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{Ella's POV}

   Dad said that today is vid-con, it has been a week since the accident, and he told me everything. And he went to court and fought. But sadly... HE WON!!!! I'm now officially Ella Cameron Paul. And I love it. I had got a great new outfit with Eliens written on the back with my logo, Maverick with Logang up one arm and then Jake Pauler with Team 10 and It's everyday Bro!!! written up the other. And then on the front it has Why Don't We Music on pocket and their names on the other side, and that's just the jacket. Then my dress is light sea- Foam green, with purple trim, and I'm wearing purple shoes, and the Jacket is all these colors with hot pink. And now my hair is three different colors, hot pink, Sea-Foam Green, and Purple. Well, technically 4 counting my blonde hair. (The picture above^^^). I called Jack and he said him and the Boys are on there way. And so is Amanda, George, Mark, Kylie, Evan Jake, and Michael with Team 10.

   I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to Tessa and Erika. "HEY GIRLY!!! I love your outfit!!!" they both screamed as then the boys walked through the door. I ran to Jack of course. "You look beautiful, and how can you run with that crutch?" he asked, as I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess were twins, but I'm the better looking one," I said. "Ha!! How could you, I'm the cutest one," he said. "Ok, neither of you are the cutest one here I am," Zach said. "No, excuse me I'm the cutest," Corbyn said. "Of course I'm the cutest," Daniel said. "Yea right, ok. I'm the best looking one out of you all," Jonah said. Then Jake came in. "NO, I'm better looking then all of you," he said. "No, I'm afraid I'm the best looking one out of every one of you, including you little bro," Logan said walking in. "Fine!!!" we all said at once. Amanda then walked in. "Oh, how's my favorite girly doing?!!" she said as I hugged her. "Great, now let's go," I said as everybody was admiring each other.

{Logan's POV}

   nda walked in. She looked stunning. She hugged Ella and then came to me. "Well, hi I'm Logan Paul and wtf have you done with my girlfriend Amanda?" I asked, as she laughed. "Well, I'm an alien species sent here to abduct you," she said. "That's impossible because I'm an alien as well," I said. I gave her a kiss, as everybody grabbed their things. I was wearing a normal white button up shirt with white shoes and white jeans. And of course you know I have to rep the merch so I got a special jacket made. It has Maverick on the back and Logang4life right under it, and What's popping Logang? Then under that it says Eliens4eternity and Ella's logo. We looked fly. we decided we would pull up in the COOL BUS.

{Jake's POV}

   I was wearing a Gucci shirt with my Gucci pineapple shoes, and plane black jeans, and of course a jacket that had It's everyday bro!!! Written on the back of it. Then it had a picture of Team 10 under it and Jakepaulers4life under that, also it has Dab on them haters and What is Gucci fam? And of course I got Ella's logo and her sayings. It has Eliens4eternity and her logo up the sleeves. We were looking fly. 

{Ella's POV}

   We were all looking fly, and my Uncle Jake and Dad Logan were also rocking my logo and sayings. We all piled onto the bus. Evan, Mark, George, and Kylie were sitting on the couch. The Why Don't We Boys were sitting on the counter with me in Jack's lap. Amanda was riding shot gun. Team 10, and Michael were in the floor along with Kong, Arya (R.I.P) and Apollo running around. We were pretty cramped, but then Logan turned on Outta My Hair, and we started jamming. Then we arrived at the venue. Logan and Amanda walked together on the carpet, Jake and Tessa walked together, me and The Why Don't We Boys walked together, Team 10 walked together, Mark and Kylie walked together, George walked with Logan and Amanda, along with Evan as well. Total 3rd wheelers. Just then I felt someone grab my hand, and Jack was on the other side of the carpet performing. At first I just thought it was a Team 10 member, or Dad, but boy was I wrong. It was Ethan. "WTF do you want? Don't cause a scene on the red carpet," I said as he smirked. "Ok, fine I won't if you won't," he said putting his arm around my waist, as people took pictures. He then tried grabbing my ass, and I turned and decked him. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I screamed as he got up and slapped me. I fell to the ground with tears in my eyes. "HEY!!!" Logan screamed as he jerked him up and threw him back to the ground. He tried to run but fell right into the other boys, he then went for the right but everybody else was on that side. Jonah picked me up and was hugging me while they beat the shit out Ethan. Just then Grayson came through the crowd. We haven't talked since the fight. I ran and hugged him. "I knew I shouldn't of let him out of my sight," Gray said as Jonah got in front of me. "It's okay Jonah, let him through," I said as he stepped back. I told him about what he did. "I'm so sorry Elly," he said as Ethan ran off the carpet. Everyone hugged me. I had a family who protected me, and I loved them. We took one giant photo of us all.

   By the end of the night it was time for Logan to go up. So we all went up. (This is the end of his speech because I'm to lazy to wright it all). "And I'm thankful for my daughter Ella Cameron Paul, My little bro even tho he's a pain in the butt, Team 10, George, Mark, Evan and Kylie. But most of I'm proud to call this beautiful girl in my life me girlfriend, and hopefully if you say yes, my wife," Logan said as he dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring!!!! The whole crowd started screaming, as we were. Everyone was crying, and Amanda was most of all.  "Yes, Logan I will marry you," Amanda said as they kissed and we all ran and hugged them. "Now were a real family," I said as we lifted Logan and Amanda into a crowd surf. 

{Ella's POV}

   I can't believe it, at first I had always wondered if Logan could actually be a Dad and he's proved me otherwise. He's the best thing to ever happen to me, and I love him more than anything, and my new mother Amanda. We were standing on stage as Jack whispered in my ear. "That we'll be us one day," I smiled as Mom and Dad got back on the stage. Jack leaned over and kissed me, the crowd went wild. The Logang had excepted me, the Jake Paulers excepted me, the LogangPaulers4life excepted me. And now my own fan base the Eliens are here with me. Just then my phone beeped. It was a notification for my YouTube, I just reached 1 million subscribers. Life couldn't get any better. I was standing here with my Mom and Dad, my Boyfriend, best friends and cousin Michael, and then our fans cheering out in the crowd. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment... Right? Well think again because as I turned around... 

    Outtta my hair already has 13,050,071 views!!!! and 986k likes!!!! In just 3 days!!! Go Logan, Logang4life.!!! And just who thinks Logan and Bella should date??? I decided this would be the video today. And sorry for the cliffhanger!!! I WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW LOGANG!!! PEACE!!!!

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