Chapter 45:

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-----Niall's P.O.V.-----

"It hurts..." Kylie moans feverishly, tightening her grip on my hand.

"I know, baby. I know." I say soothingly, brushing a stray piece of hair from her sweaty, sticky, face. Suddenly fluttering her eyes open, she speaks,

"Leave them alone."

"What?" I ask, running a hand through my hair confusedly.

"Leave...them...alone." She pants again, staring into my eyes. "You know how scared and confused we were, Ni. I thought you, of all people would understand."

"Understand what?" I ask, pulling my hand from hers and raising my tone. "That a random stranger from off the street fucked my sister? How am I supposed to understand that, Kylie? You tell me." Her eyes, once full of sheer dissapointment, are now bubbling over with undying anger.

"Consider someone else's feelings for once." She growls lowly. Laughing, I reply,

"What do you think I've been doing? All my life, I've been a nice guy, letting people walk all over me. And I'm fucking done!" I yell, out of breath from my small rant.

"Niall?" Violet calls timidly, brow furrowed. "What's going on?" Walking slowly into the room with Louis in tow, she shoots me a confused look.

"N-Nothing." I say, shooting dagers with my eyes across the room at Louis, as if to tell him he's not safe yet.

"Niall...." Kylie moans, causing me to rush to her side.

"It's alright love, you're alright." I reassure her, squeezing her hand so hard my knuckles turn white. "Soon the doctor will come. Soon this all will be over." I say, planting kisses all along her jawline and neck.


My first daughter, Oliviah Rose Horan, did not cry. Kylie and I, on the other hand, did.

"She's so perfect..." Kylie blubbered as a nurse in terry cloth set the calm infant on her bare skin. With light brown curls, bright blue eyes, and a scattering of freckles along the bridge of her nose, she was stunning.

"I love you so much, baby." I sputtered, kissing my newborn daughter on the forehead gently. I could feel the salty tears rolling down my cheeks as I spoke quietly to Kylie,"Thank you. I love you more than you will ever know." Planting a kiss on her small pink lips, I caressed her cheek gently. Everyone seemed to get along, for a while at least. Violet cried softly into Louis's shirt, making the occasional snuffling sound as he rocked her slowly back and forth, placing kisses on her forehead.


As soon as she felt the rush of cold air on her body, she screamed. I swear she woke up everyone in the hospital, and the world besides. Emma Grace Horan was born exactly 30 minutes and 10 seconds after her older sister, Oliviah. Despite their identical appearance, Emma had small dimples etched onto her cheeks that her sister lacked. As I watched my future wife holding my children gently and singing to them, and my sister's boyfriend holding her so gently and lovingly as if she were the most rare object in the world, I discovered the meaning of true love.

-----Kylie's P.O.V.-----

It was the most amazing moment of my life. There were four people in the room, then five, and then six, but the door remained shut and bolted. These children, who I had carried in my womb for the past 8 months, were fianlly here. Seeing them in the flesh, examining their tiny features, made my heart grow at least ten times bigger. I was absolutely mesmerized by their little fingers and toes, wowed that such beautiful creatures had been growing inside of me. Turning to my best friend, I noticed the salty canals still ingrained into her olive skin and motioned her over to my bed.

"Can you believe this is going to be you in just a short time?" I asked her, wiping my eyes that were beginning to overflow with tears. With tears filling up her chocolate brown eyes, Violet turned to me.

"I'm scared." She mumbled, placing a hand on her still flat stomach.

"It is scary, at first." I admit, grabbing her hand. "But enjoy every moment of it. It's the most amazing feeling in the world, holding that little baby that you know you had a part in making." Looking over at Niall, gazing into our daughter's eyes with a love that could only be described as magic, I whispered, "And I'll be here for you every single step of the way. Wrapping her arms tightly around me, she mumbles into my neck,

"I always knew you and my brother were perfect together. I didn't want to believe it at first, but now I truly see if for what it is. A love that can never be broken." Noticing a silver ring placed on her elegant ring finger that hadn't been there before, I look at her suspiciously.

"Violet..." I start, pulling her hand slightly towards mine.

"Oh, yeah." She mutters, her cheeks turning a bright tomato red. "Louis proposed. And obviously I said yes."

"Oh my gosh, congratulations!" I say, engulfing them both In a big hug. "We WILL discuss this more later." I say, fighting to keep my eyes open. "But for now, I'm a little tired."

"Ok, we'll let you get some rest." Violet tells me, scampering back to Louis and taking his hand, then pulling him out the door. I'm vaguely aware of a muscular arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer as a woodsy, musky smell surrounds me as I fall into a deep sleep.

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