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{Ella's POV}

   I get to go home today. I was exited when Logan told me I could go home. He also said I had a surprise waiting for me at home. I am on crutches, I had a broken leg. They had to pop my right arm back into place, and the other one was broke, so it had a cast, and was in a sling. Everybody had signed it exept Ethan, who apparently left early. 

   Logan helped me into the elevator, as we were going up to the penthouse. We got to the top and I walked out. Logan opened the door as everybody jumped out and said "SUPRISE!!!" I loved it. "Aw, I love you guys," I said as I hugged Logan, then everybody else. "I'm glad you like it," Logan said. "And, we have one more suprise for you," he said as he opened the door to my room and I couldn't believe my eyes. (^picture above.) "OMG!!! I love it," I said. "Who designed it?" I asked as Amanda, Tessa, Erika, Lydia, and Kylie stepped forward. "I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!" I said. "Well, we had a little help bringing stuff up here, and putting it together," Lydia said as the Why Don't We Boys came up. "I love you too!!" I said hugging Zach, then Daniel, then Jonah, then Corbyn, and then I finally got to Jack. He gave me a kiss, as everybody went "Aw!!!" "Stop it," I said as Logan laughed. "Hey, Jack all it takes is one time. One slip up, one mistake. You break her heart and I'll break you," he said as we all laughed. "Don't worry Dad, I'll get him first," I said as Jack give me this look. "Ok, now I'm afraid since she has a metal crutch that she could beat the shit out of me with," Jack said as I smacked him in the butt with my crutch. "See!!!" he said as I laughed.

   They gave me a "welcome home/ welcome to the family" party. I loved this, and I loved them. I have a family now,  they might not be a normal family or even a fuctional family but they are a family. My family. Then something that hapened that night made me really happy. "See, look how cute my daughter is, now you can't say I'm not cute," Logan said to Amanda. "I never said you wern't, but she isn't your biological daughter anyway," Amanda said as Logan just stared into her eyes. "Ok, where's the camera, I know that if your saying this when nobody's around that there's got to be a camera," Logan said as Amanda laughed. "No, there's not a camera. Why is it when I try to flirt with you, you expect a camera?" she asked. "Oh, so now your flirting with me?" Logan asked. "Maybe," amanda said. "Well, let me have my turn," Logan said as he leaned in and kissed her!!! "AW!!!!" I said as they hopped up. "Oh, Elly. I thought you were asleep," Logan said rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, for a moment I thought I was too, but I guess not," I said as he laughed. "Well, I guess I'll just go get a glass of water and go to bed, goodnight Dad, and Mom," I said as I could here Amanda and Logan laughing. 

   I woke up to singing. The Why Don't We Boys. They started doing mashups of Just to See You Smile, and Shape Of You.

   They sang and then at the end Jack hit a high note, everybody was impressed, including me. "I could wake up like this every morning," I said. "Now I want food," I said as they laughed. Then Logan came through te door with pancakes. "Thank god for Dad's," I said as Logan handed me a plate with like 20 pancakes on it. "Thanks Dad, and thanks boys for the good morning," I said as they all left. I ate, and walked to my closet. I picked out one of the newest Maverick merchandise girls shirts. The redish pink one with white stripes on the arms. (Logan Paul.com/shop Always plug.) I put it on, and then grabbed a pair of what most people considered to be 'booty shorts' and then some white converses. I decided I would only put on a light pink eye shadow, mascara, and concealer. I put on a quick swipe of lip balm, and grabbed my phone of the charger which had a Logang case on it.  I packed my Maverick backpack up with a note pad, pencils, and other art supplies. Then I slid my new laptop in the bag, and then a few pices of Maverik merchandise to hand out to Logangsters. I put on my favorite pair of sunglases, grabbed my backpack, and my guitar. I am going to go fool aroung with Uncle Jake. We were going to try to get kicked out of stores, and just go do some crazy things with Jake and Team 10. Oh, and I'm bringing Jack. I walked out my door, with everybody starring at me. "THATS MY DAUGHTER!!" Logan said as everybody turned away except Jack. He grabbed my hand and we headed out the door. I got to bring Kong along as well.

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