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    "So, who are the people were going to meet?" I asked Logan. "Well first, were going to go see my little Bro Jakey, and his friends. Then were going to see my friends George, Mark, and Kylie his girlfriend along with my Camera man Brendon, friend Frank and my Dwarf roommate Evan. Then my love interest Amanda Cerny. And Later the Why Don't We Boys,  Dolan Twins, and finally you'll meet my manager Jeff and Lydia my assistant. Maybe even few furry, and feathery creatures," Logan said, as I sat down. Why dose he have a manager and assistant? "Wow, will they like me tho?" I asked as he laughed and looked through the mirror to look at me. "Of coarse they will, and don't worry if they don't I'll kill 'em," he said as I laughed. "Oh, and one more question, can I jam with the Why Don't We Boys?" I asked as he laughed once again. "Yes, of coarse that is if they want to, especially since you can really sing," he said as I smiled to myself.

   We pulled up to a giant house with Maverick sprayed on the garage door, hay stacks and a trampoline in the front yard. Logan seemed surprised that I didn't hide behind him or was worried to meet them. "Ok, ready?" "Yea, of coarse why wouldn't I want to see your little bro?" I asked as he smiled. That's all he did, different then what I was used to. The door swung open to a blonde hair, hazel eyed guy with a camera in his hands. "Hey Logan, is this your daughter?" he asked. "Yes," Logan said as I hugged Jake. "Oh, she's a hugger isn't she?" he asked. "Yea, why fill the world with hate, when you can give hugs." they both smiled. "I guess I'm your uncle Jake then, but you can call me that or just Jake" he said, as I nodded. 

    We walked into a mess of people with cameras running around and screaming, things all over the place. "YO!! TEAM 10!!!" Jake screamed as everybody got silent and looked in my direction. "Oh my god, whose girlfriend is it this time?" they asked as I laughed. "More like whose daughter she is," Jake replied as everybody starred at me. "Hi, I'm Ella Paul I guess now," I said as these 2 really pretty girls hugged me. "Hi, I'm your Aunt Tessa, but you can call me that, or just Tessa," she said. "I'm your Aunt Erika, but you can call me Erika," Erika said. Then we walked over to a set of Twins. "Hi," I said as they smiled and said "Hey," back. "I'm Emilio and this is Ivan," they said as I smiled back at them. Then this guy with Tattoos and a guy with Tales wrote up his sleeves came over. "Hi, I'm Chad, and this is Tristan, once again were your Uncle's I guess," Chad said as I gave them each a hug. We then went to these 2 tall guys, one with dirty blonde hair, and one with dark brown hair. "Sup, I'm Anthony, and this is Chance, and together were Chanthiony, were your uncles but you can call us Chanthiony, Uncle, just whatever," Chance said as I hugged them each. "Hi, I'm Nick Crompton," A guy with a British accent said.  We then came to these 2 that looked like brothers. "Hi, I'm your Uncle Kade, I've been waiting for this day," he said as I laughed. "So I guess you want me to call you Uncle Kade huh?" I asked as he nodded fiercely. "I'm Nathan, Kade's younger brother" he said as I smiled.  Then we came to a shorter guy with curly kind of fluffy blonde hair. "Hi, I'm Justin," he said as everybody came to surround us. "FRESHMAN!!!" They yelled as he looked annoyed. "Leave him alone, go on somewhere!!" I yelled as everybody stepped back. "Thx," he said sighing. "Your welcome, anytime," and gave him a hug. Then there was this really cute guy with blonde hair that came my way. "Hi, I'm Alex," he said as I gave him a hug and he walked away. Then Jake introduced me to a guy that looks like Archie and another one. "I'm Thomas and this is Ray," he said as I gave them each a hug. Wow, there is a shit load of people here. 

   Then I saw this adorable dog. "This is Apollo the k9," Jake said as I ran and picked him up. "AW!!! Your so cute," I said to the pup as I cradled him in my arms and he fell asleep. "Wow, he won't even do that for me," Jake said. "Well, I don't mean to break this thing of cuteness up but we have other people to meet," Logan chimed in. "Your right," I said plopping a kiss on Apollo's head. I walked by everyone giving them hugs.  I waved goodbye and blew a kiss, as Alex acted like he caught it on his cheek. "So, I guess you liked them huh?" Logan asked. "Are you kidding me No... I LOVE THEM!!" I yelled as he said "That's my girl!!" "You bet I am, I'm your daughter aren't I?" I asked as he laughed. I already loved this. I loved him.

Adopted By Logan PaulWhere stories live. Discover now