Stuck between a Jack and an Ethan

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     (You should get this reference^^^ It's like stuck between a rock and a hard place except Jack and Ethan, I know real cheesy. Now tell me this picture^^^  dosen't make picking between them harder than it needs to be. Just when you think Jack I give you this picture of Ethan being adorable, as always.)

{Jack's POV}

   I couldn't take it, I love her too much to see her get hurt by that fucker. She belongs with me. I called an Uber to take me home. Once I got there I changed into some comfortable clothes, grabbing my skateboard and backpack. I rolled down the street heading to a park that I went to quiet often, even once with "Her". My leg hurt every time I went up and down but I overlooked the pain physically because all I could think about was the pain mentally. I did a few tricks up and down right before I seen car lights. It was Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jonah. "Hey guys," I said flipping my skateboard, but I quickly fell off holding my leg. "OW!!!" I yelled. "JACK!!!!" came from an all to familiar voice. Elly. "Leave me alone!!!" I yelled limping away. "PLZ!!!" she yelled after me. "WHAT?!!! YOU CAME TO SAY HOW SORRY YOU ARE FOR BREAKING MY HEART, OR THE FACT THAT YOU DID IT ON ONE OF THE SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPIEST NIGHTS OF ALL OUR LIVES?" I asked as she started crying. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. You don't know what the reason is behind it!!!" she yelled back. I got in her face. "I don't need a valid reason for why you had your lips all over lover boy!!!" I yelled back just before she slapped me and left with Logan and the others.

{Ella's POV}

   It's ruined. My life, I've destroyed it. Logan gave me the chance of a life time and I fucked it up by being stupid and getting caught up in my own petty reasons and I made a whole lot of mistakes that could have been prevented. I ran inside the apartment and slamming my door. "ELLA!!! Elly, come on sweetie," Logan said through the door as I just ignored it. I grabbed my laptop and began typing a message.

     "Dear family, I will miss you all very much and even though this might hurt you, it makes me feel 10 times better. Logan, you gave me the life I thought I would never have the chance of living, I thank you. I thank you for being there for me through all my bullshit and being one hell of a Dad and I hope you and Amanda live happily ever after with each other, I love you. Amanda, I love you like a Mom, bestfriend and sister which I never had any of these, I hope you and Logan have fun together. Jake, your were the funniest Uncle and only Uncle I have ever had. I hope you and Tessa are happy together (Once again full Jerika supporter). Chance and Anthony, you 2 are always pulling stunts with Jake and are always lighting up the room, I love you and stick with each other because you'll never have a better friendship than Chanthiony. Tessa and Erika, you 2 are quite the bestfriends, you are the mothers of Team 10 and some of my closest bestfriends I have ever had, I love you. Nick, the first time I met you I knew we would be bestfriends with your grumpy personality and British accent, I love you. Alex, all the times I called you blonde monkey, and you called me rainbow barf, I love you anyway. Tristan and Chad, for all the times you belled me out of trouble from Logan to all the pranks and all the late night Riverdale binges, I love you. Thomas and Ray, for all the funny moments and pillow fights to all the times you cleaned up my messes. Martinez twins, your cute Spanish accents and quirky personality, I love you. Justin, Freshman!!! I love how we were best friends and  how I had tried to hook you up with every girl in a 30 mile radius, I love you. Nathan and Kade, all the Uncle moments and all the advice, I love you. Grayson, even though your brother can be a real dick, you stuck with me as one of my close friends, I love you. Jonah, all the moments I made you carry me around and the times I pied you in the face, I love you. Corbyn, little Corbean!! I love your banana hair as I called you for making fun of Jack's noodles, I love you. Daniel, all the Delly moments, to all the times I propped my feet up on you after I broke my leg for the second time, I love you. Zach, I love how you always thought you were the hottest and the shit when in reality I was, I love you. Ethan, you may have a part in this but I love you any way you goof ball. Eleins, Logangsters, Jake Paulers, and all Team 10 supporters, I love you and I thank you for all your support.  Michael, my bro from the same foster home. I love you and remember you have one hell of a family now so they will treat you well, love you. Jack, my baby, my one and only. If only you knew that I wouldn't have to do this. I love you more than anybody, more than life it's self as you can see. Now, I'll say my last goodbye, I love you, miss you forever." ~Elly~

   I propped it up on my bed as I walked into the bathroom. I put on my favorite makeup look, my Logang shirt with a Jake Paul x hoodie and my Gucci shoes and jacket and then putting my hair in my favorite style and putting the Gucci glasses on the top of my head. I wrapped the hoodie around my waist and put on my jacket that I had made for tonight. After I was ready I grabbed my one and only sharp object that I used to cut with when I thought of my old life, it was a pick that Jack bought me. My sharp lighting bolt pick for my guitar. It had my initials on the top. I cut my arm deep 4 times for the letters in Jack's name, and 5 for Logan,, 4 for Jake, 6 for Team 10, 3 for WDW, 5 for Dolan, 6 for Amanda, 4 for myself Elly, and last but not least 8 for the word marriage. I wrote this down and put it next to the laptop with my fingerprint in blood and the pick. I then sat in the empty bathtub as blood poured down from the 45 cuts going up my arms, stomach, and chest. "peace," I whispered out as everything got blurry as the door swung open and I seen...

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