Chapter 25

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-----Kylie's P.O.V.-----

I wake up and find myself in a small white room with four walls, and shiny tile floors. I wrinkle my nose. Everything smells like cleaner. I try to move my arm, only to discover that I'm attatched to an I.V filled with yellow fluid. Niall and I are crammed into a small hospital bed, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist.

"Kylie," He breathes, and wraps his arms tightly around my neck upon seeing that I'm ok.

"W-Where am I?" I ask nervously, blinking furiously to examine my surroundings.

"We'll explain that later, love." Niall says, pulling the sheets tighter around the two of us. He strokes my face gently. "I'm so glad you're ok. You gave me quite a scare." He stares into my eyes, squeezing my hand, and pecking my lips softly.

"What Happened?" I ask curiously, running my fingers through my long, ruby hair.

"Well, after you told your mom you were pregnant, you fainted." He tells me in a worried voice. "You smacked your head against the tile, and banged yourself up pretty bad." He gives me a sad smile. "I tried to help, but you were knocked out cold. So I brought you here." He gestures, waving around the room. "To the Floridian hospital." I give a week smile.

"That bad, huh?" I ask, laughing. In the corner of the room, there is a circular piece of glass. A mirror. I peer into it, seeing a giant blue goose egg just above my eyebrow. I reach up to examine it, only to flinch back from my own touch.

"It was worse before." Niall tells me. "Doctor said to keep this on it. It'll keep the swellin' down." He hands me a small ice pack, and I press it lightly to my head.

"Where's my mom?" I ask, realizing that Niall and I are the only people in the room.

"She- she um... had to retire for the night. She had a headache." Niall says, lying through his teeth. I squeeze my eyes shut so the tears won't come. What have I done with my life that my own mother won't even come to see me when I'm in the hospital?

"You don't need them anymore." I remind myself. "You're nearly 18." I don't realize I've spoken these words out loud until Niall glances at me, concerned.

"Need who?" He asks, scratching his head.

"Never mind." I smile, snuggling closer to him.

"You're going to be a great mother." Niall Breathes, playing with the hairs on the nape of my neck.

"Niall!" I exclaim. I try to sit up, but Niall's strong arms force me back down.

"The baby..." I whimper, running my hand over the soft, warm, skin of my abdomen.

"Is the baby ok?" I ask, calmed down. Niall's eyes flit to the smooth tile floor.

"Niall?" I persevere.

"They don't know yet." He looks at me with tears in his goregous blue eyes. This time, I'm the ons to squeeze his hand, I'm the one to comfort him.

"It's ok." I whisper. "We'll be ok."

He holds me out at arm's length,pressing his soft pink lips to my temple gently.

Suddenly, a door slams shut and a small man with a white labcoat walks in, causing Niall and I to jump apart.

"Doctor, is our baby ok?" Niall asks, placing a hand on my upper abdomen.

"Yes. The baby and Kylie are fine. Just a minor concussion. " The doctor smiles politely.

"Ok, and what shouldn't she eat? What can I do to help her? Any advice?" I roll my eyes playfully as Niall rambles off a seemingly endless amount of questions.

"Your nurse will be with you soon." says the doctor, walking out of the small room. I give a sleepy smile, my eyelids flutter shut.

"I love you." Niall mutters, stroking my back. And maybe I would say it back, but I'm already too far gone.

-----Niall's P.O.V.-----

I'm awakened from my sleep by the sound of yelling.

"Shit Louis, be quiet!" I recgnoize Violet's Voice. There's a loud bang in the hallway, and then muffled laughter. The door is suddenly thrown open, an angry looking Violet standing in the frame.

"Where'd you go, love?" A familiar voice asks. Suddenly, a tall, muscular build appears in the doorway, blocking out the light from the hallway.

"Ah, there you are." The stranger wraps his arms around my sister protectively. I would recognize that accent anywhere. It's Louis.

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