984 21 6

Courtney POV

It's 3:45 pm, so I'd better head to Shayne's place. I took my guitar and a backpack, and walked to his house. To be honest, I'm very nervous but also excited.

I ran the doorbell and see a happy Shayne coming up and opening the door with a warm smile. I loved that smile. It always makes my day no matter how much shit I've been through on that day.

"Come in!" He said in his happy tone.

I went in his home and put down my guitar. We had to compose the lyrics before we start making up the melody of the song.

We used lots of paper and wrote lots of lyrics. I started lightly strumming on my guitar to compose the melody.

I see Shayne staring at me and my strumming. He told me before that he wanted to learn to play the guitar, so he must be fascinated by how beautiful a guitar could sound like.

We did a lot of writing and strumming, but most of all we talked a lot.

We talked about school life, homework, jerks in class and we started talking about our families, which I very much wanted to avoid opening up to anyone including Shayne about it.

I shifted on the sofa uneasily. My whole body stiffened when I heard the word family.

Shayne says he has an older brother and a mother that loves to cook and bake. His dad is a pilot so her doesn't really see him that often.

I don't want to hide anything from Shayne anymore. After all, he is the person I trust the most.

It's my turn now. Take a deep breath, and talk slowly.

"Um, we have 7 siblings in total including me, and I'm the youngest of all of them. My older siblings all either found a girlfriend/boyfriend or they are already married, meanwhile I'm the only one who doesn't have a boyfriend so I have to live with my parents."

I paused for a while to catch my breath.

"I see," Shayne said.

But that's just the start of everything.

"As you know my grades aren't that good, and my dad would scold me whenever I
failed a test. I happened to fail lots of math tests so I always got scolded by him."

"But verbal threats turned into physical abuse 2 years ago. I started getting beaten by him. If there is any chance that my mom happens to witness it, then she will try her best to separate my dad from me."

"I'm always in my room, drowning in my own tears late at night. Sometimes it makes me bleed. I even have scars left behind from his beatings... but I never really wanted to show you guys... because I worry that it'll scare you off and I don't know what will you think..."

I cannot continue anymore, thinking about all the pain I've been through.

Tears started streaming down my face, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

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