Chapter 4

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I looked at the watch on my wrist and yawned before rolling over in the comfortable bed. I couldn't complain about the hotel bed because it was very nice. The sheets were soft and smelled incredible. I was still upset about my house, but not as upset as I was about the damn FBI trying to blackmail me. Icy was under the impressions that the Italians had set him up and that's the way I wanted it to stay. With Rossetti and Fate coming here and fucking shit up, it was making everything complicated in my life, once again.

I sat up and looked around the hotel room. It was definitely a hole in the wall but it was just temporary. I was going to be house sitting for Yaki while she was gone, so I wasn't too disgusted with my living arrangements. My mind had been wandering all night about this Tech and Kree situation. They didn't seem to want Keee too much, they mostly aimed at Tech. It was ok because my mind was made up now and I wasn't changing it. In this fucked up world of swim or sink, I was stuck between the two.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I looked down at the messages from Yaki. It was a picture of her grandmother's funeral. She also sent a message saying she wish that I could be there. I replied back to her before getting out of bed. I didn't expect to sleep as good as I did last night. Surprisingly as soon as I hit the sheets, I went to sleep.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. While the water warmed up, I went and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Today was payday for me, meaning I was going to be able to rent out an apartment until the insurance people returned my call. They were giving me a hard time because it was arson. I was the number one suspect because my name was on the insurance policy. The whole thing was so dumb to me. Why would I want to burn down my own damn house!

I spent a little over an hour in the shower then got out. Wrapping a towel around my body, I fell back onto the bed and allowed my body to cool down. I took a deep breath and reached on the night stand to grab my ringing phone. Yaki's contact displayed on the screen, causing me to quickly answer it.

"You ok," I asked.

"Yes! Turn on the television and turn it to the news channel," she ordered before hanging up. I looked at the phone before ending the call. Sitting up, I turned the television to the news just as a reporter appeared on the screen.

"This is Nina Woodworks and I'm reporting live from Alabama Medical hospital were Danaë Watson is escorting her mother into the hospital. Eye witness says that her parents got into an accident, leaving her father in critical condition. Oh there she is right now," the reporter squealed as she pushed through the crowd of other reporters.

"Danaë, how is everything? Are your parents ok," she asked.

"When's the wedding," another reporter asked.

"Are you pregnant? TMZ claims you're expecting your first kid with K. Michelle's ex boyfriend. Is that why you're no longer working for her," Nina asked. I scoffed and turned the television off. Paparazzi and reporters would make you want to kill they ass. Aside from that, I felt bad for Danaë. She looked like she was drained emotionally and physically. I wonder where the hell Peanut is at?

I hadn't spoken to Danaë because I felt guilty about hanging out with Yaki. I was cool with them both but Yaki lived in the same state as me. I also was kind of salty because Danaë was related to bitch ass Icy, but I was being childish back then. I looked down at my phone and debated on if I should check up on her or not. I smacked my lips and looked up at the ceiling.

"Now or never," I mumbled before going to my keypad. I locked it back, realizing I didn't even have her contact number. I clicked on my Safari and searched up Peanut's company name. I don't even know why I was doing all this. Part of me wanted to reconnect with her while the other part kinda didn't care about our fake friendship. I always believed that we we're only friends because I liked her brother.

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