Chapter 16

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"Snow," Manuel yelled as he grabbed some snow from the ground and threw it up in the sky. I laughed and watched, as he had the time of his life. He leaned down and grabbed more snow then placed it in his mouth. I frowned.

"Baby don't eat that ice, you don't know if it's dangerous or safe," I called out. He ignored me and continued to run wild in the snow.

"He's fine Danaë. This is my baby's first time seeing snow, let him eat it," Natalie said, creeping up on me. I eyed her, before turning my attention back to Manuel.

"I know that but you don't know what kind of bacteria is in that snow," I said with an attitude. Natalie rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Danaë. Since I'm his mother, I'll let him eat all those dangerous bacterias. You go boy," she called out, as Manny made a snow angel on the ground.

"Now you wanna play mama. Girl didn't last night you were ready to give up on being a mother," I asked.

"I'm not about to argue with you Danaë," she snapped.

"Then don't," I snapped back. Natalie glared at me for a moment, before walking towards her son.

"Hey buddy, let mama take a picture of you," she called out. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the text message from Lilith. I looked up to see her pulling into the driveway. I smiled as my friend blew her horn, making Manuel fall out laughing. It was so cute. She got out her car, but left it running though.

"Manny, look what I got for you," she called out. He stopped playing in the snow and ran straight to Lilith. She smiled and kissed his forehead, before pulling out a bag of candy.

"Ta-da," she yelled, making him jump up and down. As soon as he took it from her hands, Natalie snatched it from him.

"He's not allowed to have this much candy. Thanks, but no thanks," Natalie snapped, tossing the candy into Lilith's chest. Lilith frowned, but contained her composure in front of Manny.

"I'll bring you some more when she's not around," Lilith whispered.

"Ok," Manny yelled, before running back to play in the snow. Lilith gave Natalie a smug look, before she rolled her eyes and marched over to me.

"It's so beautiful out here," she beamed as she looked around the snow covered driveway. The whole street was full of snow, making the neighborhood look even more beautiful.

"It is. It's too bad he's the only kid on the block. We could've help him throw snowballs at the other children," I said. Lilith laughed.

"Girl. We would go straight to jail. All these damn white folks living on this side," she said. I shrugged. The front door opened and my mother walked out with a platter of mugs filled with hot chocolate.

"I know you guys are cold out here," she said, handing me one of the mugs. I thanked her and took it from her hands. She handed Lilith one and called for Manny to come inside to get his.

"Bye," Manuel yelled as he hurried inside with my mother.

"Bye buddy," Lilith cooed. I waved to him.

"Natalie I'll get you that ginger ale you asked for in a minute, ok," my mother called out.

"It's ok Regina. I need to make a quick stop somewhere, do you mind keeping an eye on my baby," Natalie asked my mom. I glanced over my shoulder at my mom who looked at me.

"Uh yea, but don't be too long. I'm still cooking up a feast for tomorrow."

"Yea, sure," Natalie mumbled, before glaring at me and walking to her car. I shook my head.

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