Chapter 13

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I placed an order for the last merchandise, before powering my computer off. Looking down at my phone, I shook my head. I had been crashing in my office for the past week. Specifically, because I no longer felt comfortable in that big ass house. Viviana had told me she snagged a job at a burger place, so I was always alone there most of the time. I started leaving early afternoons and going home late in the mornings.

Also I sorta felt some type of way sleeping next to Tech, knowing what had took place between Keith and I. I wasn't a malicious female, and I did have a soft spot for Tech. Every time he would try to touch me lately, Keith's face would pop up in my mind. It's like this nigga was invading my brain and all I could think about was him.

Danaë was the only one who knew where I was, solely because I went over to her place to shower and eat a home cooked meal. Tech hadn't try to call and check up on me and he didn't make a trip up to the store where he knew I would most likely be. It kind of hurt, but it also made me realize that he's a selfish bastard that probably never loved me. Keith was the opposite of Tech. He had been calling and texting me every since that incident in the den. I had to admit that it made me think about shit differently. Tech not checking up on me, made me fall over to Keith's side because he did.

I laid my head flat on my desk and sighed. It was getting harder and harder to work because of my newfound fatigue. I ended up becoming busy and forgot all about my doctor's appointment. I felt no need to reschedule because my body had suddenly went back to normal. I was still taking a pregnancy test though. I didn't want to be one of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" bitches. I cupped my hand over my mouth to cover my yawn.

"Tiana," Yani called out.

"Come in," I groaned, sitting up. Yani waltzed in with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, beautiful," she chirped. I gave her a forced smile before nodding.

"Hey," I mumbled. She took a seat in the chair across from me.

"Guess who came by while you were out," she asked, looking at her nails.

"Who," I asked, thinking it was Keith.

"Tech-nine," Yani smirked. I gave her a "bitch you lying look".

"Get outta hea'," I said, not meaning it. Yani nodded her head.

"I'm serious as a heart attack. He came running through here, demanding that he sees you," she informed me with her lips twisted up. I looked away from her and scoffed.

"So he came while I was out at Danaë's," I asked.

"Yes girl. We had to tag team his ass and everything," Jess called out as she casually strolled in my office. Bree came inside as well.

"Tag team? What he do," I asked.

"Nothing but send out fake threats. What's going on with y'all though," Yani asked. I gave her a confused look before shrugging.

"Uh... why would you think something's going on between the two of us," I asked. All of them gave me a look.

"Girl cut the games, we know y'all on bad terms, we just don't know how bad they are," Jess said. I squinted at them.

"How did y'all know," I asked.

"Because you've been shacking out, in your damn office for the last few nights. When have we ever known you to stay past eight o'clock," Yani asked. I sighed. I hated that my bitch ass employees could see through me so easily.

"Fine we are on bad terms," I explained. Bree shook her head.

"Hmph! I knew it. Did his ass kick you out," she asked, making us all look at her like she was crazy.

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