Chapter 1

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Three months earlier.........


Taking a deep breath I finally got up enough nerve to get out the car. As I neared the club, I could feel my blood pressure increase. Tech and I weren't on the best of terms at this moment and the news I was about to tell him, was probably going to make this situation worse. I pushed opened one of two of the double doors to the empty club, before stepping foot in it. It was ten something in the morning and this was the spot Tech would most likely be at.

"Tee? What are you doing here," Kelsi, Tech's assistant asked as she stood in the middle of the club. I frowned at her and did my best to keep my composure. I never liked her and I had multiple reasons why.

First off, the bitch is a female. Call me insecure or whatever you want, but I don't trust her or any other bitch around my dick. Secondly this hoe is Tech's wing woman when it comes to her friends. All this bitch's friends done fucked him. I wouldn't be surprised if she joined in on the action.

"That's not your business. What you need to be worried about is relocating all your hoe ass friends, because when I find out where they live at, I'm doing a drive-by. You better pray they don't tell me you helped them fuck, either," I threatened before heading to the back of the club where Tech's office was located at.

After mostly everybody from the old gang up and left New Orleans, I decided to stay behind. Things between Tech and I had ended, but he was still in Baton Rouge finishing up where Icy had left off. It was real difficult for me to find a job and with Tech being on top after Icy went to jail, he made sure I was straight. Long story short I was loving the way the nigga took care of me and he was just loving me. So what do two people who think they love each other do? They fuck around and get married not knowing the consequences.

Unfortunately that's not how my story went. I still was an unmarried, unemployed chick who depended on her boyfriend for everything. I used to love being taken care of but now that Tech has lost his damn mind, I want my independence back. I want to show him that he's not needed over here.

Don't get me wrong I love the life I live. I've never been more happier than I am now but lately shit has been all over the place. Tech is the only person other than Danaë that still communicates with Icy, which I find sad. First off how the fuck does Kree think he can turn his back on Icy, after all they've been through. Then you got that bitch Mónéy, she just cut everybody off and got ghost. Like how the fuck do you ghost out on your so called best friend?

Anyways Tech is practically the man of the state, right now. He's on top of everything and everybody takes orders from him now. At first I wanted no part of this drug shit but the way Tech was handling business, turned me all the way on. He sweep me off my feet with his money and his game. I thought we were a match made in heaven but lately this nigga been having me all the way fucked up.

Just as I was about to approach his office door, his cousin and personal bodyguard, Cisco, blocked my way. He held out his big bulky arms and shook his head at me. I looked him up and down before attempting to walk around him but he gently pushed me away. I smiled annoyed and pretended to walk off but then I turned around, and tried to move his ass out the way but that didn't work.

"Damn nigga can you move," I said almost out of breath. He shook his head and stared straight ahead.

"Tech ain't hea' and I'm not allowed to let anyone in his office," Cisco lied. I scoffed and nodded my head.

"Oh so this nigga knew I was gon' come looking for him? Cisco get yo' ass out the way, I seen his car outside and if you don't let me through that door, imma go out dea' and fuck it up," I threatened. He glanced at me and smirked.

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