Taunting Boyfriend

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"Come on now Jessica, you know you love me."

"Damon! You're scaring me! Let go!"

"Not until you prove your love for me."

"I loved you o-once.... I will not make that m-mistake a-again!"

"Guess I'm going to have to kill you then."

My eyes bolted open too fast I wasn't able to react to the environment I was in, my body moved upright as I left out a distress scream. Nurses at my sides trying to rest me back down. I felt a sharp needle go into my right arm as I kicked and squirmed around trying to get free from their grasp. There in the corner of my eye I spot Egon and Ray running with what looked to be a hospital bed I was resting on. 

I could hear Egon's faint words trying to calm me down as well as him looking as stressed as ever. I continued to squirm until my body felt numb and weak, I couldn't feel anything and my eye lids shut once more.


Amelia's POV

"How is she, Doctor?" Egon's worried voice quivered to the Doctor who had just entered the waiting room.

"From what happened when you brought her in, it seems she's having some mental issues. When she wakes up she may no longer be the girl you once knew her as. She could change instantly and snap at something little. So I aware you of what to say or do around her. We're still yet to analyse and diagnose this condition but we're working on it.

Everyone's eyes opened wide in shock, my best friend for life is now undergoing tests for a mental condition affecting her? No! Jessica can fight this! She has to. She's been strong with the amount of shit she's been through, even after Damon tried to kill her, she's always bounced back without hesitation. But could this be it? Could this be the end of her struggles/ She's been through too much stress I can't even bare to think what will happen next to her and Egon's relationship. 

Oh gosh! I've been such a fool ever since I laid eyes on Ray. She's wanting to talk and I've acted like a right bitch towards her. I'm so regretting what I've done, why didn't I even realize what I was doing to her in the first place. This is all on my hands.

I walk over to Egon slowly as the doctor leaves and wrap my arms around him bringing him into a friendly hug. He's so confused that he just starts sobbing and wraps his arms around me awkwardly. I understand that he's probably only used to Jess doing this. Ahh, I just said Jess. That used to be her nickname, I've totally forgotten about it over what's been happening. Then I feel someone shake me by the arm, Ray pulls me away and leads me to Jessica's ward room. She's in such an unstable condition that she doesn't get to stay in a ward like normal patients as she could 'snap' at anytime. 

Egon's hand touches Jessica's hand softly. I could sense but his looks that he was extremely concerned about her health. But, there was nothing he could do that his head drops into his palms. That's when I see Jessica's hand reach over to ruffle his hair.

We all gasped in shock as Jessica lay there, smiling at us softly. I rushed over to her side to bring her into a gentle best friend hug. I was so upset that this had happened and feeling regret that I could sense she was confused yet happy I was back to my ordinary self. If I hadn't realized this sooner I bet she would've been super angry at me. That's when Peter broke the silence in the room.

"Well Jessica, how do you feel?"

"I feel light-headed and dehydrated..." she replied weakly.

"Here, have some water." Egon insisted helping her sit up in the bed. He placed her hand on the back of her head and helped her raise the cup with his other hand. She took sips and tried not to gulp it down. That's where she let out a sigh of relief after having a drink of water, "Better?"

"Yes, very better." Jessica smiled softly. 

"Eww, stop smiling like that. Your relationship with Egon is bad enough." Venkman frowned, yet, Winston elbowed him in the back of his head, "What was that for!?"

"For being rude!" Winston growled. 

That's when Jessica's eyes snap. They become wide and they form into a death stare towards Venkman.

"Oh no, this isn't good."

To Be Continued

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