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{Ella's POV}

   "Where the hell am I?" he asked as I laughed. "In the hospital stupid," I said as he smiled. "Great, for the 100th time," he said as I laughed. "I've missed you bae," he said as I smiled from ear to ear. "I've missed you to Jack," I said as the curtain next to us swung open. "What about me? I'm your father for Christ sakes!" Logan yelled as we all rolled our eyes. "What would I do with out you guys?" I asked as we all got into a giant hug. "Hands in, in 1... 2... 3! FAMILY!" we yelled as the doctor came in. "They'll be fine in around a month," he said as well all looked to each other with smiles.  

*1 month later* 

   Now I know what your thinking, this is the finale where's the happily ever after and marriage? right here!!!! 

   Their getting married today! I looked at myself in the mirror to see my blush colored made-of-honor dress shining in the sun coming from the window. I did one last twirl as the Why Don't Boys came in. "You guys look adorable, but where's mine?" I asked as we heard someone knocking on the door. "Right here," he said tumbling through the doorway. -_-. "God, come here," I said as I fixed their bowties and anything that was out of place. "Thanks, I look the cutest," Zach said as Jonah got ready to open his mouth. "No, were not starting this aain but I'm the cutest," I said whipping my hair in their faces walking out the door to find my other cutie waiting for me. "ETHAN!" I yelled hugging him as Jake and Tessa came around the corner. "Is everybody ready?" Jake asked as I nodded. I had to go get one more look at mom before she walked down that isle. I opened the door to see her beautiful white wedding dress with sparkles, glowing. "You look beautiful," said as a tear came down my face. 'No, you look beautiful," she said as I hugged her. 

   Jake is his best man, and George, Mark, Jeff, and Brendon were Groom's men. I smiled taking my seat in the front in between Jack and Corbyn. The music started and I could see the smile on Logan's face spread from ear to ear. the doors opened reveling Amanda and I swear Logan died and came back to life. Finally, she got to Logan and I could see the way they looked into each others eyes, they loved each other. The priest did his thing and then it came to their vowels, Logan went first. "I've loved you from the time I met you during Vine, R.I.P and I still do. I had the funnest times doing those Vines and just being with you these last couple months. You've been the greatest rolemodel and mother for Ella and I love you for it. I never pected for me to be the one standing here with you, but since it happened I feel more like a king than I ever had on social media. I love you Amanda more than you can ever know," he said as the water works began, but it wasn't me. "Are you crying Corbyn?" I asked as he smiled. "No, I just got a piece of adorable in my eye," he said as we laughed. "Logan, I feel like the lastest months have been a roller coaster of emotions that has finally took a stop at happiness. I'm the happiest when I'm around you, and have since Vine, R.I.P. I can'tput it into words of how much our family has gotten closer, even though its discombobulated. I never thought this day would come, when one of us much less both of us were getting married, especially to each other at that. I love you more than anything," she said as I let a tear fall. "I know prounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride," the priest said as Logan lifted up her veil and with a smile on his face kissed her. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" we yelled as they laughed.  

   After that we went to the reception around 6. It's now around 11 and they are said to be setting off fireworks in 10 minutes. I danced with Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, Jonah, Nathan, Justin and later had a little dance with Logan, who by the way apparently has to end every dance in a split. Good thing I know how to do that. I ate and was just having the time of my life. Jack asked me to go somewhere with him so I follwed. He took me to the edge of the beach away from all the commotion. "I hope you know that I love you," he said as I laughed. "Of course I do, your the one and only for me, forever," I said as we put our foreheads together. "LOOK!" Jack yelled as the first giant firework shot up and exploded across the sky making a boom. "It's 11:11 what's your wish?" he asked. "Nothing but this," I said kissing him as the fireworks exploded around us and the water quietly came in and out. "I never knew being adopted by Logan Paul was going to be this much of a hell ride and a rollercoaster," I said as Jack looked confused. "Really? And to think, I thought you knew this Vlog life," he said as the waves crashed and the water covered our feet. "I do know one thing," I said. "And what's that?" he asked back. "I wouldn't take it back for anything." 

Peace out everyone, and I hope you liked my book called Adopted By Logan Paul, it's so much more than the title. I promise you that. I will see you tomorrow Logang, *Hair shake* BYE!!!!!! 

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