Monster & Bat

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Part I: Monster
I was in the shower the other day and I was listening to Pandora, and this song came on. And I've heard this song so many times before but I didn't actually think about the lyrics until yesterday. I can imagine Rhys singing this song. Like this song is perfect for him and there are times that it's not but most of the song is his. This song pretty much sums up his thoughts his entire life, which make me sad. I really want you guys to listen to it and tell me how you think of it and if you agree/disagree with this being Rhys' song.

It just makes me so sad lusting to this and thinking about how Rhys thought of all this about himself. Please listen.

Part II: Bat
So I was walking up to my bus stop in my neighborhood and it's 6:30 AM so it's pitch black, and guess what I see??? I look up and see a a freakin bat flying right above me. Which I have no idea why it was because I haven't seen a bat where I am in awhile but who cares? And the first thing I thought about was.... RHYSAND! I was like holy freakin god I just saw Rhys. I could not get the imagine of the bat out of my mind all day because I thought of it as Rhys. It was amazing. That was all about the bat.

Day 9: Screech. So here's my pitiful attempt to draw a baby bird😂

 So here's my pitiful attempt to draw a baby bird😂

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I know it's really bad😂😂

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