Chapter Thirty Four

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-----Violet's P.O.V.-----

Louis had just gotten here and things had already gone terribly wrong. Niall was in the hospital for crying out loud! This was suppose to be a happy fun vacation. But at least Louis was here to comfort me considering I'm a terrible mess.

"Why did you tell her we didn't need a ride?! I should have gone with him in the ambulance, not her! She should be the one at home. Plus she's pregnant! All the stress of wing there will have her having a miscarriage! Louis I need to be there!!" I yell and shout and kick at him as he pulls me into the house. I watch as the ambulance drives away. "He is MY brother." I sob, nearly collapsing on the floor, but Lou catches me.

"Hey. What you need is to calm down. Do you want Niall seeing you like this. If he wakes up and your hysterical he's going to be scared. Come on." He helps me to my room where we both lay down. I cuddle into his side, burning my head into his shoulder. It feels nice to lie down and take deep breaths, so good that I can feel myself falling asleep. I try and fight it, wanting to stay awake and go to the hospital for my brother. "Go ahead. I'll wake you up in a hour." I hear Louis whisper as I allow myself to doze off into a dreamless sleep for the next hour and a half.

I wake myself up because I am hear Louis snoring. He must feel me storing because he sits up soon after I do. I take deep breaths, not trusting myself to speak. Louis was right, I can't be freaking out in the hospital room.

"Can we go?" I say after a second of deep breaths. He nods, standing up and walking over to the mirror to mess with his hair. I smile a bit, amazed that even now when my brother is in the hospital, he is still concerned about his hair and appearance. I approach him from behind and, because he sees me in the mirror, he turns around to face me. I hug his waist, looking up at him.

"You look perfect." I say truthfully, loving the way his hair looked when it was messed up like now. He kisses my forehead just once before pulling away and walking out, down the stairs, and out the door. I grab the keys, following him out and to the car. I let him drive, because I don't trust myself at the wheel right now. I lean over, turning on the radio before Louis starts the car as pulls out. The music distracts me and I focus on that and the view outside the window. We soon arrive at the hospitial and before Louis can even park the car I jump out, running into the building. I can hear him shouting at me to wait for him or watch where I'm going but there are more important things going on right now. "Hi, yes, um, my brother. Oh, you don't know who my brother is." I trip over my own words awkwardly. "Niall Horan. I mean, I'm here for Niall, I'm not Niall. That's obviously a guys name and-"

"Babe." Louis hand curls around my waist, scaring me ever so slightly. "Calm down, remember?" I nod, staying quiet while the secratary at the front desk types on the computer in front of her. 

"Right this way. He's in the emergency care untit so it's a bit of a walk." She tells us. Louis' hand goes from my hip to my hand, intertwining our fingers and giving my hand a light squeeze. The plump woman leads us through a series of halls until we reach a door, and that's when I start shaking. "He's right in there." She says before leaving us standing outside the door. I pull my hand away from Louis' to twist the door knob and slowly push the door open. I step in cautiously, as if the tiles on the floor were going to cave in like a trap door. Niall, laying on his hospitial bed sleeping, comes into view. I walk in, a little faster now, to the edge of Niall's bed.

"He hasn't waken up yet." Kylie says, making me jump. I hadn't seen her at first, sitting in the plush green chair next to Niall's bed. "The doctors haven't told me a thing, but they've been in and out a lot." I couldn't help but think it should be ME telling HER all this. I'm his twin sister. I'm the one who's been with him all his life. But I stuff these feelings down and watch his chest rise and fall. Louis stands silent next to me, seeming to be looking straight down at his shoes. 

-----Louis' P.O.V.-----

I had always thought I wanted Niall in a hospitial. He put me in one, and I wanted to see him suffer. To see him go through the pain I went through. It was only fair. But I did hope I would be the one to do it. But seeing Niall in a hospitial made me re-think my previous wishes for him to be here. I couldn't handle everyone being depressed, espessially Vi. I didn't feel as bad for Niall, considering I didn't really like him, but he had pain for me to be here, so I had to feel bad. But the reason I felt bad was because I really didn't. I didn't like everyone being so depressed. I didn't like seeing Violet cry. I didn't like seeing Kylie stressed. But Niall lying in the hospitial bed didn't really make me sad or want to cry. So I stand in the hospitial room, feeling bad for not feeling bad. Violet seems to notice my lack of speaking and walking over to Niall. She glances over at me a few times, but her main focus is on her brother. I didn't want to be here, it made me feel guilty. What kind of a monster isn't upset at the sight of his girlfriend's brother in a critical condition. I had to leave, with or without Violet.

"Vi, can I...uh." I had no idea how to ask if I could leave. That made me seem like a cold hearted freak. But then again that's what I'm being right now. Maybe that's what I really am. I push those throughts out of my head quickly. She walks over me.


"How about I.....go get Starbucks? I'll pay." She scans my face, probably sensing that something was wrong, but I avoid her gaze, keeping mine on my shoes. 

"Alright....I'll take a iced vanilla chai tea latte." I didn't have to write it down, it's what she always ordered and I had memorized it not on purpose.

"Kylie?" I ask, causing her to look up. 

"Caramel Frap? Thanks, Louis." she forced a smile on her tear stained face. I nod once and turn to leave, much too quickly. Down the hospitial hall, avoiding talking to or even looking at anyone passing me. I manage to all the way out and to my car. As soon as I sit down in the drivers seat I put my head against the steering wheel, thoughts clouding my head. Ever since my break up with Violet a while ago I've been having these weird thoughts. Flashbacks of me leaving her stranded at the dance, what an awful boyfriend I must be. Even if she did manage to forgive me, that didn't stop me from being an awful person. Flashbacks of me trying to hurt Niall, which seemed like forever ago. I had wanted to kill him then, no doubt about it. I probably would of too if he didn't stop me. I close my eyes, my hands shaking slightly. I force myself up and my eyes open, staring the car. I said I was getting Starbucks, and if I took hours Violet would worry. I couldn't let her worry. That would be something a bad boyfriend would do. I start to drive off, thoughts still clouding my head. I had wanted to kill Niall. Do I still? Why would I? He's nice enough to me? Who was I kidding, he wasn't nice to me at all. I grip the steering wheel tight, causing my knuckles to turn white. He had put my in the hospitial, put Violet in danger, and walked in on us when the door was clearly closed! The things I could do to get even....


I can't think like that.

I'm not some heartless monster who wants to hurt people. 

Or am I?

Short chapter I know! I'm sorry guys but I thought this was a suspencefull ending though so, yah. -unionvampsos1D (cowriter for this story check my wattpad out yo XD) (Gabby)

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