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  (I'm sorry in advance for the picture)

{Ella's POV}

   I turned to see my "Old" parents... "LOGAN!!" I yelled as he didn't here for the crowd. They ran and grabbed me and dragged me off stage. My old Dad put his hand over my mouth, I started kicking and screaming as I heard someone scream and then someone grab my hand jerking me away from them. I looked to see the person I least expected, Ethan. He held my hand and put me behind him as he punched my ex- Dad in the face. My old mom ran to his side, quickly picked him up and ran off. "Thanks," I said. "Your Welcome Ella, forgive me for everything. Plz I'm dying from everything I've done, plz if we can't be together a least give me this moment," He said with pleading eyes, I couldn't help myself. "Yes-" I said as I was cut off by his lips meeting mine and the spark from before shook my whole body. "Ella?" came from a voice as I pulled away to see Jonah. "Jonah-" I said as he cut me off. "No, I guess your not the person I thought you were, how could you do this to Jack?" he asked as I reached for his arm but he quickly swiped it away. "Jonah... plz don't tell Jack," I said crying. "I won't I'm waiting for the guilt to kill you so you'll tell him, " he said turning and walking back out to the stage. "Ella-" Ethan said as I cut him off. "I can't!!! I can't be with either of you!!! I don't know who to choose," I said with tears in my ears running off the side of the stage and towards the door as Ethan ran after me.

{Jack's POV}

   We were all yelling and going crazy for Logan and Amanda when I looked around to see Ella nowhere in sight. "Hey Jonah?" "Yea?" "Will you go check backstage for Ella?" I asked as he nodded and left. It had been about 20 minutes and I was getting worried when I turned to see Ella running up the side of the stage, with Ethan are her tail. She was crying. WTF DID HE DO TO HER NOW?!!! I quickly took off after them, I caught up with Ethan and grabbing his shoulder throwing him around. "WTF DID YOU DO TO HER?!!!" I screamed as he laughed. "I didn't do shit little ass wipe," he said as I decked him. The whole crowd yelled as Logan, Corbyn, Jonah, Zach, Jake, and Daniel came running to try and get me off him. I was beating the shit out of him and he was doing the same thing back. "JACK!!!" Ella said running to the side of our fight. "STOP!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF EACH OTHER!!!" she said as I looked at her weird. Then Ethan grabbed her and kissed her?!!!! "Ella... What?" I asked with tears in my eyes as I ran off out the back door. "JACK!!!" the rest of the boys screamed but I kept running, and I didn't plan on stopping.

{Ella's POV}

   I decided to face my problems so I went back in but I came to the sight of half the fans crying and Jack and Ethan rolling around on the floor beating the shit out of each other. "JACK!!!" I yelled running to break up the fight. "STOP!!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF EACH OTHER!!!" I yelled as Jack gave me an awful look. Ethan then grabbed me and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss as Jack ran out the back door. I pushed Ethan away and went running or limping after him but I ended up falling but luckily Nathan was there to catch me. "Thank you Nathan," I said as he smiled. "Your welcome." I just pushed a guy away that loved me and the other one just ran away. I fucked up, I fucked up everything great on one of the best nights of Logan and  Amanda's life. I ruined their engagement, I ruined the awards, I ruined 2 guys feelings, and most of all I ruined the life I always wanted. 

    I know this is a real short chapter but I couldn't continue. Will Ethan once again still her heart or will Jack forever hold the key? Or will she choose someone else? ;) What about Jake and Logan? What about Team 10 and Why Don't We? What about Amanda? What about Jack and Ethan? What about her life crashing down in front of her? Ella Cameron Paul jumped into this life of having a crazy Dad and family from nothing, but will her own actions get her and others hurt? Find out in the next Chapter of Adopted by Logan Paul

Adopted By Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now