Chapter Forty-Two

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-----Violet's P.O.V.-----

I smile at all the faces around the Tomlinson dinner table, even Louis, who looked completly miserable sitting there next to me. Under the table I grab his hand encouragingly, causing him to look up at me. 

"We don't have to do this today." he mumbles so just him and I can hear. Not that anyone else was paying attention to us any how. They were all listening to Mrs. Tomlinson and Fizzy converse about something school related. I pretended to care, but there was no way my mind was going to focus on anything but the reason I was here.

"Yes we do." I look into his eyes and for the first time I can remember I see real fear there. I understood his feelings, for I felt the same ones at the moment. "We can do this." I smile encouragingly. 

"But it can wait. We can tell them later." he protests.

"Lou, you know we have to do this. Be stong. For me. I need you for this." That seems to get to him, and he nods, squeezing my hand. We both fall silent, and I stare down at the food I didn't want to eat. But to be poliet I pull my hand away from Louis' and force a bite of mashed potatoes into my mouth. 

"When are we going to do it?" Louis whispers suddenly. I just shrug, wondering the same thing myself. And I knew the answer I wanted to say was going to make him unhappy, but I say it anyway.

"We should just do it now. Let's get it over with." I get the exact reaction I knew I would get from him. 

"No way! We'll wait until after dinner so if they get mad we can leave." he states this as if I had no option. That was just the way it was going to have to go. But it wasn't.

"I really think if we just did it now then I wouldn't have to worry about it the rest of our time here. They won't be mad. Everything is going to be-"

"And what are you two whispering about?" Mr. Tomlinson suddenly speaks up for the first time all evening. Louis and I both turn to look at each other in panic. I don't care what he says, we're obviously doing this now.

"Actually, Mr. Tomlinson, the're is a reason I wanted to come over tonight." I take Louis' hand again under the table and squeeze hard. "Louis and I have something to tell everyone." All eyes were on our end of the table. Well, actually, just Louis. Everyone expected him to speak up right about now, but after a few awkwardly silent moments I stand up, pulling him up with me. I give his hand another squeeze, as if telling him now was his time to speak. This seems to snap him back into reality.

"Mum...Dad..." his voice shook with nerves. "Violet and I have been going out for a while now, and we really love each other. In fact, I want to marry her some day." He turned to me, smiling a little. I smile back encouragingly, which seems to help. "I want to spend the rest of my life with her." He doesn't turn his head back to his parents, just faces me as if he is speaking to me. Maybe it made him feel less nervous and scared. "And, well, with that out there, we have to tell you that...erm..Vi-Violet's-" My phone goes off all of a sudden, making him jump and nearly knock his chair over. 

"I-I'm sorry. Let me turn that off. I'm really sorry." My face flushes pink as I pull my phone out from my pocket and go to silence it, but before my finger can hit the decline call button I notice who's calling. "Lou, it's Niall...can I answer it please?"

"Yes! Yes. I mean, go ahead." he sounded as though he would agree to anything to get out of this talk with his parents. I roll my eyes and answer the call before it can go to voicemail. 

"Hey, I'm kind of in the middle of something." I say into the phone, walking out of the dining room and into the living room where I can't be heard. Louis follows me, watching me curiously.

"Violet! That God you answered! I'm getting Kylie into the car now. The hospitials not that far of a drive but can you meet us there? She really wants you there, like as soon as we get there." My brother's paniced voice greets me.

"Wait, hospitial? Niall, what the hell?" Louis raises his eyebrows hearing me say hospitial.

"Oh, sorry! I'm kind of panicing. Kylie's going to have the baby. I mean, she's having it. I mean-"

"Niall! I get what you mean! I'll be right there." I hang up immeditaly, grabbing my jacket from by the front door. "Kylie's in labor. I have to go to the hospitial, now." I force my feet into my converse shoes hurriedly, not even caring that their not tied. 

"Hey, hey hold on.Your fucking insane if you think I'm not going with you!" Louis grabs my hand before I can make it to the door. 

"Then let's go!" I shout, pulling him toward the door. 

"I'll tell my parents what's going on. Meet you at the car." He grabs my keys from me easily, as I'm not expecting it. "And I'll drive." I have no time to protest, hurring out the door to my car and sliding in the passenger seat. Louis, as promised, only takes a second longer to tell his parents we're leaving and follow me out to my car. I bounce my leg nervously as he pulls out of the driveway and speeds toward the hospitial. It's completly silent until I groan, realizing that we were interupted right as we were going to tell Louis' parents! 

"Louis, we never told them." I sigh, looking over at him.

"Good. They're going to kill me, Violet, you don't get it. That's like, the one thing they told me not to do. Sure, when I get into trouble and fights they yell at me, but this is going to be so much worse than that!" I watch his grip on the steering wheel tighten. 

"They won't be mad. I'm not just some random chick you picked up on the side of the road. I hope I mean more to you then that. And they can see that!" he just gives a slight nod. I stare down at my fingers, scratching the navy blue polish off of one nail before speaking again. "It scares me to think we'll be going through this in a while."

"Violet, that's not for a long time. Don't worry." 

"But doesn't it scare you too? I'll be the one in the hospitial with a giant stomach in pain. And who knows, it could be any time now that I start craving things or mood swinging! I....I'm not ready." I sigh, feeling as though Kylie has handled being pregnant a lot better than I will. 

"I know how you feel." he sighs, pulling into the hospitial parking lot and parking. He turns off the car and turns to me, and I can tell this is about to become a serious conversation. "I feel like I'll be a terrilbe dad. I'm still young. I'm irresponcible. I cause trouble." I shake my head, cutting him off. I didn't want to hear him say anything else bad about himself. I couldn't take it.

"Louis, you're going to be the perfect dad. And even if you're not, it's not like I'll stop loving you or anything like that. You know I love you with all my heart." I blush a little, but saying these things no longer really embarasses me. I loved him, and I wanted to make sure he, of all people, knew this. 

"Violet, I want to marry you." he says out of nowhere. My eyes widen and I stare straight at him. This figure I had grown to know so well all my life. This boy in front of my, shaking with nerves, a black box in his hand. "I've been saving this for so long, waiting for the right moment, but right now I don't care. I just want to marry you so badly. I can't wait any more. So, even though this isn't perfect, and we're in your car in front of a hospitial about to see your best friend deliver a baby, will you marry me Violet Horan?" 

"L-Louis?" I say quietly, feeling as though I couldn't talk. 


"You're an idiot for even thinking you had to ask. Of course I'll marry you." My eyes well up with tears as I lean over to kiss him. He reaches over and pulls me into his seat onto his lap, nearly hitting the horn. With my sqished up againt him, he kisses me in a way I hoped he would kiss me for the rest of my life. With a burning love and passion. To me, this was the perfect time I had been waiting for. I wanted to stay and live in this moment. But I knew, after a while this kiss had to end, because I had a best friend waiting for me in that hospitial.

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