The Locked Door

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Paperwork is all I seemed to be completing. Yet Amelia slacks off and gets all the credit. But behind Egon, his eyes show that he knows I've worked my ass off to be where I am right now. At times, I sometimes just regret coming here in the first place. Not a single bust we've been allowed to attend and I'm stuck here with my best friend who 'got it on' on the first day being here. Janine hates my guts as well, is it because she used to have a crush of Egon? Well, we all knew she did, I think the whole world knew about them. They never kissed or regularly hugged so it was safe to say they weren't in a relationship at ALL.

It was the one thing that annoyed me, good friends once now I feel like we've just started to fall apart. The way she treats me now and I still get no respect. I just want us to bond back together but after she's been with Ray I just feel like she's totally forgotten about me so much that our friendship is slowly dying. What could I possibly do to help us boost our relationship back up? I got it! Maybe sit down and drink some coffee or go out bowling against the team. Wait, no no no, we shouldn't take the others with us. 

Venkman can get very competitive and I don't want him rubbing shit in my face for either winning or losing. However, I do consider myself a bowler as I had a good swing of my right arm. I used to play for a National Team and won lots of awards and medals until someone else came along and the club dumped me. Haha, kinda sounds like a relationship right? I get so carried away I don't even realize what I say the majority of the time.

I decided to have a nose around inside of Egon's office/ lab area and have a look if he's left anything. I open the wooden door slowly to see it all calm and docile. I approached his desk to notice a pair of keys reading "Apart 145, spare room." Hmm? Egon never told me he had a spare room in his apartment. Well, I haven't ever had to courage to go to his ever since what happened. I decided to go check it out and grabbed his apartment keys before heading out of the firehouse and caught a taxi to head to his apartment building.

Sooner or later I arrived. The building was so posh and fancy. I approached the front of the building making my way inside the elevator up to his apartment floor. Reaching the end of the corridor I placed the key in the key lock and twisted it. It opened. Entering and closing the door behind me I walked further in to look around with a door with a key. In the corner of my eye, I located it and approached it. I knew I was doing a wrong thing, it could be classed as "breaking and entering" However, I needed to know what he was planning to do and why....

I placed the key in the lock, twisted it the correct way around.... and then.....

What the heck was this!? Jars of human organs, some sort of Lust contraction. Was this a Lust Room or something!? I was horrified of what my eyes were showing me, as I fell to my knees in confusion I felt a shiver up my spine. Someone was behind me, therefore I averted my gaze to behind me. It was Egon! I could see the anger in his eyes, I didn't like this look one bit. Oh gosh, I knew he's now not going to talk to me forever, he'll avoid me. While thinking these thoughts in my mind, he picked me up by clenching to my right arm and threw me against the door he had closed. Then he spoke to me.

"Did I give you permission to come in here?" He questioned me, I gave no response, "Answer!"

"No, sir." My voice shook.

"Correct, this is why I requested you to come to my apartment AFTER our shifts had finished. I had been planning to conduct an experiment which included you. When you first arrived to join us, I knew you would be the perfect intelligent test subject to work upon. But, I wanted to remain it as a secret.

I was fuming! TEST SUBJECT!? Who do you think I am! I'm not a girl to toy with Egon Spengler! Yes, we all knew you were the brains of the group but little did we know what you were up to. I wanted to protest against him, but he held my hands close to his face and spoke softly, "Forgive me.

I didn't know how to speak anymore, they one guy I well, had fallen in love with came out with a dark secret. I didn't know if I could stay in New York anymore. But I stood my ground! I looked into his eyes and began to speak.

"Why Egon? Why?" I questioned him.

"As a man who's never experienced must lust in his life, I wanted to see if I could gradually develop feelings towards you. And successfully, I have."

Was he about to cry!? I felt so sorry for him, but he did lie to me. I couldn't stay mad at him any longer. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him in an embrace. I could sense his hands slowly holding me close as he wasn't sure what to do. They move to my shoulders and before I could say anything, I felt his breathe of my right shoulder. It felt like he was attacking my neck, but no, he was resting his head on the shoulder. I tangled my fingers into his fluffy hair and started to sway back and forth. I could hear him chuckling to himself as we swayed around the room alone. He was so calm, so gentle, and I loved it.

I pulled away from the embrace and looked him dead in the eyes before asking him, "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Sure, I could use some company as I haven't seen you the majority of the day."

"It can give us time to catch up."

"Postive thoughts today, right?"

Positive thoughts huh? Well, I had enough bullshit from Amelia, that got me angry but I think most of my day was spent thinking of Egon. I know it sounds childish however they were good thoughts. How could this day get any better?

To be continued....

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