Quick Arrangements

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"Egon, are you even serious?! We can't get married!" I spat out in a hurry that I ran out of breath by the end of my sentence.

"And why can't we?" He asked me, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side.

"Because it was like two months ago since we met! When couples think around marriage, it's often after years of a relationship when they really think about it. Egon, you know I just came out of the hospital. I'm in so much stress that this was the last thing I wanted on my mind. We haven't even been on ONE date, and you're already asking me to marry you." At this point, my head is starting to spin, and I regain my composure by counting to 10 under my breath.

"Jessica, you don't know how much you mean to me. If you want to go on a date, then just let me know and I can get it arranged with a extremely quick phone call." He sighed before continuing his sentence, "And, I can see where your thoughts are negatively coming from. I won't push you any further as I understand the situation. Furthermore, I'm allowing you to become part of the team. Your days looking over paperwork like the day before are done. You are officially a Ghostbuster."

He wasn't serious was he? I could feel a warm sensation flush over my cheeks. WAS I BLUSHING?! These emotions had never formed on my facial appearance before.  I knew that he loved me ever so slightly, but to now say I'm a Ghostbuster is taking it to another level. 

While I'm occupied in my own thought, I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he brings me into a soft embrace. He stays to sway, just as if we were dancing, and he catches a giggle escaping my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his back, returning his embrace as we swayed for a few minutes, as he hummed a soft tune that I recognize ever so much.  I believe he is singing a song called "Andante, Andante" by a Swedish pop group that won the Eurovision Song Contest back in the 1970's. As I absolutely adore the song, I begin to sing the lyrics. "I'm your music, I'm your song. Play me time and time again, and make me strong." With my voice bringing sound to my apartment, a smile creeps on his face. Even though he's placed his chin on the top of my head, I can still sense when he smiles. 

"So, you like ABBA?" I mocked with a giggle.

"No, Venkman does. He plays the songs whenever he gets the opportunity to tease either me or Ray about something.

"So he really is the dancing queen?" I laughed.

"You could say that." He smiled, "I can't wait to see his reaction when you tell him that, if he ever does play the song again.

"Oh he will, even if I make him put it on.


Well, my recovery is going smoothly. Egon is often at my apartment, checking in on me and supplying me with food. Today, he couldn't arrange to stop at the apartment as he's going to be out of town a while with the team. However, Amelia threw herself into my apartment to look after me on his orders.

"So, what movies do you decide to keep?" She questioned me, scanning over a very small selection I have on a bookshelf.

"I was thinking on watching Dirty Dancing. Even though it came out last year, the critics have been crazy over. Plus, it also reminds me of you in a way.

"How the hell does it remind you of me!?" Amelia gasped, placing the movie into the DVD player underneath my very old TV.

"Because you wanted to learn to dance and ice skate when you were younger." I replied with a giggle.

"Yeah, but I don't have a full make out session in a movie do I." She huffed back as a response.

"Amelia?" I questioned her.

"What is it?" She smiled.

"Care to go get some popcorn at the store? I'm dying for a coffee.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" She frowned at me.

"It's literally been two weeks. The doctor told me I need to be able to stretch my legs every once in a while.  You aren't going to be protective I hope." I sighed.

"Fine, get your coat on. Let's-."

Amelia was cut off as a huge explosion occurred outside my apartment, the windows shattered....

And then....


YO! I'M BACK PEEPS! i knew that this story needed an update, and here it is! It's been a couple of months, but I've finally got some time to myself and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


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