Your a what?

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{Logan's POV}

   I seen Ella loose her smile. "What Ell?" I asked as she looked like she was going to cry. She headed for the door, she slammed it as I went running. "ELLLA!!!" I screamed as I took the steps but then I found out she was smarter that I thought. She had pushed the button but there was not a single person in the elevator. "DAMMIT!!" I screamed as I heard the front door swing open from behind me. It was Ella, I quickly turned to run after her. I came outside to a busy, and crowded street. "ELLA!!" I screamed as the Logang came to surround me. "Logan why are you crying?" A little girl asked. I just realized I was crying. "Um, can you all help me find someone?" I asked as I showed them the picture of her playing her guitar with Daniel. "OMG!! Is she their girlfriend?" they asked as I said "There's no time for that, I will explain later, but have you seen this girl?" I asked the crowd. No one had seen her. My first instinct was to call Jake, and Team 10.

me: BRO!!

Lil shit: yes Logan, what's wrong?

me: Ella ran away and I can't find her!!! I pulled out my vlog camera and she ran out the door!!

Lil shit: OMG BRO!! I'll get Team 10, and we will scavenge the area

me:hurry plz, my baby is missing, I done fucked up, I fucked up bad!!

Lil shit: Were on our way, and Logan

me: yea?

Lil shit: stay calm, she couldn't have gotten far, make sure she didn't juke you, go back and check in the building

me: Thanks bro

Lil shit: Your welcome

   I seen Evan, Lydia, Jeff, Frank, Amanda, Mark, Kylie, and George come outside. "Oh my god, has anybody seen her?" Kylie asked as she started crying. "No," I said as more and more anger, and sadness came over me. I walked to a sign and punched it, not realizing that the Logangsters were filming it all. I called the Dolans next.

me: Ethan!!

Eth: yes, omg what's wrong?!?!

me: It's Ella she ran away and now we can't find her anywhere!!!


me: Ok see you here

   About 10 minutes later Ethan and Grayson pulled up. I could tell Ethan had been crying, his eyes were red and puffy. I then decided I would get as many people as possible. I called Judy, Hannah, Jeff's girlfriend, and a few others. I then felt I should call the Why Don't We Boys.

Corbean: Yo Logan what's up?



me: Bye bro

C: Bye bro. 

   About fifteen minutes later Judy, Cameron (Dallas), and Nate (Garner), showed up. "OMG, are you ok?" Nate asked. "No bro, my little girl is lost somewhere of course I'm not ok!!" I screamed. Then the Team 10 van, Tesla, rainbro, and the Why Don't We Boys showed up. We started searching at 5:00pm. By now it was midnight, and there had been no sign of her, my little girl was lost, and I have no clue where. "Dad?" Ella's voice from behind me. "oh my god!!!" I said breaking down she looked awful. 

{Ella's POV}

   I ran out of the penthouse as fast as I could. I quickly clicked the button on the elevator as I ran down another hallway. I heard Logan scream my name and head for the stairs. I quickly followed behind him. When he was turned around I slipped out the doors. I headed  for somewhere. I had no clue where I was heading, I ended up many blocks away. I didn't recognize anything. It was starting to get dark, I looked at my phone and realized I had been running for 3 hours now, it was 9:00. Just then a white van pulled up beside me, I didn't think muck about it until a guy in all black jumped out and ran for me. I started running as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed my wrist twisting it as I yelled. "OW!!" he then grabbed me as I started screaming, but nobody heard my cries. They threw me into the van and started to beat the shit out of me. But just then I felt the door slide open as they kicked me out of the moving car. I fell to the ground, hitting my shoulder and slamming my ankle on a sign. "HELPPP!!" I screamed as I heard someone approach me, crying? I barely could see, but what I did see made me the happiest girl alive. It was Jack. "ELLA!!!" he screamed as he picked me up in his arms, and started walking. "OMG, what happened to you?" he asked as I just continued to cry every last ounce of my tears into his solid black shirt. He kissed my forehead, and continued to carry me. "who did this? I'll kill them!! I'll kill them if I find them!!" he screamed as I saw a familiar face. "There's Logan," I said as he carried me next to him. "Dad?" I asked as he turned to me immediately and started crying. The last words I could sliver out before everything went black was "I love you Dad."

Adopted By Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now