ELLY!!!!!" I yelled as I took a step back and decked him. I grabbed his bag, hoping to find out who this guy is. I ran back the other way as his buddies chased me. I then remembered this is a kidnappers bag, won't he have some type of weapon? I dug through it as they got closer. I found a gun which left me with the choice to shoot and possibly kill the basters that almost killed my Ella or let them kill me, the one that did kill her. I stopped running and turned around. I pointed the gun towards them as they backed off. I then dropped it as they tackled me to the ground. They stuck me with a needle and I passed out. 

   I woke up in a room with paint peeling off the walls, dirt filled floors and hospital equipment. I realized that I must be in the abandoned hospital outside of L.A. I tried getting up but I was strapped to this one lonesome bed. Then the door opened...

{Ella's POV}

   I then realized if they could mess with me I could mess with them. "So I got a question, if I said I wanted to see Jack one more time doesn't that entitle me one more chance?" I asked. "The only way your getting out of is saving another life. But luckily Jack is currently trying to kill himself," they said as I stood up. Then it flashed before me, pictures of Jack tied up and then ones before up him with a gun but he gave it up?!!! "WHAT'S HE DOING?!!" I yelled as they laughed. "See, killing yourself was one thing you thought would save everybody else but truly you hurt everyone, just look," they said as it showed me pictures of Logan and Amanda hugging, Jake and Tessa hugging, Chance and Anthony, Ethan and Grayson, and all of Team10 and everyone else that ever cared about me. "Please, let me save the people I loved. They have saved me so many times and finally when they couldn't it's up to me to save them to save myself technically?" I asked getting confused by my own words. "YES!!!! Now your getting it, the whole reason you're here was to learn that lesson. Now, got save the people you love," they said as I woke back up feeling great.

   I looked to my arms to see the cuts gone and my depression had disappeared. I unplugged myself from the monitors finding that I was in my clothes from before which were sparkly clean. I took off my jacket from Vid Con and layed it on the bed writing a note to Logan. "I'm alive, well not technically until I save Jack. If I do this I will be alive but until then stay safe, I love you." I wrote it putting it in my jacket pocket and going to the window. I was at least 3 stories from the ground. I jumped and landed perfectly and then understood that I can't die because technically I'm not even alive. I'm like Jack's guardian angel, where was mine when this happened? I asked myself as something shot out of the sky coming next to me. It was Ethan?!?! "W-?" I got cut off. "I also tried killing myself, and the only way to come alive was to save you from your old parents. I'm still immortal, that's something you never loose," he said as I stood in shock. "Are you here to help me or something?" I asked. "Yes, but you have to physically save him for your transformation to work," he replied as I looked down. "Was it because of me?" I asked. "What?" he asked. "Did you try killing yourself over me?" I asked. "Yes, because I loved you and I let my own selfishness get in the way of what truly matters. If I loved you I would be happy for you and Jack, but I couldn't. He just swooped in and took you away from me and it killed me so I tried killing myself and well I saw all my mem-" I cut him off. "Bad  memories falling from the sky and the good ones behind that lightened door?" I asked as he nodded. "Well, I guess all weirdoes end up in the same place," he said as I laughed.

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